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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. Swimmers look tired after the competition but they don't look like they are covered in sweat like wrestlers. Add in many think "I could do that" with a bit of practice in swimming.(basketball, etc - and even boxing) but not in wrestling. The thought that 'I would get my head torn off and my shoulders dislocated" is there. It isn't in many other sports. Then you have the rules. Not all that easy to understand for those with no experience or exposure to the sport.
  2. Three key injuries or illness hitting Penn State and you have The Ohio State University going for #1.
  3. I know Cael brought nearly instant success to a program that had last won an NCAA title in 1953. His first year was decent - with redshirts getting used to the place. The second year they won it all and surprised most everyone. Before he took over they weren't lousy, but weren't going to win the Big Dance either. Then he came and didn't just bring in guys - he brought in a whole new attitude and worked with what was there as well as his new recruits. Before Cael for a decade or maybe more what was the average finish for Penn State.
  4. AJ will go to Utah Valley, convert to Mormonism and try to have plural wives.
  5. He doesn't want the challenge of trying to learn how to spell Wisconsin?
  6. Is that similar to a "Richard Head"?
  7. Brigham Young was had at least 5 divorces. Has me wondering how you can have a divorce when your "marriage" was not legal in the first place? The State Constitution even makes Polygamy illegal but it is seldom enforced. As in more than 50,000 known polygamists in the State.
  8. Utah Valley in Bordom Central..., Utah. Where 1950 is just now catching up to the State. #1 in Polygamy in the US. At least they now have a coach who will be more concerned with wrestling than how his hair looks.
  9. He won't redshirt a whole bunch - that is what Cael did and Taylor wants this to be his own story, not a Cael copy.
  10. Bounties for HURTING players. This is different.
  11. Does this mean that Bono is now a brilliant coach & tactician? Is all forgotten, made right and the naysayers striping their backs with whips in penance and begging his forgiveness? Will Cass sit on him to settle any disagreements?
  12. Climbing ropes, pegboards and rock climbing wrist strengthening donuts.
  13. "So are the 2 older ones done with college? AJ just posted that he is returning to college and will be taking his official visits." What coach wants a cancer in the locker room?
  14. When Cael was chasing his 4th title I asked Bobby Douglas that specific question. "Cael is too fast for him" was the answer. He amplified a bit and it had a lot do do with balance and Cael's offense forcing an opponent momentarily off balance and capitalizing on it. As much a I like Mark I had to agree with Bobby. That said I still pick Yojo as the best I have ever seen.
  15. At the light weight I'll take Uetake and Steven Abas over Spencer.
  16. He was not top 5 but my vote for most entertaining Heavyweight goes to Curly Culp at Arizona State where he won the School its first NCAA title in wrestling. He was non stop on the mat and sounded like a Steam Engine as he plowed forward and took opponents apart. Played Football at ASU and then in the Pro's and is in the NFL Hall of Fame.
  17. Cael would be too fast for him. Even though Cael did not like wrestling physical types and bulls he would have picked Snyder apart with takedowns. This IF Snyder could drop down to 197 for the matches in College Prime condition.
  18. Most of Wilt Chamberlains Track & Field feats are on the record as he did them in College meets. They are not made up. Remember that he AVERAGED 50 points a game one season - with no 3 point shot. He also averaged 48.5 minutes per game for a whole season. He was an excellent athlete. He even played a season after College with the Harlem Globetrotters.
  19. Sanders NIL money and other funds are hiding behind corporate walls. More money coming to these kids will really open the doors to those looking to take advantage of these athletes. We are dealing with many coming into money with no experience handling large sums. We know Pro Sports millionaires are bye and large terrible money managers. Younger athletes most likely won't be any better. Colleges & Universities better have a crash program on financial management for these kids. How anyone, much less a kid from Neon Dieon's orbit can claim NO knowledge of a lawsuit like this is mind boggling. Young and Stupid is not an excuse and this court judgment is not even from grifters working the system. More money involved means more predators coming after it.
  20. Only thing I really think is WHY was it seems Karelin was the only wrestler everyone was scared of? Why could he pick up a guy off the mat & throw him around like a baloney sandwich - and apparently no one else at any weight could do it?
  21. On the forums is one thing. A few loud voices posting can be ignored. More difficult to do in live events. Worst College crowds I ever saw were at BYU. Wrestling and Gymnastics and Swimming weren't bad but get into baskeball and football and you had everything from throwing things to racial epithets. Iowa was much more civil.
  22. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/deions-son-shilo-sanders-facing-legal-mess-after-filing-for-bankruptcy/ar-BB1n31Kn https://www.blackenterprise.com/shilo-sanders-new-questions-bankruptcy/ One kid with a big name from a family with loud mouths. NIL, Payback money and all the rest. Big Business with big problems as greed proliferates on all levels. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/he-was-the-13-million-qb-recruit-now-he-s-suing-the-boosters-who-never-paid-up/ar-BB1mMSgN Maybe in the future wrestlers and other athletes will be considering which college to attend based on how big the Law School is there?
  23. He's staying away from Joey. After all, the guy was killed in a gunfight and Brooks is scared of guns.
  24. Just as clear that Iowa wrestler Ed Banach was a lock for four titles before he won his third by demolishing Mark Schultz.
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