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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Yes, it is a fact the Ds were turning on him. No money, losing support in Congress. It wouldn't take much with his Hunter issues to force him out. A little arm twisting and he decided that would not be worth it. mspart
  2. Due to the Ds and Rs finally coming together on something that as incontrovertible, they both berated the SS director who finally, after 10 days, resigned this morning. Someone finally paid the price in the Biden admin for massive screw up. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/23/politics/secret-service-director-kimberly-cheatle/index.html mspart
  3. Perhaps you should read the X as I suggested. Then you wouldn't have to ask questions. mspart
  4. And this from the self declared pusher of wonderful and thoughtful posts, who lectures everyone else on their in ability to match his wonderful land thoughtful and non-mean spirited posts. RL is a wonder of disconnection and projection. mspart
  5. This ^. Read the whole thing. He does not like Kamala. Not because she is a woman (if that can be defined), not because she is black (if that can be defined). It is because of what she has/hasn't done as AG of CA, VP of USA, Border Czar of USA. It is her policies. Period. End of story. mspart
  6. Billy, are you saying that they did not have resources to cover that rooftop that was in plain sight of the stage? Or is it SS procedure to wait for a would be assassin to fire first before taking any action whatsoever to stop more shooting? I have heard a recording of the SS guys talking about the guy on the rooftop, pointing him out, and doing nothing. If that is normal protocol, I suggest a new protocol be developed where such rooftops are not left unmanned and if so, someone on there gets shot, especially if they have a firearm. Even if they don't. mspart
  7. GHWB was on the top of 4 tickets. Lost to Clinton in 1992. Was a one termer!! mspart
  8. Hillary? She would probably do it for the good of the nation. mspart
  9. Well that is interesting. I had never thought of that. mspart
  10. The roof had a slope so nobody was there even though it had direct eye sight to the the stage and even though the SS snipers were on a roof with more slope. And they knew about Crooks and nobody did anything. SS saw him on the roof and didn't take action. Police the same. No action was taken until he took a shot. Incompetence all around. Or not incompetence at all. I hate to think the latter. mspart
  11. I have not watched it. Most of the newer Star Wars content isn't interesting to me. Mandalorian was ok but it did not grab me. The Obi Wan series was ok but still seemed to go nowhere. I have to admit that when Vader finally came in and did his thing, that was pretty cool. mspart
  12. Well, it happened in a town near us in 2020. All over the country. Not illegal aliens but illegal activity in the form of arson, looting, assault, general mayhem. mspart
  13. So in other words, you are trying to be a better poster except when you are not. Got it. mspart
  14. Some Nigerian Princes made off with it. All kidding aside, this really happened. https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2020/05/22/43739427/washington-state-lost-hundreds-of-millions-to-nigerian-scammers-are-my-ears-deceiving-me Come on man, gimme a break. mspart
  15. Wow!! That is interesting. The local morning talk host said he figures Biden will be gone before Monday. This seems to suggest that as well. Very interesting. If this happens, I would be very surprised if Joe doesn't support Kamala. He would really have to because she is the VP. But that doesn't mean the delegates have to vote for her, it only means Joe thinks she should be the new candidate. Her poll numbers are worse than Joe's so that would be democratic suicide. I think he'll support her but the DNC won't. mspart
  16. He sounds like the folks in WA. Money missing? No problem. Just ignore. mspart
  17. What happened to your "not going to insult" approach you were so high on. I guess that went out the door. Of course it never stopped but you wanted us to think so because you said so. mspart
  18. As noted earlier - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bullet-glass-trump-wound/ mspart
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