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  1. For a team that wins all the time, PSU fans might be the most sensitive bunch ever. Good for Manning for calling out PSU and glad he explained himself further. Interesting that he reached out to Surianos before tweeting too.
    8 points
  2. Hey everyone, I've finally gotten around to putting my D1 database on a website. It's by far the most comprehensive database you are going to find. I'm working on getting some others up. Over the next few months I hope to get my D2, D3, NAIA, NJCAA up and running too. You can now mess around with where I get all my info from. I have also put up the WCWA, International Worlds, Pan-ams, and a few states too. Wrestling.Guru Notice the domain is not a .com but a .guru
    6 points
  3. I find nothing wrong with gamesmanship. That is just what people call strategy when they have been out-strategized. Most people fail to read and understand the rules of the game they participate in, even professionally. If they either do not know the rules, or do not like the rules, then change the rules. It is important to note that in this case the rules were changed, and Starocci is the #9 seed as a result. It is also worth noting that Starocci EARNED the #1 seed at the conference tournament. If Manning thinks it would be noble of him to reveal how injured he is, and truly believes that, so be it. It is naïve in the extreme. Claiming Wilson, or anyone else, should be bailed out of the seed they earned by someone else's unconfirmed injury (remember none of you, I, Manning, or @jajensen09 yet know if Starocci will wrestle Thursday) is also naïve, and an awful idea.
    4 points
  4. Fly booking the train from London to Belgium ends up in Belarus.
    3 points
  5. I would not paint with this broad of a brush. The sociopaths amongst the penn state crowd maybe, but no well-balanced human being enjoyed seeing that.
    3 points
  6. 9th place in the Big Ten is in the top 1% of all wrestlers so I don’t think it’s fair to say it “sucks balls” Being a national qualifier is a HUGE honor for most wrestlers. Maybe Manning cares about one of his wrestlers missing out on their goal more than he cares about a few team points. Or maybe Nebraska is only a point or two away from 2nd place or 4th place or whatever. It is a big deal when you pour your heart and soul into something
    3 points
  7. Shockingly, Carter and his 15 matches did manage to keep my interest. Go over to the freestyle forum and you hear complaints that wrestlers' bodies are being worn down and wrecked because of the grind of college wrestling seasons. What is the right number of matches during a season (dual + tourney)? How long should a college season be? As a greedly wrestling fan I'd love to see a ton more matches with only the best, but I'm beginning to think that Cael may know more about his athlete's welfare, wrestling in general and getting his team to peak performance than me. Cael seems to have landed on a number that is more focused on the athlete than the fan. Not sure that sacrificing the bodies of athletes on the alter of "growing the sport" is the right direction.
    3 points
  8. Didn't say it is a coincidence. Manning is complaining because he thinks it impacted his guy (maybe it didn't) but he is fighting for his guy. You don't think Manning would do what JRobb did? Why? Just because Cael, doesn't? If you go back to his original tweet, he specifically referenced when the coaches asked Cael at B1Gs if Suriano was wrestling so they could seed accordingly and Cael respond with you will have to see tomorrow, when he knew he wasn't wrestling a B1Gs, so he got the 1 seed. Its is not the exact situation as Schlatter nor is it exactly like Carter. Not every situation is the same. Is there gamesmanship being played, absolutely. You can like the gamesmanship because it benefits your team or because Cael tells you to like it or you can hate it because it impacts your team. But maybe we should eliminate the gamesmanship when it comes to qualifiers, is not that crazy of a position.
    3 points
  9. Folks should cut Spencer Lee some slack. He was majorly hurt and probably shouldn't have competed in the tourney at all but he gave it a shot. Leaving the tournament doesn't "define his career" unless you didn't actually watch the guy wrestle over those 4 years. He was an absolute stud top to bottom and a real joy to watch.
    3 points
  10. He's not wrong. PSU gamed the Suriano situation to try to minimize Picc's tournament scoring. And it worked! It comes down to "what's the important thing?" PSU coaches, is it solely their job to win, or do they bear some responsibility to "do right by the sport"? I see both side of that argument. ETA: i don't think the Starocci example is the same situation as Suriano.
    3 points
  11. Tell me you’ve never watched a Nebraska dual without telling me you’ve never watched a Nebraska dual
    3 points
  12. Trent Hidlay is the first athlete to openly thank Satan following his victory over Aaron Brooks. "Hail Satan", said Hidlay as he held his hands up in devil horn fashion before downing a fifth of fermented mare's milk and pig's blood as a pair of large crows flew down and landed on his shoulders. Hidlay then announced he'd see the interviewer again at Sr Nationals before a gaping, flaming pit opened at his feet and he slowly descended into the bowels of Hell, with a satanic choir loudly singing "Afternoon Delight" in the background. Don't blame Hidlay, "Afternoon Delight" is the only song allowed in Hell.
    3 points
  13. NCAA HYPE VIDEOS This is a two-parter. First, The ILLINI Wrestling Blog & Forum & Beyond Plus will be coming out with NCAA Hype Videos for all the ILLINI at the Big Dance. If you are a top notch recruit, wouldn't you want to be in one of these videos done in the cool rapping style that all the youngsters of today are so keen on? What other schools have cool NCAA Wrestling hype videos. Show me. SHOULD THE MICHIGAN WILDCATS UNIONIZE? Right now--this very minute--the Northwestern Wolverines are at the height of their bargaining power. The NCAA tournament doesn't start until Thursday. Bormet brought in a bunch of scabs to work for him, but what if those very same scabs held out for better pay? All they need is 30% of their employees, say DeAugustino and Cannon, to sign a petition at the local NLRB office, and BOOM, they can start living the high life of organized labor. As independent contractors their power is limited. As a unit, a union, their voices become amplified and their needs can be met. How about a $1,000.00 per hour raise? They've probably put in hundreds of hours for a pittance already, including Summer workouts, weightlifting and whatnot. Remember, my Wolvercat friends: The longer the picket line, the shorter the strike.
    2 points
  14. Flew into Budapest with wife and two kids, meeting middle child in Prague. First day train to Vienna, ticket window attendant no English. I was telling him 4 tickets to Vienna showing 4 fingers (he mightve thought giving him the flock of birds). Halfway to Vienna they come around to check tickets, only paid for 1, fortunately only wife & two kids wouldve been throw in the slammer cause I had one ticket. Yes we were able to buy 3 on the train.
    2 points
  15. Or North Korea or Iran
    2 points
  16. Yeah, I know. Big 10 is that good. Still, I find it very hard to feel sorry for a guy who went 16-12 and finished 9th not making it to NCAAs. I hope the kid is feeling alright though, I'm sure he'll make the trip and hang out with the team.
    2 points
  17. Attention: Mark Manning: When I clicked on the link I was surprised it did not take me to Twitter.
    2 points
  18. They were about the same size. Taylor was given anywhere from 390-425 (I think more at the Olympics). When I "weighed" Tab in at Lehigh about 40 years ago- I told him not to bother getting on the scale and asked him how much. He started at 390 and as I stared at him he went up a couple times and we settled on 415!
    2 points
  19. Yep. I don't know when exactly they stopped allowing wrestlers to bump up. I'd think it was around the time you had to start qualifying for the tournament and wasn't just open to anyone.
    2 points
  20. He must have missed weight by over 200 pounds!
    2 points
  21. Not sure. I guess it would allow the second alternate to become the first and weighin. Funny story about this one. Shawn won the year before and was the coverboy for the 1976 rulebook. He misses weight 2nd day for quarters. Coach Stan Abel says last year he was an outstanding wrestler- this year he was out standing in the hall! (Frick was The OW the year before but Stan always took liberties). Also, Abel was one of the coaches that referees would give a warning to when walking into the gym!
    2 points
  22. I think the point people are missing is that Manning needs to update his Twitter profile pic
    2 points
  23. "Name a wrestler who murdered a Vak fantasy team."
    2 points
  24. He can think whatever he wants, but Baumann beat Wilson in the dual, 7-2.
    2 points
  25. Yeah but this is a message board so its far more important to argue a) is Manning a whiny bitch b) how evil is Cael Sanderson
    2 points
  26. Guys, his point is about how a known injury blows up the bracket at conferences and he believes the right thing to do would be let the coaches know and seed Starocci last. It’s not that he thinks Wilson deserved a wild card, but he probably thinks he deserves to be at nationals more than Baumann, the Purdue freshman with an 12-14 record does. Baumann got a forfeit from Starocci to get to the top 8 which qualified him for NCAAs. I don’t see how any can argue that is indicative of getting the best guys to NCAAs (as should be our goal). It was simply luck of the draw to hit a bye on the backside. If Carter is not seeded that high, someone will still get a bye, but would have to win their next match to get into the top 8. Thus allowing the wrestlers to “earn it” (and there’s a very good chance Wilson does if this is the case)
    2 points
  27. FWIW, Fix and Vito have qualified for the OTT this year. Starocci has not; he needs to win the NCAAs this week to qualify for the OTT. Extra incentive for him to compete.
    2 points
  28. As had #33 Valencia (11-13), #32 Bauman (12-14), #29 Faison (13-12), #28 Simma (15-9), and #24 Sparks (10-7). #30 Takats got in on the strength of his 24-14 record, but notably lost to Husker backups Minto and Thebeau. Note that Sparks got in because of Starocci's inj def. He lost three straight after that. Three of his 10 wins are against teammates. He didn't wrestle in the Minny-Husker dual. Wilson (16-12) went 3-2 at the B1G and finished 9th. He beat qualifers Simma and Valencia during the season. It's clear that the seeding process needs a complete overhaul.
    2 points
  29. If the results in the dual were always the same then they shouldn't have a tournament... That is kind of the point. The 8th place finisher didn't win a match and took a bid from someone. I wish I was shocked about the amount of people that are discounting the comments because Wilson wasn't better. Bubba Wilson isn't the point he is making but he is fighting for his guy so that is the example being used. Wilson is the 34th or 35th guy doesn't negate the point.
    2 points
  30. The easy answer is to get rid of at-large bids. If you want to qualify, you have to place at your conference tournament. If you are unable to compete, then I am sorry but injuries happen. If Starrocci knew he had to place in the top 8 at his conference tournament then he would have had to decide if he was good enough to wrestle or not.
    2 points
  31. For one, they need put some kind of guidelines for a schedule. Bump up # of matches needed to wrestle to 20. 15 matches in 4 months is Ridiculous. We are trying to grow the sport, but the "best" team never wrestles. Also if they know a guy isn't going to wrestle, reseed him, don't wreck post seasons for everyone else.
    2 points
  32. Yeah, I'm sure this bulletin board material will finally get them over the hump. They've been desperately missing that for all these years...
    2 points
  33. seems like giving Penn State some bulletin board material prior to NCAAs might not be the best idea.
    2 points
  34. 100 % agree. Manning just wants to make the sport better. Be transparent about things, like every other sport. Not to mention make PSU wrestle a schedule. 15 matches in 4 months is a joke! Make it 20
    2 points
  35. Nah. It's more Manning sticking up for the sport and not backing down to Caels crap
    2 points
  36. When your mom tries to kick you out of the basement again.
    2 points
  37. I can't believe you even type this b.s....LOOK IN THE MIRROW whackadoodle!! Have some freakin self reflection! You admittedly don't have any common sense, but take a step back and read what you actually accuse people of based on NO FACTS other than the stuff you make up in your head. Then you try and lecture people on it...crazy!!
    2 points
  38. I will be selling a very similar copy at a small mobile table in the corner at the NCAA for 39.99 a pop.
    2 points
  39. The problem is that after he won his third title he said, "excuses are for wussies." And now he is excusing why he didn't win four titles and why he didn't have an Olympic run (other guys who wrestled in college had Olympic runs while in college). I even think these are perfectly legitimate points. Maybe if COVID doesn't happen he would have been a 4xer (we will never know) and maybe that does lead to an Olympic run for him. It's a fair thing to say. It's just that he set the bar at, "excuses are for wussies" a year before he didn't win his fourth title and here we are with him giving us what sounds exactly like excuses. It's really easy to say things like that when you win. If he had never said what he said I think people would look at it differently. These criticisms are of his own making.
    2 points
  40. Who is someone that shares false information with conviction, pretends to know things he does not, spins information with misleading bias, and is an intellectual charlatan? Don Lemon. Oof. Watch him interview Elon Musk. Terrible.
    2 points
  41. Joziah Frey wrestled at Campbell for two seasons as a redshiet/backup. He won his second D3 title over the weekend. He is 72-0 in two seasons of competition in D3. His only loss in that time was to Luke Stanich at the Princeton open.
    2 points
  42. The wrestlers that transfer from D1 down to D3 do so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they are backups from bigger programs sometimes smaller. Other times there are off the mat issues. Duane Bastress current head coach at York College started out his career at Bloomsburg. He was the starter as a true freshman in 2002 and went 17-15 at 165. He did not qualify for NCAAs out of the EWL. He transferred to York College and in three seasons (2004, 2005, 2006) he went 97-6 and won two national titles. In 2006 there were two D1 transfers in the final at 157lbs. The champion Joe Pflug was top recruit in high school and committed to Ohio State. He transfered to Heidelberg where he wrestled two seasons finishing 1st and 3rd. I don't think he ever took the mat for the buckeyes. His opponent was Jeremy Anderson of Augburg who was a transfer from Minnesota. Anderson I don't think he was ever a starter for the Golden Gophers and placed 2nd and 1st in two seasons in Augsburg. David Morgan initially started his career at Pitt. I think he spent a year there and they wanted him at 125 which was probably a too big of a cut. He transferred to kings where he went up to 133. He went 86-7 over three seasons finishing 6th once and winning two national titles in 2007 and 2008. Marcus LeVesseur also transferred from Minnesota to Augsburg. I think one of the reasons for his transfer was so that he could also play football. He was an undefeated 4x champ at Augsburg. Brent Rider transferred from Virginia Tech to SUNY Cortland. I don't think he was a starter at VT and they weren't a top 24 team back then. I three seasons he placed 5th (2002) and 6th (2004) at D3 NCAAs. Rocky Mantella was a starter at Indiana as a true freshman in 2002. He went 0-2 and did not qualify for NCAAs. Off the mat issues lead to him leaving Indiana after one season. Some years later in 2009 he resurfaced at Del Val College and lost in the national final. Ricky Laforge was a national qualifier for Hofstra at 133lbs in 2003 earning the 10 seed before going 0-2. He may have lost his starting spot by the time he transferred to Del Val for his final season of eligibility. He lost in the 2007 D3 141lb final to Quincy Osborn of Augburg. Osborn was a transfer from the University of Minnesota where he had also qualified for NCAAs. Orborn was a D1 qualifier at 133lbs in 2004.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Schalles pinned three NCAA champs his senior year. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  45. Since the NCAA ended D2/D3/NAIA wrestlers from competing in the D1 tournament in the early 90s, here are the guys that I am tracking who have AA'd after transferring from a non-D1 & non-JUCO institution. Christian Lance - Ft. Hays Steve Fittery - Shippensburg Bill Stouffer - Grand Valley State Mo Lawal - Central Oklahoma Jody Stritmatter - Johnstown Tim Morrissey - Western Colorado Donnell Rawls - Winston-Salem
    2 points
  46. The distinction that you are making here is between legal migrants and illegal migrants. You want to believe that all people coming to the US are legal migrants or just migrants, but that is not the actual case. The difference is between those that came with the express good wishes of US Law and those that didn't. No one wants to keep legal migrants out of the country. Immigration laws already account for these people. Most everyone wants to keep illegal migrants out of the country. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/07/state-of-the-union-2024-where-americans-stand-on-the-economy-immigration-and-other-key-issues/ It can be easily argued that the yellow box and the red arrows are greatly related. Reduce illegal immigration, you will reduce crime. Maybe just a little but it will reduce it. Without so many kids in the schools, education will improve. Without so many illegal migrants using hte health care system, that will reduce health care costs. And closing the border will reduce the danger of terrorism. Many terrorists have been caught. How many haven't been caught with this porous border? Reducing illegal drugs is a big issue. Closing the border would help with this. Your position is not based on any fact, law or common sense. You deny there is common sense so you are against facts and the law. I rebut you on this, but with no hope that you will read this or actually admit your error. You will just keep on posting your erroneous emotional diatribes here that have nothing to do with fact and law (or common sense for that matter). To continually do so is proof of your empty rhetoric. mspart
    2 points
  47. "AJ Ferrari named as prime suspect in Kansas City shooting" "Brands brothers will make a full recovery after sustaining gunshot wounds in Kansas City parking garage shooting" "Missouri does the unthinkable; knocks off defending champion Penn State" "Oklahoma State head coach John Smith fires assistant Coleman Scott matside for throwing challenge brick" "Dayton Fix celebrates 40th birthday with first NCAA title"
    2 points
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