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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. They are the rules. No one is cheating or gaming the system.
  2. Judas did what the mythical Jesus needed to have done. He did his job. Peter, on the other hand... failed.
  3. All that training and travel only to go one and done. Double Elimination makes sense for everyone.
  4. He is training at Penn State, Tijuana campus now.
  5. This - a guy who got beat up by his wife. After she beat him Phil Mickelson asked "what club did she use"?
  6. It is a Mormon thing.
  7. Is Morgan State the only Independant School? If so, can they crown themselves National Champions of Independant Schools?
  8. Don't think any of them will do it. Some years back the bet would have been Joe Heskett at Iowa State if one asked. He had won in HS over Cael Sanderson at the time. We know how that one ended. Both excellent, one a 4 timer and 159-0 and both class guys.
  9. You don't know which wrestlers will "never see the lineup". Injuries and improvement are both in the mix. Extra workout partners for specific body types and skill in technique or styles are important for some. With a hard limit of 30 some wrestlers from the past would never have made their teams. Would never have had the chance.
  10. Another "full employment for lawyers" decision. When they try it with the wrong kid they will be in court.
  11. Sorry, the mind is a terrible thing... Would still pick Yojo over anyone
  12. How can you argue with perfection? Hodge, Uetake, Sanderson and a few others were perfect. Nothing else tops that.
  13. Few schools will be funding 30 scholarships for wrestling. Limiting the numbers in the room to 30(if I understand this correctly) can only hurt some programs. Weight specific sports like wrestling are much more difficult to manage to field a full team. We are more likely so see a talented walk on show up to make a roster than a lot of other sports. Why limit the number who can be in the room? This is like the NCAA limiting the total number of Football players at team could have. Hurt schools like Nebraska that often had more than double some of the teams they played.
  14. Does this mean Dake can finally win a fantasy match? We know he has lost more than 400 times to David Taylor. Maybe he wins against Sidakov?
  15. How do they enforce fines? They are not a court. Don't have subpoenas and abstracts of Judment to file leins on these guys stuff.
  16. With Spud he can sign up to advertise IDAHO SPUD candy bars.
  17. How will they actually enforce it? This one will be another 'full employment of lawyers' thing.
  18. Let's call him Spud. A good nickname for Taylor.
  19. No, Iowa is not there and the coaches are not Stupid, but challenged - especially when compared to Cael. Pointing out and discussing Reality and "hating" are not the same thing. Your mind is malfunctioning - maybe due to Cliimate change or the Ozone Layer or too much lusting after Marie Osmond?
  20. Raising questions is not "hating". Iowa has had a great program thanks to Gary Kurdlemeier and Dan Gable. Jim Zalesky was not Gable and it showed. The Terrible Two are not Gable, but closer than Zalesky. Watching a once great program slowly sink is not pretty. More so when the coaches don't seem to have a clue.
  21. What do I have to add to what I originally posted? Iowa is not doing well - compared to expectations. Grinder U is what they look like. A coaching staff that is challenged when they have talented kids who need development to hone and improve what is already a winning style. Instead they get "beat your head against the wall" leadership. If this kid goes to Iowa he may do well but won't really progress past what he is because the coaching staff can't do the job to raise his level.
  22. Will it be a repeat of Spencer Lee? Top guy who was given all the attention in the world, got injured and still performed until he fell short his final season? In many ways viewed as a Prima Donna and a divisive presence in the room - no matter how good he was on the mat. Bassett is good and Iowa would benefit. But, can the Double Trouble twins actually help him raise his game? Or will they train him into the mat, wear him out and put all their marbles in one guy at the expense of the team? Spencer Lee was excellent, no doubt about it. Iowa did him no favors as they did not surround him with similar talent. They tried but couldn't get the top guys in the room. If Bassett shows up will it be more of the same?
  23. Two Big Dogs who claimed IOWA to be the promised land. Got all the Squawkeye faithful exclted and bragging before anything even happened. Downey on the way to his 14 PhD's at the School and Ferrari rar'n to go for three more NCAA Titles and annual payments in the Millions of $$$. Both screwed up bigger than buffalo Shiz on the dining room table. Who's the biggest loser? (between them, IOWA for sure, but not in this context)
  24. Hamas rains over 600 milliles on them and you don't want them to respond? Dumber than a Mormon!
  25. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/06/trump-project-2025-robert-reich Amazing what a rapist can plan, isn't it? Sexual predator for Prez - and some of you like it.
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