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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Wow, just wow. That tells you everything you need to know about Ds and election politics. mspart
  2. Yep Biden is bringing down the debt and deficits. By EO no less. Just like a guy who wants to be a D word. mspart
  3. Rasta, Please direct us to these videos that you know about. That would be very interesting. mspart
  4. The physics and chemistry of the whole green situation does not make sense. Robbing Peter to pay Paul never really works out well. It's best when the economy chooses a different path because it is better/cheaper/better. mspart
  5. My last kid just graduated a couple of years ago. So after XX years since I was in HS, it has been the same. Gets nice before school lets out and overcast and rainy when school lets out. Never fails. mspart
  6. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/politico-nightly/2024/03/14/double-haters-might-decide-the-2024-election-00147210 Kind of interesting. 20% of the electorate do not like either Trump or Biden. Perhaps they just don't vote or hold their nose and vote for one of them. mspart
  7. Women were rough back in the day. Personally, I think this was RL trolling looking for a response. He got one so he should be more than satisfied. mspart
  8. If fake then why doesn't the White House identify the fake part. Was that really not Barack's hand on Joe's wrist and shoulder? There’s plenty of the original video for all of these incidents, for anyone to view if they are truly interested Above is Ionel's question with Rasta's response. My question for Rasta is this: Do the original videos you mention show something different than what Ionel described? General question to everyone: There are plenty of videos showing Biden seemingly lost and not sure what to do or saying something completely unintelligible or naming his secretary Bacaria when his name is Becerra. Are these also fakes? Only just now with the Obama video is the mention of fakes coming up. So no one claimed fakes for all the rest, but only now are claiming fakes? I think they are not fakes but situations that show Biden not at his best and the White House trying (spinning) whatever they can to salvage. Lying about the truthfulness of these videos is more damning than admitting it in my opinion. There are hundreds of examples that were not called fakes that show similar. mspart
  9. Biden wants to be a dictator. See his efforts on student loans and illegal immigration with the latest being he will allow illegals married to citizens a golden path. None of these are statutory, but are via EOs. That is the mark of a dictator. Can't get it done except unilaterally. To say Biden is the only legit choice is absolutely wrong based on his actions. mspart
  10. Not quite, but it has been a bit chilly. Usual for around here when school gets out. Never fails. We are supposed to be getting into the 80s here in Seattle the next few days, then it dives back down to the 60s. 60s is not freezing but it may seem like it to some. Especially those that are experiencing really hot weather. I remember 2-3 years ago we had record highs of 113F - 115F here. It had never gotten that hot here ever, on any day. Those were pretty warm days. The hot tub felt cool ha ha. Just kidding, I didn't even try. Yeah our bunny suffered as did we all. But the house stayed cool through most of the day until about 2:00 and then it got warm, by night it was an oven. We will have rain on 04 July. That's pretty standard. Then it will warm up. July and August usually are pretty nice around here. mspart
  11. Zero? Like zero food as well. mspart
  12. Yes, that should be a thing. If you can't make cars that sell with mandates, you should be propped up for as long as it takes for people to start buying that garbage. mspart
  13. Well, maybe that is what it takes to keep the stanley cup where it should stay!! mspart
  14. The mighty Google says FLA is ahead in the Stanley Cup 3-1. Edmonton has a tall hill to climb. mspart
  15. He disappeared some years ago from reality and now only haunts the virtual. Where art thou Bob!! Help us plz. mspart
  16. To be clear, I am saying use farmland to raise food for people. Using arable farmland as manufacturing sites seems very short sighted to me. mspart
  17. I'm no climate warrior. It just seems funny to use farmland for fuel when we hear about so many starving people in the world. mspart
  18. Yeah, but now we are using our crop land for power rather than feeding the people. That's what I was getting at. Yeah, I figured it was field corn that is used but it seems like the land would be better used growing food for hungry mouths rather than gas guzzling machines. Just my $0.02. mspart
  19. Good point!! Who was the first that ate a salad and said yeah, this is great. No meat!! mspart
  20. Corn ethanol. I'd rather eat the corn than burn it. mspart
  21. Thanks for starting the thread Rasta. Had a great day yesterday. I don't need anything so I was given a gift card to Din Tai Fung. I thought it was Thai but apparently they are known for their dumplings. Anyway, I can use this and don't have to find a place to store it. It was pretty good. Also something all the kids can rally around and chip in for. mspart
  22. So now who is the humanitarian threat in the region? IDF who goes after Hamas and a few civilians get killed or massive civilians starve because Hamas won't let needed relief come into Gaza? Someone on these boards need to reassess their position. mspart
  23. Reporting back - the pork butts came out incredible!!! Wow! I am a master smoker chef. Not really but everythign I have tried has come out really good. mspart
  24. Anything with Trump is usually entertaining. mspart
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