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You are a treat TPT. You twist and squirm to change what people say to make them demons. I did not equate myself to terrorists. Not even close. That is a lie you tell yourself with a smugness that allows you to think you are winning an argument. It is a ridiculous narrative you weave and everyone can see it. You might try something else, this isn't working for you. I have been very clear here about what I think. IDF goes after Hamas operatives. If they are hiding with civilians, and civilians get hurt or killed, that is on Hamas. I do not think IDF should or does target civilians. But if Hamas will use them as shields, that is on Hamas. Hamas should have thought about that before attacking innocent civilians in Israel on Oct 7. And it is apparent they did. Sinwa of Hamas wants casualties. He is very clear that more Gazan civilian casualties, the better. He is the monster you should be concerned with because he has very real power over there. I, who have been very clearly on the opposite of him, should not concern you one bit. And you know that but try to warp what has been written on here. Your fake outrage is very transparent. Your attempt to equalize me with terrorists is laughable. One of the worst comparisons I have ever heard. You need a new bag of tricks. mspart5 points
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And yet you do exactly what you claim the "wingers" do....projection at it's best.2 points
I think it's funny you fell for his fake modesty routine ("I didn't win, Jesus did it for me!").2 points
I read the statement as an attack because the confrontational directive comes before the conditional clause placement. Given your history of labeling, criticizing, and confronting me (rather than my ideas), my lizard brain took the negative directive as the primary message, making the hypothetical condition seem like an afterthought. I was wrong. Sorry.2 points
57 KG - If Lee's knee holds up, that means it was healthy leading up. That means no cardio issues. If Lee's knee is healthy, I fully expect a Gold out of him. 65 KG - Zain is his own worst enemy. He is an animal and basically a Metcalf 2.0. Wrestling is harder now as there are more Russians in the field. He could win it, but I actually expect that if he does lose prior to the semi-finals that he will not medal. I expect the guy who beats him to lose the following round (if Zain loses prior to the semi-finals). 74 KG - Dake's issue is that more people know how to avoid the dangerous positions with him. Dake is contented to a 1-0, 2-0 win. He tends to go hard for a takedown early, though, and if he doesn't get it he will try harder. That is why he got Teched by Kadzi a few years ago. I don't know if there is a guy that will put him down early in the bracket, though. I think it is Silver or Gold for him. 86 KG - He was gifted his match against Valencia. The same Valencia who isn't a Top 5 at 86 KG. That makes me believe that Brooks is not, either. His physical style might do what I am worried that Zain might do in that he'll gas his opponent in a loss, then his opponent will take a loss. 97 KG - His draw is ridiculous. We know he tends to do best at Worlds/Olympics, though. I expect him to make the semi-finals. If Sad is slowing down (I don't think Snyder is) then he has a chance there. I don't expect a loss to Taz again from either Sad or Snyder. I also don't see Snyder losing to Azirpara again. Gold/Bronze. 125 KG - I think it is Gold or Silver for Parris. I know Geno also turns it up, but father time is undefeated and Parris looked to be clearly the best 125 KG at the same tournament that Geno was at last week. My biggest worries are the gents from Penn State. I hope I am wrong. I see 74, 97, and 125 KG as guaranteed medals. If Lee is healthy, that is 4. 65 and 86 are big perplexing worries for me and I absolutely hope I am wrong.2 points
And the underhook ability. Nothing like learning from a club coach.2 points
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Just name ONE that you think is neutral. That’s the question he asked you.1 point
Must be hard for “kiddo” to understand the question. Shouldn’t be but it is.1 point
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I'm betting OSU is still paying him thus technically employed. How much do you want to bet ... two life time bans from the forum?1 point
You really still didn't answer the question though, you said you "Don’t really have a go to. But it doesn’t take much to figure out if you’re reading/watching (particularly when watching) objective facts or biased run amuck." You said you don't go to Youtube, Twitter and TikTok and I imagine you don't go to Fox News. That leaves the other MSM. Personally I go to Youtube and Twitter and look at everything. there are alot of sources that weren't available in the past that give a totally different perspective. I read Newsweek and the NYT and other liberal rags and folllow several conservatives. Youtube is a great resource that allows you to weed through the propoganda that the MSM sells.1 point
Voter ID would help. It's going to be hard, but there are alot more eyes on the election this year. Lara Trump is hands on. There are Thousands more Volunteers, Video surveillance on dropboxes and several states have adopted that postage is required., Sequential ballots are supposed to be discarded, that was a big issue in 2020 where ballots were counted that had sequential numbers, when people request a mail in ballot it is a random ballot number, but several thousand ballots in sequential order were counted, Meaning someone took a stack and filled them out. There should be much less of that.1 point
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We had a pineapple express come here last week. We had a flood watch and all. It has been clear without much rain since then. I wouldn't say it is BBQ weather but it is dry and warmer, highs in high 60s low 70s. But it is smelling really good in the house and outside right now. mspart1 point
That has always been the mantra. It hasn't worked so far. There is a tried and true method here that has been practiced ever since money was developed. Do spend more than you bring in. Period. You can say, we borrow for houses and cars. And if we can't make the payments such as in 2008, things go south real fast. We are a long way from not adding to the debt but we could be adding less and less actual dollars over the short term. Keep that static. The interest should stay static as well. Then we have our expenditures somewhat equal to or less than what is brought in. It's a trick as old as time. Don't spend more than you have. The Federales need to relearn that. mspart1 point
This is probably incorrect. While spending may or may not be reduced, it’s quite possible that the deficit will be reduced due to increased economic activity.1 point
Yeah but paying bounties to injure players isn't the same as paying bounties to beat them in a match.1 point
True. I watched the Flo Youtube video of his compilation of matches verse Americans and damn, he's a great wrestler. I remember watching Pico at the junior worlds and thinking "wow, Pico really underperformed here" when he lost to Yazdani. Turns out, Yazdani was just that damn good.1 point
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OP legit makes it look like he wants to pay someone to take someone out at the knees with that thread title. It should be something more along the lines of "Can I pay someone incentives for achieving specific results?"1 point
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They both just tied for 7th at U23s. Jacob looked better on the weekend. Better wins and didn't look as bad in his losses.1 point
Current NIL rules forbid performance incentives. But since everything the NCAA touches in court turns up a loser, maybe you do it anyway, then when the NCAA tries to enforce the rule you sue.1 point
Weird...UB is silent on Hezbollah bombing Israel...thought for sure I'd come on here and he'd be the first one to condemn this...oh wait...that's right he supports these terrorist organizations and gives two snits about the innocent Israel lives that are lost.1 point
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tree trunks... you need tree trunks. (Shute got 'em... ) D31 point
The two choices suck, but not for these reasons. I don't think people over 65 should be eligible for this position. JMO.1 point
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Stall bars - used for many arm and core exercises. For wrestling, you can start on your knees and climb your way up only using your arms - do pull ups - work your way back down only using arms. Lots of stretching, core work and bands can be used with them as well. Also, you can hang your towels from them.1 point
You could use them to immobilize your sparring partner and whip them until they finally understand what "going 70%" means1 point
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Squat racks/Olympic platforms Dumbbells/Kettlebells Climbing ropes Plyometrics equipment Stall bars Bulgarian bags Dummies Rogue Echo bikes Concept2 BikeErgs Concept2 RowErgs Concept2 SkiErgs VersaClimbers Sauna Cold plunge1 point
EIWA: Navy PAC12: Oregon State Big12: South Dakota State, Oklahoma State ACC: Virginia Tech MAC: Ohio SoCon: App State Ivy: Cornell Big10: Iowa, Penn State1 point
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