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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. Mark Schultz?
  2. Every child abuser is known to someone who is aware of what it going on. Friends, relatives, neghbors know of it. They do nothing and the kid(s) suffer then and long after the abuse. They are as guilty as the abuser but nothing happens to them at all. His choices were his but the parents are a major contributor to the problems. That they are not in prison or hanged for what they did is shameful. The religious types sure do ignore the Jesus solution - "a millstone around the neck & dump them into the sea". Should happen to all who abuse kids.
  3. It looks like Penn State has it - but flu, covid, other illness & injury can hit. Every year we see a few wrestlers go on a streak. On paper it is over but reality can be different.
  4. The Brands don't improve their wrestlers - especially after the first & second years. On Bono, thanks for the information. How can he change from ISU this much? He isn't paranoid like Bobby Douglas so what is the problem?
  5. Somehow this sure sounds like the Brands brothers in Iowa. The University extended his contract. Are they aware of something we aren't? Was he 'that bad' as an assistant at Iowa State - or did he start rotting in the Wisconsin snow?
  6. His Probation/Parole officers screwed him big time with Scheduled drug tests. Why no surprise tests? The legal system let him go, to his detriment. Two wrecked cars within hours of each other - and he still walks away - with the first Alcohol involved? All this time and apparently no one involved recognized his problems and drug use? His "friends" and coaches failed him in this regard. Apparently ignored the signs. Why? When younger Law Enforcement called to the home many times - and nothing is done? No involvement of Child Protective Services or Counseling or arrests made? This tale reads like Serial Failures on most all levels.
  7. We are positive it is not a bullet wound?
  8. Looking at how they turn out in college - the hype wasn't overdone. Fix with a great career but falling short each tournament was a hard one. Taylor being the "New & Improved" coach may well have put him on another level. John Smith came in and OSU was riding on top for a few years. Then they slowed a bit and PSU came up with a new Coach who has them riding high with no sign of slacking off. Amine is the one who really needs to buy into Taylor & push a lot more on the mat. Stalling to win has already bit him. Get some offense going. The next few years should be interesting.
  9. Just watched online. Amine is still basically a stallfest. Really needs to open up. Hendrickson needs mat time with is Coach and work specifically aimed at Steveson. He has the frame for it and with targeted practice just might pull it off this year. OSU is looking much better than the past few. Has to help without Grampa "get the hell off my lawn" frowning in disgust in the corner.
  10. What, you don't trust the considered judgment of an adjudicated Rapist, sexual predator and serial slanderer? A guy who uses Bankruptcy as a business model, doing so 6 times - and being hailed as a "savvy businessman"? A man who was found guilty of 34 separate Felony counts by a Jury, at least some who had voted for him in the previous election? A former President who was impeached twice & counts the top dogs in North Korea and Russia as his good friends? You don't trust his judgment???
  11. Watching a few Oklahoma State matches and many of the wrestlers look to be much more aggressive on the mat. Going for it rather than sitting & waiting. Would Taylor coaching have been enough to put Dayton Fix over the top for at least one NCAA Title?
  12. Push for many going down a weight class. It worked so well for Oklahoma State under John Smith, didn't it?
  13. LeBron didn't go to college. NIL money is there. Why not?
  14. Read your Bible & watch the Bible signs in the Stands at NFL Games. That will tell you the time God ordained for you to go to the Bathroom. John 3:16
  15. The Elders? Figured this was really Cael posting about Mormon Missionaries...
  16. He did NOT "use it".
  17. A fun wrestle for charity. Nothing else makes sense.
  18. NCAA needs to stop him. "Olympic Redshirt"? He didn't even sign up to compete in the trials. He is gaming the system and in reality should have no eligibility left.
  19. The schools with teams care but the PAC12 doesn't. Pretty apparent they are doing nothing.
  20. NCAA needs to stop him for claiming an Olympic Redshirt and not even signing up for the trials. He is gaming the system as bad as the T-Rump/
  21. As long as his feet hit the ground when he is standing he is tall enough.
  22. I will take bets on the matches and give 3:1, 5:1 and 10:1 odds with payouts guaranteed for every bet. Bet $3, $5 or $10 and I guarantee you will win a dollar, even if your guy loses.
  23. https://sports.yahoo.com/jack-del-rio-leaving-wisconsin-191641032.html Jack Del Rio leaving Wisconsin’s staff after arrest on charge of operating vehicle while intoxicated Hey guys, all the Bono haters are wondering why Chris wasn't with him? While we are at it maybe they can pool their dollars and give Bono a free trip to a new home in Norway? He can spend the season watching the Northern Lights, maybe? https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/move-stunning-european-destination-forever-011923392.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Svalbard, a frigid and beautiful archipelago governed by Norway but existing outside the EU-regulated Schengen Area, allows anyone with the fortitude required to live 400 miles from the North Pole to simply book a flight and stay forever — with a few ground rules, of course.
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