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Bo is a trumper?

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25 minutes ago, Caveira said:

I think the quote was… 

“unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”

in reference to bussing black kids into white school districts in the late 70s. 

No, no, no.  This will not do.  One must take the words of the Terrible Trump, Bumbling Biden, etc. out of context to distort their intended meaning.

One inserts this misinformation like a suppository, then spew it repeatedly until it sticks, ensuring confusion and false beliefs spread.

And then marvel at the absurdity of transforming smart people into fools.

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My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board:

1) Its not about wrestling

2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical

3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented).  

4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it.


I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol

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39 minutes ago, flyingcement said:

My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board:

1) Its not about wrestling

2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical

3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented).  

4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it.


I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol

...but we haven't definitively figured out if Bo is a trumper!!!!! Who can sleep under such conditions!

  • Haha 1

"Half measures are a coward's form of insanity."

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On 6/25/2024 at 9:15 AM, ionel said:

Pretty sure I've never taken or been in photos of those I've golfed with thus no one can prove I'm a a scoundrel.  🙄

But you did just admit to golfing. That's all the proof I need of your scoudrelhood. 

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, BigRedFan said:

Immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than citizens.  You can always find an instance or three of someone in an ethnic group who commits a horrible crime, but to cast that on the whole group is, well, racist.

Oil is depleted?  The US is a net exporter of energy.

What resources are depleted, compared to the rest of the world?

Who disrespects our military, besides Trump ("losers" and "suckers")?

Doomsday predictions about the US currency have been going around for, what, decades?  Maybe there's a reason why that just doesn't happen.Violent crime in the US has been dropping for decades, and is as low as it has ever been.  From Pew:

You know what has gone up?  Public perception of crime rates.  Who is it that beats the drum about crime, especially by illegal immigrants?  

What needs to change?  Stop drinking the Kool-Ade, and stop listening to media outlets that spew BS 24/7.


You know when else public perception existed that crime was high in America? Pretty much always. And when immigration would make it worse? Again, pretty much always. That feeling is heightened right now.

As recently as 10 years ago we'd see news reports or TV media  run stories that stated that immigrants were less likely to report being the victim of a crime out of fear of deportation and/or further crime being committed against them. The same goes for minority communities. "Stiches are for snitches" is a familiar axion to many. 

Before writing this post I read a story from 2014, just 10 years ago, stating that immigrants were 78 percent less likely to report crime when compared to US citizens. If this is true, then how can the public believe immigrants are somehow less likely to commit crime than US citizens? Especially when many of those immigrants are coming from the most dangerous places in the world. Most as are running from the crime there, but how many commit crime. Enough so that people intuitively know something is wrong. 

You have to make them believe it, right? And how does that work? You create a study and then cite that study as the gospel truth. Then you repeat it over and over and over again in unison. 

So you may cite a study as reported in the .org world but the public holds little trust in those studies when they don't comport with what they think makes common sense. This is why Europe is turning away from the hard left as they see it, and why it is happening here as well. 

This is not to say that our citizenry are all saints, no one believes that. The USA now has some of those most dangerous cities in the world. And what is going on with crime statistics in some of our cities? A number of things are happening. Since the defund the police movement came into vogue they had to make people believe the police were oppressors. They clearly are not, but anything to get power, right? 

In some cities they have created new categories to explain away deaths. One of those categories is "suspicious deaths". In Philadelphia an enterprising reporter went looking into those situations and came away believing most were homicides. Can't have people thinking there were too many homicides now. 

So overlay all the new crimes victimizing the citizens with the existing crime victimizing the citizens and people are going to feel less safe, and no study will change that. People feel unsafe in their gut.

And what about the financial costs of all of this policy? The country can't afford it. Cities are cutting programs all over the place because of skyrocketing costs.

As since you asked, the oil being depleted here in the USA is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It stands at about one half of its high set during the last administration.


This means that at the same time our Strategic Reserve was cut in half, literally in an effort to add supply to consumers, gas prices still rose about 50 percent. People feel this in their wallets. 

As for the currency, it is stable for now. But China and Japan buy far less of our debt these days. Trust in what we are doing here is dropping. Currency that is good doesn't go bad over night, it takes a lot of bad leadership to make it happen. Just as in Europe. in New Zealand, in Canada, people want change. They no longer trust the status quo as they feel it everywhere that something just isn't right. 

Edited by Pinnacle
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2 hours ago, jackwebster said:

But you did just admit to golfing. That's all the proof I need of your scoudrelhood. 


BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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7 hours ago, flyingcement said:

My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board:

1) Its not about wrestling

2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical

3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented).  

4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it.


I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol

Agree....move to non-wrestling.

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2 hours ago, Winners Circle said:

In other news, water is wet.

attention hungry texan with conservative sensibilities and a personality gap to fill? Sounds like a beto guy to me!

"Half measures are a coward's form of insanity."

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10 hours ago, flyingcement said:

My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board:

1) Its not about wrestling

2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical

3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented).  

4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it.


I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol

This guy deserves a new rank in the forum after making the most sense and by providing a quick exit without the lengthy gibberish provided by others.

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I think after the last hour of Karen (Pat Mineo) raging and calling people liberals.  He will probably lose plenty of followers.  He's definitely using his page as a platform.   Most people don't want to discuss politics on a wrestling page,  forums are different in my opinion.   I know I'm being a hypocrite lol

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On 7/2/2024 at 11:03 PM, flyingcement said:

My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board:

1) Its not about wrestling

Trump was a wrestler & Bo was a wrestler, what more do you want?  😉

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BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, ionel said:

Trump was a wrestler & Bo was a wrestler, what more do you want?  😉

I seem to remember seeing a team photo at that military academy he attended... JV photo that is (nothing to see here... move along... keep it moving, please... 😏)


Edited by D3 for LU
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Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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On 7/6/2024 at 11:56 PM, ionel said:

Trump was a wrestler & Bo was a wrestler, what more do you want?  😉

I believe he did JV wrestling in tenth grade...and then intramural basketball in eleven and twelve.  Tells ya all ya need to know.

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5 minutes ago, Bulldog said:

I believe he did JV wrestling in tenth grade...and then intramural basketball in eleven and twelve.  Tells ya all ya need to know.

Trump was YUUUGE wrestler!  C'mon man.  😉

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BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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2 hours ago, Bulldog said:

I believe he did JV wrestling in tenth grade...and then intramural basketball in eleven and twelve.  Tells ya all ya need to know.

DJT's name was on the bracket at the 1962 National Prep championships for NY Military Academy and the weight was won by future HOF Distinguished Member Bill Harlow. That bracket was displayed at the New York Athletic Club for a period of time. He's not everyone's cup of tea by any stretch, but we've embraced people as wrestlers for far less. 

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Insert catchy tagline here. 

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9 minutes ago, Jason Bryant said:

DJT's name was on the bracket at the 1962 National Prep championships for NY Military Academy and the weight was won by future HOF Distinguished Member Bill Harlow. That bracket was displayed at the New York Athletic Club for a period of time. He's not everyone's cup of tea by any stretch, but we've embraced people as wrestlers for far less. 



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