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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2024 in all areas

  1. Here is the list INDIA - #6 Aman Aman (2022 U23 World gold) IRAN - Ahmad Mohammadnezhadjavan (2022 U20 World bronze, 2021 U23 World bronze) OR Alireza Sarlak (2021 World silver) CHINA - #7 Wanhao Zou (2022 World 5th) TURKIYE - #10 Muhammet Karavus (2021 U20 World silver) OR Suleyman Atli (2019 World silver) MONGOLIA - Munkh Erdene Batkhuyag (2023 U23 World bronze) OR Zandanbud Zanabazar (2022 World bronze) OR #18 Narankhuu Narmandakh (2022 61 kg World bronze) NORTH KOREA - #17 Chongsong Han (2023 Asian Games silver) KAZAKHSTAN - Meirambek Kartbay (2023 World 5th) OR Yerassyl Mukhtaruly (2023 U23 World 5th) OR Rakhat Kalzhan (2023 Asian bronze) GEORGIA - Roberti Dingashvili (2024 Euro bronze) GERMANY - Horst Lehr (2021 World bronze) UKRAINE - Andrey Yatsekno (2017 World bronze) 65 kg MONGOLIA - #4 Tulga Tumur-Ochir (2021 World silver) OR Tsogbakrakh Tseveensuren (2022 World 9th) UZBEKISTAN - Umidjon Jalolov (2022 U20 World gold) ALBANIA - Islam Dudaev (2022 Yarygin bronze) INDIA - Sujeet Sujeet (2022 U20 World bronze) BULGARIA - Salim Naim (2023 Euro silver) BAHRAIN - Alibeg Alibegov (2021 U20 World silver) FRANCE - Timourovitch Arsamerzouev (2022 U20 World bronze) TAJIKISTAN - Abdulmazhid Kudiev (2021 Russian Nationals bronze) UKRAINE - Erik Arushanian (2022 U23 bronze) GERMANY - Kizhan Clarke (UNC 2022 NCAA finalist) CANADA - Lachlan McNeil (UNC 2X NCAA All-American) KAZAKHSTAN - Maiis Aliyev (2022 U20 World 8th) ARGENTINA - Agustin Destribats (2024 Pan Am silver) BELARUS - Niurgun Skriabin (2020 Euro silver) NORTH KOREA - K Kim (2024 Asian Qualifier 5th) CHINA - Shaohua Yuan (2024 Asian Qualifier 5th)
    4 points
  2. For me it really sucked watching Taylor lose and that is not taking anything away from Brooks, I hope he goes and wins it all. Still at this moment, I cannot believe Taylor lost. So I got to thinking, why is this bothering me so much? I don't personally know him. I have met him a few times and he has always been awesome to fans and very approachable, but why is this so difficult to accept? Then it hit me. David Taylor to me, was the first kind of superstar in our sport since he was just a young kid. There have been plenty of others, but he was the first wrestler that I was able to really follow with all the new Social Media. Magic Man of the Mat was awesome and it really caught my attention and I started following him from there. He has always had that star power and his style of wrestling really made me a fan. I don't know what his next step will be in his wrestling career, but I wish him well and I hope he will stay actively involved with the sport.
    4 points
  3. Facundo just steamrolled Haines with what looked like relative ease (by Facundo standards) at OTTs. Haines couldn't even score a point.
    3 points
  4. Spencer Lee. From PA. 25 years old. 3x NCAA champ, 2x Hodge winner. His mom is French. Hope he qualifies the weight because he belongs in Paris. Zain Retherford. From PA. 28 years old. World gold and silver. 3x NCAA champ. 2x Hodge winner. Also hope he qualifies the weight. I think he can do it. The US has struggled at 65kg for some reason. Kyle Dake. From NY. 33 years old. 4x world champ. World silver. Olympic bronze. 4x NCAA champ. Hodge winner. Will be competing at his second Olympics. Aaron Brooks. From MD. 23 years old. 4x NCAA champ. Hodge winner. Kyle Snyder. From MD. 28 years old. 4x world-level champ. 9x world-level medalist. Will be competing at his third Olympics. Mason Parris. From IN. 24 years old. World bronze medalist. 1x NCAA champ. Hodge winner. Personally I think it's only right for him to compete in Paris.
    3 points
  5. all the more reason for blaze to go to Ohio state like Stieber
    3 points
  6. Ben Askren on FRL today essentially said Mesenbrink earned that smack from Burroughs. If the guy's own high school coach can say it, I promise you some of you can say it, too.
    3 points
  7. Really strong team – imho great mix of experience & new blood Feeling really confident about Spencer qualifying 57kg and semi-confident about 65kg (not because I don't have faith in Zain but because 65kg internationally is just brutal). Compare this to our 2020 olympic team: 57kg Thomas Gilman – Bronze 65kg Jordan Oliver – failed to quality weight 74kg Kyle Dake – Bronze 86kg David Taylor – Gold 97kg Kyle Snyder – Silver 125kg Gable Steveson – Gold First off, I would ***ducking** love to see these two teams wrestle.. 2020 US MFS olympic squad vs 2024.. 2020 David Taylor vs 2024 Aaron Brooks, 2020 Kyle Dake vs 2024 Kyle Dake who's older / younger / benjamin buttoned, 2020 prime Gilman vs 2024 Spencer Lee, I'm still taking Lee and I think both of these guys have known this would be the result for years if Lee was healthy.. 2020 Jordan Oliver at the end of his career vs a more mature 2024 Zain Retherford, not sure on this one.. 2020 Steveson would probably smash 2024 Mason Parris but I think / hope it would be closer than people expect. All in all, I'm happy that the process did it's thing and that our team reflects our strongest domestic wrestlers as of 2024. My predictions for 2024 olympic team: 57kg Spencer Lee – qualifies & medals; Gold is def possible if his knees hold out?? 65kg Zain Retherford – 50/50 on him qualifying, but if he does, then I'll go Bronze; he's def our best bet at medaling, but I just didn't feel that fire in him like he had at 70kg 74kg Kyle Dake – Bronze / Silver depending on where Sidakov sits (he's only 28 assuming he's allowed to compete) 86kg Aaron Brooks – Gold – this is the one that I think will surprise a lot of people; really looking forward to him vs Yaz, though I wish he had more senior international freestyle experience. he completely shut down Taylor though, and he has so much experience in the room in his favor to prepare. was def surprised that Valencia did so well against him. also something about god having his back; I dunno, it always sounds like he's in a cult when he talks, but for the purpose of predictions, I think that's a good thing. Can't be fully devoted without being a few standard deviations away from the mean. 97kg Kyle Snyder – Bronze – maybe a silver if Sadulaev isn't allowed to compete? 125kg Mason Parris – Bronze If we're being honest, I think our best shots at gold are 57kg and 86kg, though 57kg hasn't qualified yet, and 86kg is pretty untested internationally so who knows. Really hoping that one or more of Zain / Dake / Snyder / Parris steps up and crushes it for olympic gold
    3 points
  8. i'm reluctant to say this b/c psu fans will think i have some sort of agenda but... i have never seen a period called like that. not one passive call on nolf. not even a warning. it was odd as hell.
    3 points
  9. I was unprepared for the onslaught of emotions I felt at the end of Match 2.
    2 points
  10. Gonna be epic if we see these two run into each other in Paris Blades-Kagami too
    2 points
  11. Taylor kind of brought the golden age of wrestling. Dake cox jb it's sad watching them all end their career. Taylor is the most unlikeable or the bunch. The way he handled the cox defeat was disgusting. ....some people think he's kind of a dick I hear. Only cares about Taylor etc. He doesn't associate with his high school or Jordans anymore. Alot of great act this way ...but you don't sense it among jb cox etc and the other superstars. Snyder maybe more aligned with Taylor in this regard then others. At end of day he just can't beat great defense. As far as goat status the dake cox and brooks matches should be noted for how his style can absolutely be throttled and in the end is a level below the dakes and jbs for me in the pecking order (if dake secures a gold in Paris )
    2 points
  12. Unfortunately, it would be inhumane and cost too much to make Greco wrestlers compete on a metallic spiked mat floating over a bottomless labyrinth
    2 points
  13. Maybe PSU ahouldn't wrestle any matches until B1Gs. Take the 14th seed at all weights. They are better than everyone else and they wrestle a lot of freestyle. Why bother with in season matches that everyone says doesn't matter anyway? Forfeit all B1G duals, don't schedule any other the competitions show up at B1Gs and just have a two tourney season (B1G, NCAA) and get back to freestyle/international wrestling. It must be boring to wrestle matches vs vastly inferior comp and also making weight twice a week. Just train year round for international competitions and show up at B1G and NCAA and collect the trophy and be done with it.
    2 points
  14. I started a whole thread on the speed of the reviews, but no one replied. Sad. So I’ll try again … the reviews went pretty quickly with good explanations post review. Great progress on these fronts.
    2 points
  15. I hope he goes to Ohio State . That way his mom only has a 2-hour drive to watch him wrestle. Iowa is just too far away.
    2 points
  16. i know Iowa is on Blaze big time. not revolutionary insight but its all i got.
    2 points
  17. you're either ignorant on the subject or disingenuous. i ain't wasting my time.
    2 points
  18. He didn't get 1, though. He didn't get any against Facundo - at all. You're a ***ducking** dumb shit for trying to bring anything in regards to du Pont in to any argument. Holy ***ducking** shit you dumb mother***duck**er.
    2 points
  19. Haines got teched by Lean Mean Gary Steen in freestyle a few short years ago. His style is folkstyle. This whole tipping somebody over briefly while you’re getting buried on a double leg so you get 2 and he gets 1 is horse shit. Haines knows it, Cael knows it, and the American people know it. You know who liked freestyle more than folkstyle? John du Pont. Everybody is welcome to choose who they side with.
    2 points
  20. Downey still has a lot of fight left in him.
    2 points
  21. Showed that you don’t have to be a superstar in high school and can start from even having no success at all (lost first round of districts as a freshman) to be the best in the world Encouraged blacks and others who really had no knowledge of what wrestling was to wrestle, including working with beat the streets Demonstrated the ability to set a public goal and achieve it (all I see is gold), and marketing himself in the process As a result, developed partnerships with brands like Polo Ralph Lauren that most people would never expect to sponsor a wrestler Showed that wrestling (not just coaching) can actually lead to a comfortable life well into your 30’s Developed an international fanbase including in countries like Iran that hate the US and his podium photo with his arm around the Iranian is probably one of the more iconic wrestling photos Did a great job commentating the last Olympics with John Smith when many may have expected him to stay home and sulk since he wasn’t there competing Was always well spoken in interviews and often talking about the values that wrestling taught him Probably other stuff I’m forgetting
    2 points
  22. You're right on target. Trolls are still causing disruptions with their misinformation and provocations, and it's still a struggle to guide them towards expressing informed opinions, on point, rooted in context, research, logic, facts, and honesty. Follow the law and follow the golden rule is the beginning and end of my authoritarian wish. I'm not authoritarian... unlike those that support controlling media, surveillance, elections, censorship, covid mandates... I use my freedom of speech when referring to anthem protestors as jerks and I extend the uncommon courtesy to explain my reasoning. There is some news... an imposter member was added to the ignore list.
    2 points
  23. It’s funny how much guys mature when they get the hell away from the Brands. Excellent examples are Brent Metcalf and Thomas Gilman.
    2 points
  24. Don't forget about his spaghetti western: The Good the Bad and the Low Single.
    2 points
  25. BJJ>Wrestling is not a given. BJJ doesn't work nearly as well when you're on cement, when the other guy can headbutt you from your guard, when you can get kicked and kneed while you're on the ground, and a number of other things. The BJJ practiced in competition has less direct application to a real fight than wrestling does, because the advantage of being on top in a real fight is much bigger than the advantage of being on top in a grappling competition. BJJ also loses some effectiveness if you don't walk around in real life wearing a Gi.
    2 points
  26. They just passed new Grad Transfer rules that states that they are immediately eligible, too. That might make the portal that much more interesting being that they already don't have to adhere to the portal windows that non-Grad transfers do.
    1 point
  27. Yep, Nelson at 92kg too. Going to be tough brackets. If I had to take a guess, McEnelly beats Salazar, Salazar doesn’t want to go 197, and hits the portal later in the year as a grad transfer. With ASU or Northern Colorado as the destination. That is purely a guess though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Possibly but it would have to be at 92kg.
    1 point
  29. I haven’t got a clue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. I've always said we the people have the ultimate power in term limits. Vote their asses out. But we don't want to do that, much easier to bitch and whine.
    1 point
  31. 5 Hodge Trophy winners: Lee Retherford Dake Brooks Parris * 2 of them won it twice, Retherford and Lee Snyder wasn't awarded a Hodge, but did win a Senior Freestyle World Championship while in college Other than Parris, the other 5 OTT winners have at least 3 NCAA titles each, with Dake and Brooks 4 timers. Retherford and Brooks college teams won 7 NCAA Championships, Snyder's 1 and Lee's 1. ** Interesting item is that in three of the OTT finals, the wrestlers competing were alumni of the same universities: SLee/Gilman, Retherford/NLee and Brooks/Taylor.
    1 point
  32. Whewww Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. He got really, really fat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Not the only time that happened in the tournament. Brooks wrestled Dieringer in the semis. Brooks has 4 titles and Ringer 3. More Hodges on the mat(2 vs 1) in that one too. NCAA records Kyle Dake 137-4, Alex Dieringer 133-4, Jason Nolf 117-3, Aaron Brooks 89-3.
    1 point
  35. Maybe those crazy protestors wearing masks outdoors drove him over the edge..
    1 point
  36. I'll give him a pass if he did the same thing to Taylor Saturday night.
    1 point
  37. that is a wager I’m happy to accept. You’re on! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. I am a big fan of the avatar bet to avoid monetary transactions. I'll make you an avatar bet if you agree which would go as follows: 1) Askey has already transferred which makes one of your predicted three. 2) McGonagle, Fish, Hamiti, Delsignore, and Cardenas have already finalizes their decisions elsewhere 3) Flynn, Powe, Parco, Slavikouski are the other undecideds 4) I'll give you Clayton Whiting added to the group above to give you five possible guys - and I will reduce three to two. 5) So if any of Flynn, Powe, Parco, Whiting or Slavikouski transfer to Minnesota, you choose my avatar for all 31 days of October 2024. Likewise if all of them dont, I choose yours. No money risked- just pride and for the sake of entertainment. What do you say I hope I am wrong because I like the Gophers a lot
    1 point
  39. Fish had a BRUTAL March. He needs to beat some top end guys in the regular season before I believe he can place top five let alone AA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. That one's pretty easy, he was wearing an NLWC shirt.
    1 point
  41. This. When a guy starts talking about retirement, his mindset has changed. That doesn't mean a win over DT isn't noteworthy, but Taylor has been talking about farming a lot. I hope Brooks wins gold. He's certainly going to be in the mix. He has international success/experience and is a great wrestler. I'm thinking DT goes for one more world team spot and then leaves his shoes regardless of the outcome.
    1 point
  42. Officially retires from wrestling.
    1 point
  43. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/497128/Kamran-Ghasempour-a-serious-rival-for-Hassan-Yazdani-in-86kg
    1 point
  44. I have Brooks as favorite for gold. I bet DT is going to do whatever he can to help Brooks do it, including insights vs Yazdani.
    1 point
  45. Great young man with a bright future. I think he’ll be a great coach some day. I believe he’s already coaching at the youth level. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  46. That would be quite surprising, for starters, he has zero arrests, legal problems, and near fatal reckless accidents, and four national championships, a lot less, and a lot more, respectively, than the other two buffoons combined. I am not a Starocci fan, was very critical of his behavior at Big Tens, but his only basic problem is that he doesn't present himself well in the media, social and otherwise. He's a hard edged unsophisticated guy with nothing in common with Downey and Ferrari.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. I'd rather listen to someone who doesn't know what they are talking about than someone who does but is terrified of saying anything interesting.
    1 point
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