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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2024 in all areas

  1. I have a bias that this topic was created because of someone's bias. When the photos of Trump laying the wreath at Arlington first hit X... my train of thought was Wow that looks respectful by Trump Why is Trump showing respect but Biden is and has not? This was savvy by Trump to counter the suckers and losers hoax, but also this is just for show. How interesting that he was invited by the families; so it isn't just for show. (but its still partly for show) Then the media hit Trump and Harris hit Trump to paint him in a bad light. Kamala you idiot. You should not have said anything at all. Media you idiots. Trump looks like he is doing a good deed and there you go again with negative spin. Then this intermatwrestle topic was created. How do we get people to think critically. Then more of the families show their support for Trump and bash Harris/Biden. Kamala and Media - you idiots. Then intermatwrestle members poking about law. everywere there is short-sighted blinkered buffoons and tunnel-visioned nincompoops with the TDS virus...
    3 points
  2. This shows a fundamental difference in belief in what individual rights and freedoms are. One of those fundamentals is that your individual right and freedom ends at the point it begins to infringe upon mine. The dynamic here as it relates to the bathroom is that you are saying it is punishing the trans women for saying no to using the women’s bathroom, without consideration to the vast majority of women who feel an extreme invasion of their rights when a biological male enters their bathroom. And that is where the individual right of one infringes upon the other. An individual, biological man has the right to identify as a female. I will even say an individual has a right to ask to be addressed as a female. But that is where their right and freedom ends, because forcing me to recognize as a female, or allow to share the bathroom with my biological female children, is an invasion of their right and freedom. It is not fear, it is just as much personal liberty as someone who wants to identify that way. And just like I have no desire to force you (you being a trans woman in the scenario) to say you must identify as a male…..I am under no obligation to acknowledge you as a male. In THAT scenario, both person’s individual freedom’s are satisfied, and it has nothing to do with fear.
    3 points
  3. Don't let the libs on this forum pretend like they are the only party that cares about others when their biggest concerns are having access to kill babies and chopping appendages off of children or pumping them full of hormones instead of letting them grow up before they make life altering decisions. People get more upset about people like Kristi Noem killing a dog than they do about killing close to a million children every year.
    3 points
  4. Looks like all the USA guys going today have reached the semis. Lilledahl, Basset, Duke, Ryder and Rademacher
    3 points
  5. Do you really think she could read a pitch written by a 15 year old?
    2 points
  6. Of course not. Men will stand against bullies and predators no matter who they go after, be they from the unborn to the elderly, male or female.
    2 points
  7. I don't think anyone has a savior complex for women when it comes to the issue of transgender people. If we are talking about sports I think biological men don't belong in biological women's sports. If we are talking about bathrooms I would say the same. The way I look at it is, if you let men in women's restrooms then sex predators will also "identify" as a woman to seek more victims. Supporting this doesn't make anyone an ist, ism, phobe, etc.
    2 points
  8. Nope. The transfers fit nicely in for SDSU. Cobe can fill in for Swenson while he rehabs his knee and we really did not have anyone of note at 165 or 197 with Sloan and Cook graduating. The SDSU coaching staff values have a tight knit team and would not bring in guys at the expense of team chemistry. Go Jacks!
    2 points
  9. Oh no, do we have to suffer through another Taylor/Chiefs season? Please no!! mspart
    2 points
  10. It was just Penn State. He was a hidden gem so no one else saw the talent.
    2 points
  11. I didn't like the way that Duke semi went down.
    2 points
  12. they see it only one way b/c of their love and bias for someone and against someone
    2 points
  13. Again showing your lack of reading comprehension. Why is it so hard for people to understand that arguments can be made about a situation without it meaning they have undying support for the people or peoples involved??? You, rasta, and @VakAttack keep saying, "see you only see it that way because you love Trump"...using your logic, did you ever once think that maybe you all see it your way solely because you hate Trump??
    2 points
  14. Wow @ThreePointTakedown you sure like to hear yourself talk don't you? In between your nonsensical ramblings I couldn't help pick up on a common theme you use in your "debate"...comparing slavery and what black people went through with trans people is...well...sick and unbelievable. HOW in your little brain does that even become a thing that you think about yet even put out in internet land to use as some kind of point? There literally is NO comparison to the two situations. One is a mental disorder (not calling it bad so don't get your panties in a bunch) and the other was stuff that was DONE TO them. Very noticeable and funny you couldn't point to any federal or state laws that are oppressive to Trans by the way. But rather say a trans person's life is in danger for using a bathroom of their biological sex. To me that is, well, a form a mental illness...on your part.
    2 points
  15. Can we just adopt the international FS weights already? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. Love college football. I'm glad they finally saw the light and expanded the playoffs to 12 teams. It should keep the season exciting all the way to the conference championships for a change. Go Buckeyes.
    2 points
  17. He isn't actually banned. It is a choice thing. What is funny, is once you get to know him, which I have also noticed this with the 95%+ of you other gents that come off as abrasive turdbiscuits, he is actually about as swell as they come with morals and ethics that are above reproach. For all accounts that should matter, he is top notch.
    2 points
  18. Just embarrassing, and then AIN acts like he just mounted some amazing comeback victory and drops to his hands and knees.
    1 point
  19. This is how you know there is more to people like Mark Cuban backing her. What is he hiding? He holds people on Shark Tank to a higher standard than he does the potential President of the US.
    1 point
  20. desantis dropped out early. he was my choice. yeah, kind of forgot about that. i guess im with the dems on this kamala is vp, she is the one trump had been pres... he was probably the one... and he felt that way.. so did trump refuse to debate..probably not sure what any of this has to do with biden/harris v trump debates tho
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Oh no @ionel is a Chiefs fan...all of a sudden you aren't as funny anymore... I kid! I kid!
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. My Golden Retriever rings the bells hanging from the door, jumps on me, and nudges my hands for attention. He’s in-your-face when he wants food, water, to go outside, play, or get affection. He barks from a distance but is warm and friendly up close. When he wants a scratch, he rubs against walls or backs up into me, always with his tongue hanging out. Chihuahua was a mostly good description. Confident, alert, feisty, and harmless. Too tiny in size though...
    1 point
  25. Toxoplasmosis (tok-so-plaz-MOE-sis) is an infection with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. People often get the infection from eating undercooked meat. You can also get it from contact with cat turd. The parasite can pass to a baby during pregnancy.
    1 point
  26. Was the above ^^^ on X posted by @PortaJohn's cousin or pet?
    1 point
  27. LBJ is more Golden Retriever. He gets in your face without causing harm. A jerk with a point. Abrasively honest. He is correct that Greco-Roman wrestling is a man's sport.
    1 point
  28. Chefs early season pick for MVP
    1 point
  29. what freedoms do trans not have? what freedoms could trans GAIN which would NOT take away from women? again, people are moving away from areas with trans people? so like cities are emptying out?
    1 point
  30. Not addressing the point at all but pivoting to something else that justifies you keeping women in their place to be replaced by men. How misogynist of you! i can play the deflection game using your own posts
    1 point
  31. i said he was an idiot. you say he is a criminal and that is proof he is an idiot. i disagree. man you really dont know much
    1 point
  32. Dude will stick to his guns and isn't a flip flopper. And if he finds out he's clearly wrong about something, he will apologize and admit to it. That's a standup dude in my book, regardless of whether I agree with him on anything.
    1 point
  33. It is not like they could accidently receive ballots which could then be accidently filled out and accidently used to 'correct" any un-approved outcome of the election results by the citizens. That would be absurd. The illegals getting ballots due to being illegally on the voter roles will legally return those ballots to election officials declaring the they may not vote due to be illegals. THAT'S why those county election officials refuse to clear the voting rolls of all illegals. Natche Next question. (Maybe one of our leftie friends can tell us why they won't take illegals off the voting rolls. Lefties declare their own Replacement Theory to be a conspiracy so there is no goal for illegals to vote illegally so no valid reason to leave them on the voting rolls from a leftie principle standpoint.)
    1 point
  34. It's already been spent but they will accept IOUs
    1 point
  35. And we all thought Chris Farley was the clownish oaf of the family. Nope. Ford's Farley has made Tommy Boy look like a genius.
    1 point
  36. Aurora folks are on it. It's the Denver and state that has been lagging till it made the national news. Oh ... and let's not forget Kamala let them in the country.
    1 point
  37. *whispers* Real football is back.
    1 point
  38. Anyone who thinks he will let Hunter rot in jail has too much unusable goo in their head. He has broken straightforward promises throughout his presidency, this will go the same way. mspart
    1 point
  39. Buffalo managed to retain 7 out of their 15(!) wrestlers that entered the portal after Stutzman was unceremoniously fired. This includes reversing the decisions of Max Elton and Sam Ewing who had previously agreed to transfer to Lock Haven and Nebraska, respectively. Good work by Donnie Vinson. Weight WS Rank Athlete 2024-25 Year Hometown Transferring From Transferring To 285 33 Sam Mitchell Graduate Marshfield, WI Buffalo Wyoming 157 35 Nick Stampoulos Sophomore Newark, NJ Buffalo Lock Haven 184 55 Chase Kranitz Sophomore Irwin, PA Buffalo Pitt 141 61 Sam Ewing Freshman Pleasant Hills, MO Buffalo Buffalo 125 62 Tristan Daugherty Graduate Peoria, IL Buffalo NDSU 174 66 Jay Nivison Graduate Davison, MI Buffalo Michigan State 133 70 Tommy Maddox Graduate Washingtonville, NY Buffalo West Virginia 149 85 Kaleb Burgess Junior Mohawk, NY Buffalo Buffalo 197 88 Lonnell Owens-Pabon Sophomore Crofton, MD Buffalo Buffalo 141 98 Caleb Brooks Graduate Canal Winchester, OH Buffalo Glenville State 125 107 Max Elton Sophomore Hammonton, NJ Buffalo Buffalo 197 109 Coen Grimm Freshman Wadsworth, OH Buffalo 165 118 Hunter Shaut Graduate Mohawk, NY Buffalo Buffalo 285 154 Zach Evans Freshman Chambersburg, PA Buffalo Buffalo 133 160 Cole French Senior Fulton, NY Buffalo Buffalo
    1 point
  40. I am of two minds on the question of ads. First, this is a free site. Free is good. I like free. But the site has costs. And the people running it have a profit motive. Good for them. So do I. To cover their costs, and make a little scratch to boot, they have to sell my attention. OK, so not exactly a free site, but kinda, sorta close. What price do I put on my attention? I guess I can suss that out if I want to (what is the price difference between no-ad Hulu and ad Hulu?), but I haven't, and don't want to. Second, it is a site with content. Content draws eyes. Eyes draw ads. Eyes on ads pay bills. And I am a content provider. We are all content providers. Or maybe not all of us. But whatever, stick with me for a second. As a content provider maybe I should get paid. If you squint, that is almost what Reddit did by letting some users/mods participate in the IPO. But that was a combo of comp and risk, so not purely comp. And it is what Rokfin advertises. But to get paid by Rokfin, I need to bring revenue to Rokfin. Maybe that is what I am doing here by looking at ads? Anyway. This is a combination free site and site that generates revenue. Where is the balance? I don't know, but I feel like the free part is what I signed up for with the expectation that ads would be sold to pay for my fun. The new ad stuff is jarring, though. It does not exist along side the content. It interferes with the content. It competes with the content. It lays on top of the content. It blocks access to the content. It does not accept no for an answer. It jumps around to appeal to my animal brain that responds to motion. Sometimes it draws my attention and sometimes it forces itself upon me. My guess is that this behavior also means that the revenue potential is higher? You know, the profit motive thing. Fair enough. But I never would have thought about it that way if the ad experience was not so jarring. Just sayin'. All that said, I feel like we all owe @Husker_Du and @BobDole a fair amount of grace on the topic given the white hats on the white horses these guys are wearing after putting together this playground for wrestling degenerates (even those of the swimming persuasion) to spout off, and doing so against a very tight deadline.
    1 point
  41. I like the bob dole reaction, I wish there was a greater variety. Perhaps a similar graphic but rendered in a stone like texture that we can bestow upon posters that give a "rock hard" take
    1 point
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