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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I disagree with your disagreement. Her intent was to support the shooter. Murder is wrong BUT...... But nothing. Murder is wrong. When people get pushed too far, they go to court, they settle their differences within the law. Plus, she assumed he did this because he was wronged somehow. And came to this conclusion before any real facts came out. Yes, he has back problems and had surgery because of it. He did no business with United Healthcare and was never a client of theirs. So he was pushed so far that he chose a random CEO to kill? I made fun of her because her position is clearly ignorant and she proved that by clarifying saying murder is wrong period. So now that she has made her clarification, your questions are moot. As they should be. Keep up with the times my friendly little crustacean. mspart
  2. You don't seem too conerned about the waste of taxpayer money RV. You are such a budget hawk, I'm just astounded you are not really more upset. All that talk about reducing wasteful spending and her is a real example and you are meh. mspart
  3. So what is he accused of specifically. The article went on and on and I quit reading. mspart
  4. And this happened in Madison WI. So RV just wanted to be the first to say something because he lives there an no doubt knew very early on and then he said something really weird about this whole thing bringing race into it before anyone knows the who's or the what's. This is a sad day. It appears the shooter killed himself before he could do a whole lot of killing. I have read reports that the police did not fire any shots so the killer killed himself unless someone in the school was armed. It was apparently all done with a handgun by a student at the school. That is all i could glean from the news. mspart
  5. Anyone care to say what happened? mspart
  6. It is wall building materials. Surplus only because Biden chose not to build the wall. Not surplus as Trump was going to use those materials to continue the building of the wall. Now it will cost twice as much or more as prices have increased due to inflation etc. RV - you of all people should be incensed by this idiotic use of the taxpayers money. Buy stuff, sell at ridiculous losses, then buy again. Government logic at its best. mspart
  7. Are you saying the wall material is not being auctioned off at pennies or less on the dollar? https://www.newsweek.com/govplanet-biden-selling-border-wall-sale-auction-2000729 https://www.scott.senate.gov/media-center/press-releases/senator-scott-condemns-biden-administrations-decision-to-auction-off-border-wall-materials/ https://nypost.com/2024/12/12/us-news/biden-admin-quietly-clears-away-border-wall-parts-for-auction-before-trump-takes-office/ Go ahead RL. Tell me this isn't happening and is a Chinese media stunt. mspart
  8. I have to say I really like Ray's insights into wrestling. I have no idea how to let him know about this board. If anyone knows him it would be great to have him posting on the International and College boards. mspart
  9. He's not wrong, I am as much an internet nobody as he is. But that doesn't mean my words mean nothing. I proved a point he opposes but will not back up his opposition with facts and data. Like I said above, it is projection on his part. mspart
  10. But as Pocahontas said, murder is wrong BUT you can only push people so far. She's had to backtrack on that line. Waiting for AOC to do the same. Won't hold my breath or anything. mspart
  11. Your work in communications skills hasn't taken yet Neut. mspart
  12. Projection. No need to divert, just back up your words and there is no problem. But you can't or won't so perhaps you shouldn't say things you can't back up. kind of embarrassing when called out on it. The stats are correct. Prove them wrong or say you are wrong. It's pretty easy. mspart
  13. Well documented? I just did a google search and did not find it. Please show how it is well documented. mspart
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_female_governors_in_the_United_States You might look here. Red States - Alabama, Iowa, S Dakota, Kansas, Arizona, Arkansas are states currently with female governors. Blue States - Michigan, New Mexico, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, Oregon. Looks like there are 12 evenly split. 6 in red states, 6 in blue states. Care to justify anymore there Neut? mspart
  15. Hey Neut, you might want to try working our your interpersonal and communications skills. Expanding your vocabulary would be a good place to start. mspart
  16. Trip - you are Trippin'. And again not addressing the issue. Look back a few posts, you'll find it. mspart
  17. Look in all the photos and videos for this guy: mspart
  18. This is pot calling the kettle black. Hardly a refutation. Weak sauce. mspart
  19. That's right, don't take accountability for your posts. Just say it is a whereaboutism and you are off the hook. Weak sauce. mspart
  20. yeah, now that's what I'm talking about. mspart
  21. One could ask Trudeau if he is no concerned with this why not vacate his position for a woman. See how that goes. mspart
  22. Or they could kill 50% of all humans. Or they could mandate the killing of those that exercise and mandate people sit while not sleeping for 16 hours at least each day. For the good of the planet . mspart
  23. I mistyped and only saw it just now. I meant to say that it is being said with no evidence. This is the media's go to when they don't want to investigate any further. mspart
  24. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/harris-won-the-second-most-votes-of-any-democratic-presidential-nominee-ever/ Harris Won the Second-Most Votes of Any Democratic Presidential Nominee Ever By Jim Geraghty November 16, 2024 9:31 AM Way back on October 24, I wrote, “In fact, no matter how the Electoral College shakes out, there’s a decent chance that, next month, more Americans will cast a ballot for Kamala Harris than anyone else in U.S. history.” That obviously did not come to pass. But Harris has, as of this writing, the fourth-most votes of any presidential candidate in U.S. history, the most by any woman, and the second-most by any Democrat, ever. She’s won about 4 million more votes than Barack Obama in 2008, 7.2 million more votes that Obama in 2012, 7.3 million more votes than Hillary Clinton, and 10.1 million more votes than Donald Trump in 2016. So I guess we are not against women really. Now that all the data is in, she got more votes than Hillary. Just not enough to beat Trump. mspart
  25. Like they say of Trump, this is being said with evidence. They problem is they don't go looking for any evidence because they don't want to find it. Interesting this is coming out now. mspart
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