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Everything posted by mspart

  1. He'll be charged with assault and depriving this thug of his constitutional rights. Good thing the guy didn't die. It was the right thing to do but as in earlier cases can be misconstrued as white on black crime and racial etc etc. I hope not but in this day and age, I wouldn't doubt it at all. mspart
  2. Starting to hear that Hamas reported deaths and the cause of those Rafah deaths are suspect. The munition Israel sent did not land in the area of the place where multiple people died. That place was a munitions depot and they went off for a reason still being investigated. This is opposed to what Hamas has said. As we know, Hamas never lies about things like this. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-vows-full-probe-into-rafah-strike-shows-evidence-it-was-not-in-designated-safe-zone/ “Following this strike, a large fire ignited, for reasons still being investigated. Our munition alone could not have ignited a fire of this size,” [IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari] he continues. “Our investigation seeks to determine what may have caused such a large fire to ignite. We are looking into all possibilities, including the option that weapons stored in a compound next to our target, which we did not know of, may have ignited as a result of the strike,” he says. “It should be noted that Hamas has been operating in this area since October 7,” Hagari says, showing another image showing Hamas rocket launchers 43 meters from the targeted site. “Hamas fired rockets from these launchers at Israel during the massacre on October 7,” Hagari says. Hagari says the IDF is also looking at “footage, documented by Gazans on the night of the strike, posted on social media, which appeared to show secondary explosions, indicating that there may have been weapons in the area.” “Signals intelligence intercepted some phone calls that reinforce this concern raising the possibility that weapons stored in a nearby compound caught fire,” he says, before airing one such call in which Gazans discuss the blast and “ammunition that started exploding.” “Yes, this is an ammunition warehouse. I tell you it exploded. The Jewish bombing wasn’t strong, it was a small missile, because it didn’t create a large hole. And afterward a lot of secondary explosions,” one of the Palestinians is heard saying in the call. “We are working to verify the cause of the fire. It is still too early to be determined. Even when we do find the cause of the fire that erupted, it won’t make the situation any less tragic,” Hagari says. “We took a number of steps prior to the strike to avoid civilian casualties. Aerial surveillance, using specific munitions to minimize collateral damage, delaying the attack to further assess the expected civilian presence, and other means,” he continues. Hagari vows that the investigation will be “swift, comprehensive, and transparent.” So unsurprisingly, there is another explanation for the Rafah deaths. And they implicate Hamas and their using civilian areas as weapons depots (human shields). In fact the article has the audio of the phone call between two Palestinians wondering about how the ammo warehouse exploded because the Israeli strike was not that powerful. This is not unsurprising in the least because Hamas has a long history of lying about events on the ground. mspart
  3. I agree. But it is the Ds that are yelling about it, the Rs are not. The D's are doing what they can to limit our ability to vote for initiatives we want, presidential candidates we want, etc. Yet they are the ones yelling that the Rs are trying to take away democracy. It is projection on their part. While doing it, they point the finger at someone else. And the media complies. mspart
  4. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/05/29/democracy-is-on-the-ballot-california-democrats-seek-to-prevent-voters-from-approving-new-taxes/#more-219445 “Democracy is on the ballot.” That mantra of President Joe Biden and other Democrats has suggested that “this may be our last election” if the Republicans win in 2024. A few of us have noted that the Democrats seem more keen on claiming the mantle of the defenders of democracy than actually practicing it. Democrats have sought to disqualify Donald Trump and dozens of Republicans from ballots; block third party candidates, censor and blacklist of those with opposing views; and weaponize the legal system against their opponents. Most recently, in California, democracy is truly on the ballot and the Democrats are on the wrong side. California has always prided itself on the ability of citizens to vote on changes in the law directly through referenda and ballot measures. That is precisely what citizens are attempting to do with a measure that would require voter approval of any tax increase, including a two-thirds vote for some local taxes. It is called the Taxpayer Protection Act and it is a duly qualified statewide ballot measure slated for the November 2024 ballot. The state Democrats are apoplectic over the prospect of citizen control over revenue and taxes. What was a quaint element of democratic empowerment is now challenging a core vehicle of Democratic power. So Gov. Gavin Newsom and other Democratic leaders have taken the issue to the state Supreme Court to demand that citizens be denied the right to decide the issue. In oral arguments, the attorney supporting the challenge explained to the justices that citizens are simply not equipped to deal with the complexities of taxation and should not be allowed to render such a decision. In a prior decision, Associate Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar wrote that “Whether the context involves taxation or not, all of these cases underscore how courts preserve and liberally construe the public’s statewide and local initiative power. Indeed, we resolve doubts about the scope of the initiative power in its favor whenever possible and we narrowly construe provisions that would burden or limit the exercise of that power.” Half of the Court seemed to be inclined to deny the public the right to decide the question. The Court, however, may wait until after the election to render a decision on the limits of democracy in California. This was done after many votes in WA. The Ds didn't like an initiative passed by the voters and the Ds took it to the WA Supreme Court where they got the Initiative invalidated. Looks like what they are up to here. WA legislature is now just ignoring initiatives. There are 6 initiatives that got enough signatures to put them on the ballot. The state constitution clearly states that such an initiative to the Legislature (which all these are) must be debated in the legislature. Only 3 were. The other 3 were not. The legislature can pass the initiative, can pass something similar, or do nothing but it must be debated. So democracy is already crumbling and it is the Ds doing it. mspart
  5. It is well known that Conan did not play fair. mspart
  6. Now you know. mspart
  7. Any point you make above is pure projection and is an example of what you constantly do. You just want to play games and in doing so try to sound reasonable in your unreasonbleness. mspart
  8. Use 2000 series AL rather than 7000 series. Everyone knows the former is more malleable than the brittle latter. mspart
  9. You constantly ask for examples and they are never good enough for you. So why play your game? mspart
  10. It does not fit with the anti-semitic leanings of these people. Look at the demonstrations/riots at colleges recently. Death to Jews. River to sea. Of course they asked a "student" if she said river to sea and she said yes. Asked if she knew what it meant, she could not answer. Useful idiots. Again, the puppet strings are being pulled by Hamas. mspart
  11. He wasn't a fiscal conservative until he had to be. 1994 election kind of forced his hand to moderate his policies. mspart
  12. Projection. D's have already done this. So what's your point? mspart
  13. From Jonathan Turley: https://jonathanturley.org/2024/05/28/the-closing-trumps-final-argument-must-be-clarity-to-chaos-in-merchans-courtroom/ Judge Merchan has ruled that the jury does not have to agree on what that crime is. The jury could split into three groups of four on which of the three crimes were being concealed and Merchan will still treat it as a unanimous verdict. Since when is this a thing? What a crock this whole trial has been. There is no clear cut allegation, no clear cut wrong doing, but as long as jurors think he did different things, there is still a unanimous verdict? This is pure blasphemy in a justice proceeding seeking the truth. Will any appellate court uphold this kind of shenanigan? It is the only way Merchan and Bragg can hope to ensure a conviction because there was no evidence presented to convict Trump on the vacuous charges brought against him. mspart
  14. It's only a problem when that terrorist org kills 1200 and takes 200 prisoners and kills them and hides behind civilians they take no responsibility for and when the aggressor is Israel. If it was Jordan, no one would care. If it was Saudi, no one would care. Only when it is Israel do the loonies come out. Gays for Palestine? Trans for Palestine? You folks would be killed immediately in Palestine no questions asked. Emotional dissonance. Hamas has the strings and are making the puppets dance. mspart
  15. Where were the campus protests? Where were the threads on chat forums? They did not happen to the extent that they have for Gazans. And the only reason why is because it is Israel doing the smashing now. And for some reason that is a bad thing. Folks in the middle east are not coming to their aid. That should tell you something. mspart
  16. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4285905-obvious-to-us-israel-trying-to-minimize-civilian-casualties-kirby-says/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67449383 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2014/07/gaza-civilian-casualties-while-hamas-targets-innocent-people-israel-tries-to-spare-them.html https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/wars-and-operations/operation-pillar-of-defence/how-does-the-idf-minimize-harm-to-palestinian-civilians/ These people say you are wrong. mspart
  17. But did they protest the civilians? That's my point. Did anyone protest the Syrian civilians. Has anyone protested the Ukrainian civilians? Not with near the ferocity of the Gazan civilians. If you can't see that Israel does more than anyone else to minimize civilian casualties, then you are unwilling to see truth. If that is the case, I will agree to disagree with you on this subject. mspart
  18. Or you can believe what he says on his truth social. It is up to you. But it appears you prefer whatever animates you the most. Good for you. mspart
  19. Again, Hamas, the puppeteer, is pulling strings. War is war. People die. You cannot honestly say any country has done more to minimize casualties than Israel. No country has done as much to avoid civilian casualties. But war is killing people and some will be civilians. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi The US killed 281-315K civilians in Iraq. https://www.newarab.com/news/syria-war-death-toll-over-507000-13-years Syria's war has killed more than 507,000 people, a war monitor said Thursday ahead of the 13th anniversary of the conflict which has displaced millions at home and abroad. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293409/civilian-deaths-related-to-russia-ukraine-conflict/ As of February 15, 2024, 10,582 civilians were reported to have been killed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine Is anyone concerned about these civilians who have died like for the outcry for Gazans? Nope, didn't think so. mspart
  20. OK, that article was updated May 21, 2024. On May 22, 2024, the following was reported. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/facing-backlash-trump-walks-back-comments-restricting-contraceptives/story?id=110464898 The former president quickly took to social media to clarify his position, claiming that he was not advocating for restrictions on contraceptives. "I HAVE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER ADVOCATE IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON BIRTH CONTROL, or other contraceptives," he posted on his social media platform. So now you get to choose what to believe. mspart
  21. In what context? Because I read that he says he will never support that. mspart
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