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Everything posted by mspart

  1. They are the vacuum cleaners, that's for sure. Scavengers. mspart
  2. I kill them and clean them before I boil them. More humane to the crustys. mspart
  3. Amen Bruddah PJ. mspart
  4. Luigi is fighting extradition to NY. So far his attorney has said he sees nothing that indicates he should be extradited. mspart
  5. Classic Bill Clinton line. mspart
  6. I didn't see Crookhams name so I'll add it. mspart
  7. Prove your words RL. Then maybe we will believe you. Right now you are just saying I am full of it. Prove it. mspart
  8. That's because the way this ponzi scheme is set up, the later generation pays your way. And there is not much of a younger generation for you younger guys. So taxes will have to go up, or benefits will have to go down. Again, if any private company did this, they would be disbanded and the leaders thrown in jail. mspart
  9. It is only a racket until you need it. Not sure how the murder of a CEO got to this point a trying to one up each other with who understands the insurance industry better than the other. mspart
  10. But by all means, we need to be so concerned about such a powerful influence for good among the NYC citizens. He should never have been out of jail to harass and threaten people. He was a danger to himself and others, as demonstrated by his arrest record. mspart
  11. Maybe one of the the funniest quotes of the day. mspart
  12. Funniest quote of the day!!! mspart
  13. He said someone was going to die to day and he didn't care if he went back to Rikers. There's an implied threat there. Whether you want to see it or not. People were scared, they testified to that, and regardless of your experience and expectations, they were afraid for their safety with this guy. mspart
  14. These passengers you speak of testified in the trial to the things you find it extremely hard to believe. mspart
  15. Neither did Penny. mspart
  16. And just who is that whack job again? mspart
  17. I'm not trying to be obtuse. Just giving you a chance to explain your SS and medicare cut program that you speak so highly of. I do agree with your last statement. I always thought SS would not be available for me. It goes insolvent in the 2030s. Too many of us baby boomers and a veritable ponzi scheme to fund SS. Not a good solution, but that is what we have. mspart
  18. So you don't have a concrete proposal, you just want to do something. There are infinite ways to do things, but I thought you had an idea of what to do . Try this and see what it does? Does not sound like a solid approach, especially since there are analysts that can do this with out having to go the hunt and peck method. mspart
  19. Raise the age to what? Cut benefits how? Do both? One or other? mspart
  20. I think you are mistaken. You might read up on it. mspart
  21. You know it wasn't too long ago that words (I'm anti-abortion, I'm anti-trans, etc) were considered violence and could be met with violence. But now that it went the wrong way, words are not considered violence. Make your your minds all you lefties. It is either violence or it is not violence. You can't have it both ways. The words used in this case were absolutely violent leading Penny to take action. I' bet he wishes he just left aft the next stop too. So much for trying to protect innocent people. mspart
  22. He said the opposite in his recent interview. mspart
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