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Everything posted by mspart

  1. More lies by Walz: https://thefederalist.com/2024/08/20/tim-walz-lied-about-how-his-children-were-conceived-for-years-to-attack-pro-lifers-over-ivf/ Walz’s gubernatorial reelection campaign even fundraised off campaign mailers that further declared “My wife and I used I.V.F. to start a family.” He told rallygoers in Philadelphia the night that he accepted the VP nomination that IVF is “personal for me and my family.” Mere days later, Walz claimed that “if it was up to [J.D. Vance], I wouldn’t have a family because of IVF. …” The New York Times and other corporate media did not fact-check Walz’s claims. Instead, outlets such as NYT, The Associated Press, and The Minnesota Star Tribune took the Democrat’s word for it because he came across, as NYT put it, as a “powerful messenger for the Democratic Party on a difficult issue for Republican leaders.” It wasn’t until years into his governorship and weeks into his role as Democrats’ 2024 vice presidential nominee that the propagandists running the nation’s newsrooms bothered to seek clarification about Walz’s IVF comments from the Harris-Walz campaign. Sure enough, Walz and his wife, Gwen, admitted that they relied on intrauterine insemination (IUI) to have their two children, not IVF. Bold added by me. Walz wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. mspart
  2. I can say life was better before the George Floyd incident. Those riots and unrest and increased crime due to decreaseed police have been with us ever since. mspart
  3. For the first it depends on what you mean by cutting taxes. If you mean total tax revenue, then you are correct. If you mean a general tax decrease passed on to the citizens, it has been shown that this stimulates the economy and produces more taxes than was supposedly reduced. So in that case, the first sentence is not true. Similar for the second sentence although generally speaking, cutting spending has a greater effect on deficit spending than cutting taxes. From data https://www.thebalancemoney.com/current-u-s-federal-government-tax-revenue-3305762 As you can see there are very few years where revenue actually declined. During Bush years, and Obama years revenue declined. There have been many tweeks to tax rates since 1962 but most all gave more revenue growth. Some were raising tax rates and some reduced, but money coming in grew. Don't let facts get in the way of making your point though RV. mspart mspart
  4. She only has agreed to 2 debates. If she is so awesome she should be able to stomp on Trump. Calling CNN, ABC, and NBC as neutral is a laugh. Fox is not neutral, but neither are they. She doesn't want to be in unfriendly territory. Afraid, is another term for that. Scared stiff is another term for that. Does she think they will correct her answers mid debate? Oh like that hasn't been done before. Does she think they will throw darts at her? What is she scared of? She's a candidate for the President. She should have an ego out the wazoo. Not scared of anything. What is Kamala scared of? Word salad my friends. That is what she and her crew is scared of. That's why she does not do interviews, or takes no questions. She knows her ideas are bereft of legitimacy and can't be proved wrong before the media or the nation. Also, she is on the defensive in accepting Trump's offer of debates. He is directing her, not the other way around. As soon as she got the call, she should have said, I will honor the Sep 10 date and here are 2 others. Take it or leave it Trump. But she didn't because she is scared and is now shamed into acceding to 1 more than she actually should. Don't look forward to a third debate, she's not up to it. And that's who Ds want to be President!! Ha ha hoo hooo. mspart
  5. Covid vaccinnes were maybe good for those with the greatest threat - comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, poor health, poor immune system, poor cardiovascular. Below is covid deaths by age. Up to 45 years of age, statistically speaking there was not a reason to make those people get the vaccine. The hysteria over it was way overblown. I hear commercials about getting your 6 month old vaccinated. Truth be told it is not a vaccine, it is the same as a flu shot. It should prevent you from getting it and if you do get it, symptoms should be less. That is not a true vaccine. As we know, the shot does not necessarily stop the virus. It might lessen the symptoms but people who get the shot still get the covid. Look no further than to Fauci or Biden. mspart
  6. https://www.gq.com/story/tim-walz-workwear-style-2024-election https://www.npr.org/2024/08/08/nx-s1-5067043/tim-walz-carhartt-camo Wears Carhart. Makes it look natural!! https://www.animals24-7.org/2024/08/07/demo-vp-nominee-tim-walz-hunts-but-loves-cats-is-hated-by-gun-lobby/ He hunts even. RV, you seem to be not too informed about your VP candidate. This is what the Ds are trying to sell. And now you are saying this is an R thing. It appears to be a D thing. Again, projection. mspart
  7. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-kamala-harris-refusing-fox-news-debate-1941569 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-kamala-harris-not-participate-fox-news-debate-sept-4 https://deadline.com/2024/08/trump-kamala-harris-debate-2-1236041374/ Appears she is afraid to go on Fox. Trump went on CNN and will go on ABC and NBC. What is Harris afraid of? Trump is not afraid, proposes 3 debates and Kamala will not do 3 debates. Why is she afraid? Why won't she talk to the media? Why will she not take questions? D's, if this is the candidate of your dreams, you should get better dreams. mspart
  8. Because SS and FBI are corrupt and trying to sweep this under the rug. Scouts - Thanks for the link. Interesting. mspart
  9. Boy, you hit all the stereotypes there didn't you? Interestingly, this is how the press is trying to portray Walz, so I think a little projection is going on here. Tough, Hunter, Coach, Teacher, wears Carhart gear. Tough guy. mspart
  10. I haven't heard that. Interesting. Where did you hear this? To the other point, pregnant people are women, and that's just they way it is. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade. That's just the way it is. But some people just don't believe in science. mspart
  11. RV - it is your thesis that he voluntarily stepped down? He was the best, he was at the top of his game, he was running circles around everyone. Why would he voluntarily step down if he was that spritely? https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/08/09/anita-dunn-no-regrets-biden-trump-debate-00173348 https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/joe-biden-admits-he-was-forced-out-of-presidential-race/news-story/8b0dd49da43d839af83a7f8cccd117da These articles say he was forced out. You might want to use some critical thinking skills rather than take what is given you as truth. You must have been gobsmacked when he quit because he was so physically and mentally fit he was a wonder if you listened to all the synchophants that lied to all of us. But they said it. So it must be true right? mspart
  12. Thanks to all, this has been a great respite to read on these boards. Funny and hilarious. Some of these comics are great. Thanks again! mspart
  13. I think he has a tough row to hoe. Best of luck to him. A great competitor. Medalled every time he went to WCs, only missing in the 2016 Olys. I would like to see him be able to continue. Best of luck to him. mspart
  14. Yeah, I think at that point you are tipping the establishment that takes their cut. I think they have to give some to the employees but that is all handed out equally, not based on the server's service. I think your Barber if honest will not claim as tip. Otherwise she will. mspart
  15. That would be a campaign push that would end very quickly. Better to add to the CO2 pollution so she can get her garbage policies out there and not take any questions about them. mspart
  16. "We have to vote for it to find out what's in it" Where have we heard this before? Malfeasance at a colossal level. mspart
  17. By the way, in all the excitement of this thread I forgot to congratulate Ionel on his superb headline writing skills. Perfection!!! mspart
  18. Will tips inflate because of no tax on tips? Both poobahs are proposing this. Although one poobah thought it up first. mspart
  19. Again, you are not arguing the article, but association. What in the article do you disagree with? Be specific. mspart
  20. What did she say? She apparently forgot to add in "unburdened by what has been". mspart
  21. True. I like gymnastics but not that aspect of it. Can she be taken to some IOC court (or some international body) and forced to give it back. Maybe the equivalent of UWW disbars her from ever competing again. I don't know. Seems like IOC has a lot to answer for in this. mspart
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