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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Gavin is awesome! mspart
  2. Interesting that the first debate is before the conventions. Biden must be hoping for a really good showing. Gotta get that cocktail just right. But maybe not like the SOTU speech or the after Hur speech. He was a bit angry. Maybe people like angry Joe. mspart
  3. I'm guessing he wants out of politics. I think he is tired of the crap that you have to deal with. mspart
  4. Yes he did. He beat Gable at the NCAA tourney and was the only one to score on him in 1972 olympic trials or olympic competetion. Owings was really good. mspart
  5. https://www.declassified.live/p/judge-cannon-puts-jack-smith-on-trial?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 A few excerpts. I highly recommend reading this. In officially vacating the existing May 20 trial date—an impossibility considering the defendant will be in a Manhattan courtroom for the foreseeable future—Cannon declined to set another date, calling it “imprudent” at this stage of the process. She noted a “myriad” of unresolved matters in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s 42-count indictment against the former president and his two co-defendants, Mar-a-Lago employees Waltine Nauta and Carlos De Olivera, for willfully retaining national defense information and attempting to impede the government’s investigation. Cannon, however, did schedule a number of proceedings that could be considered a way to put the Department of Justice on trial. In a stunning turn of events, Cannon, appointed by Donald Trump in 2020, is poised to make Smith a defendant of sorts. Over the next several weeks, prosecutors will be forced to publicly counter defense motions that accuse the DOJ of selective and vindictive prosecution; insist the appointment of Smith is illegal; and claim that several parties, including Joe Biden’s White House, colluded behind the scenes as early as May 2021 to concoct the unprecedented case. ...In other words, the government officials prosecuting Trump with mishandling top-secret files--mishandled top-secret files. Finally someone, the judge in this case, is taking seriously the weaponization of the DOJ in this effort. I have never heard this before and like I said above, this is very interesting reading and I highly recommend people read up on this. The defense has uncovered things that the judge wants clarified by DOJ. DOJ will have a very hard time justifying what it has done in targeting Trump in this case. They may be successful but it is an uphill battle. No wonder Jack Smith, the special prosecutor, wanted to rush this to court. In my opinion, he knows he has a very weak case based on the defense findings and didn't want that to come out. It looks like at the very least, the judge is interested in getting all of this out in the open, even if the news media and D's don't want it to and don't want to acknowledge this is happening. https://reason.com/volokh/2024/05/11/judge-aileen-cannon-is-a-heroine/ https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/whats-holding-up-trumps-florida-case These are two articles that seems to say similar things as the above. So not wholly unsubstantiated. mspart
  6. I had a similar coach that I stayed in touch with almost until he died. I went to visit him and his wife told me he had passed away a few months earlier. He was a great friend and mentor. mspart
  7. The folks would be killed in Saudi, Iran, Afghanistand, and most certainly in Palestine for their views on sexuality, gender fluidity, and marxist views. They don't realize it. These are college educated (doesn't mean much anymore does it?) adults that have no idea about the world around them. They are oblivious to the reality that they live and the fact it would not be tolerated in Muslim countries. Fools and idiots indeed. mspart
  8. That's actually a good idea. Yes, there could be brain damage in MMA but I think not as much as in boxing itself. Especially with a wrestler who will want to be on the ground rather than punching. mspart
  9. To me, it makes some sense to go to Okie with Taylor. Let Taylor sharpen Dake's steel. mspart
  10. Too bad he didn't make that decision just a little earlier. Perhaps he doesn't want to do the extreme training needed to succeed at the highest level in wrestling. But to make NFL, he will need to do that. And I'm guessing he did at WWE as well. But he knows what it is like in wrestling. mspart
  11. Interesting that they do not take the ballots that were determined to be illegal and throw them out and get a revised count for the election. Seems ridiculous to have another election where the same thing can happen all over again. mspart
  12. I think that is spelled So Crates for us plebes. mspart
  13. I feel like that is not overly optimistic. Doable. If MFS does as thought, that is 4 for WFS and GR put together. Very possible. mspart
  14. Those Hamas people break all the rules of war that the pro hamas and pro Palestinian naysayers demand Israel follow. What a crock. Israel is a country so must abide. Hamas is not a country, Gaza is not a country, and those Palestinians have no country, so they don't need to abide. Hamas takes no responsibility for the Gazans. They use them as shields, kill them when they try to get the food aid being sent, and demand the UN take care of them. Hamas needs to go away and Israel is intent on seeing that happen. mspart
  15. Interesting stuff. It sounds like the judge delayed the classified document trial and is essentially putting DOJ on defense as they go through all of the Trump motions. I don't know if it is acceptable to cut and paste that article but it is pretty astounding. Everyone should read it. Here is the article: https://www.declassified.live/p/judge-cannon-puts-jack-smith-on-trial?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 mspart
  16. A la Stephen Neal? Gable has girth but how tall is he and how fast is he? You need both to compete to be in NFL I would think. Me for instance, couldn't make it. Too short, not heavy enough, and not fast enough. 3 strikes I'm out!!! Plus I'm just too old and tired now. Honestly, if this is all true, I hope it works out for him. He's had a rough go with his dream of WWE. But not everyone is cut out for that schtick. In fact, I would say very few are. mspart
  17. Down with the swamp!! mspart
  18. That is quite astounding. I hope that there were other things in that bill that the Ds objected to but this is not a good look for Ds. This should be campaign fodder for all GOP candidates. mspart
  19. I have read where Bragg has failed to prove or even address the crimes he alleges Trump did. And the prosecution is resting after putting up Michael Cohen. So the prosecution has not proven their case. Yes, they made Trump look bad, but did not prove the allegations made against him. The case is not about making him look bad, it is about tying him to a specific crime which they have not done. https://www.newsweek.com/alvin-bragg-not-close-tying-trump-fraudulent-scheme-jonathan-turley-1899678 https://reason.com/2024/05/15/the-heart-of-alvin-braggs-case-against-trump-is-misdirection/ https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/4656591-i-see-dead-people-alvin-braggs-case-against-trump-goes-paranormal/ mspart
  20. Polling is interesting. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2024/05/13/new-york-times-presidential-poll-donald-trump-joe-biden-battleground-states In a head-to-head matchup, Trump leads Biden by 12 percentage points among registered voters in Arizona, by 10 points in Georgia, by 7 points in both Michigan and Arizona, and by 3 points in Pennsylvania. Biden leads Trump in Wisconsin by 2 points. Biden is faring better among likely voters but still trails Trump in five of the six states. Biden leads only in Michigan by 1 percentage point while trailing narrowly in Wisconsin (1 point) and Pennsylvania (3 points). Trump leads among likely voters in Nevada by 13 points, by 9 points in Georgia, and by 6 points in Arizona. This is quite interesting because Biden won all of these in 2020. So Biden has not done well to keep those that voted for him before. Bad policies and results are the reason for this. mspart
  21. On the other hand, you have Trump. I think his 4 years treated us well except for all the vitriol that was pushed his way and all of the foot in mouth moments that Trump self inflicted upon himself. So Trump's years were tumultuous from a news vision, but the years were calm as far as how his policies affected the economy and electorate. Keep in mind that Trump, that racist, was the first president to provide multi year funding to historic black colleges. They had to come to the president every year before that. He stopped that because it was not an effective use of time. That was one policy that made sense to me. I'm not sure I can think of a policy that was bad for the country. So that's what Trump brings - Good policy bad optics. This is preferable to bad policy and not good optics in my opinion. But just to be clear, I was hoping DeSantis would be the GOP pick. But that is not to be. mspart
  22. Sue the heck out of these universities and see how their policies change over time. mspart
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