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Everything posted by mspart

  1. What you say is weird RV!!! Ha ha. mspart
  2. 92% of initial hires of VP Harris are gone. Only 4 remain. Now you could say that is just the way politics is. But does anyone remember the stories coming out of the VPs office of the unmitigated disaster it was to work there? Let me remind you. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/30/kamala-harris-office-dissent-497290 'Not a healthy environment’: Kamala Harris’ office rife with dissent There is dysfunction inside the VP’s office, aides and administration officials say. And it’s emanating from the top. By Christopher Cadelago, Daniel Lippman and Eugene Daniels 06/30/2021 05:05 PM EDT Updated: 06/30/2021 05:08 PM EDT ... In interviews, 22 current and former vice presidential aides, administration officials and associates of Harris and Biden described a tense and at times dour office atmosphere. Aides and allies said Flournoy, in an apparent effort to protect Harris, has instead created an insular environment where ideas are ignored or met with harsh dismissals and decisions are dragged out. Often, they said, she refuses to take responsibility for delicate issues and blames staffers for the negative results that ensue. While much of the ire is aimed at Harris’ chief, two administration officials said the VP herself also bears responsibility for the way her office is run. “It all starts at the top,” said one of the administration officials, who like others requested anonymity to be able to speak candidly about a sensitive matter. “People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment,” said another person with direct knowledge of how Harris’ office is run. “It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s---.” This goes on. And there are lots of articles that have been written about this. Please note the date of this article, it is not recent. She had the same situation with her Senate staff, CA AG staff, and SF AG staff. She has a honeymoon phase right now where all the media is singing her praises, but she is very difficult to work with. And not only that, but remember her winning strategy in her 2020 presidential campaign going from 15% support to 3% support and not making it to the first caucus. And now she is the only one that can save the union? I hate to say this, but she is going to be nothing but a stooge and will be controlled by higher authorities. She will be handled much like Biden is handled. That is my opinion. I say that while acknowledging Trump is not much better of a boss. He lost a lot of folks as well. But he was in charge of his office, not some unseen hand as is the case now with Biden and will be with Harris no doubt. I am no fan of Trump, but I am a fan of his policies that brought prosperity to the country. I am not a fan of the policy malaise that Biden has brought to this country. mspart
  3. What's weird is that they fall into group think and cannot think for themselves. Kamala says Trump and Vance say weird things and now everyone is saying they are weird. No imagination, no thinking for themselves, just groupthink. Let's see, what political movement enforces groupthink? Can anyone think of that. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democrats-new-line-attack-republicans-youre-weird/story?id=112281846 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/29/trump-weird-political-insult-democrats/74585463007/ https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/26/trump-vance-weird-00171470 https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/democrats-calling-donald-trump-weird-trend-minnesota-governor-tim-walz/ No it is not just right leaning media that is noticing this. None of the links above are from right leaning media. And they are noticing that Ds have no ability to think for themselves. Isn't that what we were all taught by our parents and teachers - to think for ourselves? This is just such a demonstration of how shallow and unable to be creative the Ds are. mspart
  4. Watched a little swimming. I like swimming. Not as much as wrestling. mspart
  5. Only for the French wrestlers. mspart
  6. She was today. Michelle called her her girl and roundly applauded the situation we are now all in. mspart
  7. I can understand attacking Musk for this since he is a free speech crusader but why not also go after Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and others? They certainly have more bona fides than Musk on censoring. mspart
  8. But they are beautiful, the most beautiful investigations ever. mspart
  9. Chances are they'll let him go with no bail and a slap on the wrist. Don't do this again and next time you come in the country, don't be so conspicuous. I hope I am wrong. But I have no faith in the justice system anymore after all the felons that have been let go for no reason other than woke prosecutors that won't protect the public. mspart
  10. Basketball meant something when it was amateur. But like soccer, and tennis, there are bigger competitions than the Olympics for them. Its a shame to waste space on them. mspart
  11. Wow, I'm glad they cleared that up. It could have been a SS agent's lapel pin for all we know!!! Does it matter if it was a whole bullet or fragment? I think it is safe to say that we knew a week before the FBI knew that it was a bullet. Or else that was a mosquito from you know where!! mspart
  12. Harris may not be the candidate. Should could crater by then just like she always does. mspart
  13. Back to the topic, a poorly staged ploy? - Secret Service did not secure that rooftop that had straightline vision to the stage - Local police pointed out the shooter at least 30 minutes before and nothing was done about it - Secret Service saw the shooter on the roof and waited until shots were fired before taking action. These and more questions are why the SS director resigned finally. mspart
  14. I noticed that guy seemingly relaxing in the prior pic. Very concerned that guy is. mspart
  15. Well, not just yet. Biden is still Pres and Kam is still VP. mspart
  16. I think it is strange that Yellowstone doesn't have cameras on all these hydrothermal areas so that they can catch this kind of activity. It took a tourist to see it. That was quite the explosion that only a few would have witnessed, but for the camerman. Now everyone gets to see it. It must have been quite jarring. mspart
  17. If what Turley says is true, then the 25th should be invoked. Not unless he leaves the campaign, but just in general. If they make that threat for now, then it applies after he leaves the campaign as well. mspart
  18. What she needs to do is to do what she has been doing, everyday, everyday she needs to be doing what has been done unburdened by what has been. That will win her the election. mspart
  19. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/07/23/worth-reading-the-eight-circuit-finds-bar-on-18-20-years-old-violates-the-second-amendment/ Jonathan Turley provides a case where MN loses an appeal to keep 18-20 year olds from having the right to carry a handgun. It is interesting reading. He thinks there will be other appellate courts that might go the opposite direction and that a case like this will land at SCOTUS. mspart
  20. Yes this is eggregious and the cop is in the wrong if she had nothing but a boiling pot of water. I have no other context for this. mspart
  21. Yes, the Rs were going to attack. The Ds decided to do it too. Why? Because it was the right thing to do. That makes it mutual. It would not be mutual if Ds did not attack Cheatle and did not request her resignation. Sorry RV, you are plain wrong on his one.
  22. The one time Ds and Rs get together and our noted centrist RV is not happy. She should stay in there and keep fighting. mspart
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