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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2023 in all areas

  1. I’d take 100 JC’s over one half NJD.
    4 points
  2. Because the metric system is inferior and should be avoided where possible.
    4 points
  3. as long as our kids will continue to be taught that men menstruate and are perfectly capable of getting pregnant then we will all figure it out... that passes for "science" nowadays, yes?
    3 points
  4. This sounds like the ultimate "Us v Them" move. I'll use a phrase favored by the Conservatives... They have an agenda. I think that's pretty obvious. Easier to snooker and control people when they're stupid AND ignorant. I snicker, as anybody with 1/4 of a brain should, when I hear this "earth is only 6000 years old" or such nonsense. Questioning the Theory of Gravity? Wow! We do not know EXACTLY how gravity works and may never know. Certainly with this head-in-the-sand type of education we never would. They want to differentiate between theory and fact. I would start by differentiating between belief and fact. Without modern scientific theory, methods, and thought process, these morons would still be riding donkeys and wearing fig leaves. Pretty obviously not using computers and cell phones, driving cars, etc. I try not to paint with too broad a brush, but the picture of this Daniel Emrich just reeks of the "holier than thou" hiding deep, dark secrets. A la Josh Duggar and many, many more.
    3 points
  5. I'm thankful the post didn't say, "states posters."
    3 points
  6. I have a preview of this interesting dual up at The ILLINI Wrestling Blog and Forum and Beyond. I'm interested in hearing what Iowa State fans have to say about this match. It looks like the Cyclones have been decimated by injuries at the lower weights, but they are steel-rod-reinforced-concrete strong at the upper weights. In any event, here's a sample from the award-winning preview: 197. ZAC BRAUNAGEL (#17, 19-5) versus YONGER BASTIDA (#7, 13-2) This will be a marque matchup for the fans. The thirty-five-year-old Cuban freestyler has had a great year so far with some incredible upsets and wins. But so has Zac. Yonger got pinned by Nebraska's Silas Allred and lost a close match to Pitt's Nino Bonaccorsi. But so did Zac. Bastida is not that big for a 197er, and is very quick. But the same goes for Zac Braunagel. The key for the ILLINI is to defend the quick single from the Cuban, and either get the takedown himself in the first period, or reach the second period scoreless. The ISU kid has learned folkstyle by now--he finished fifth at the Big Dance last year--but I'd still like to see him underneath the Brawlnagel in the tie-breakers. Yonger is 3-2 against top twenty wrestlers this year with wins over Wisconsin's Braxton Amos, Oklahoma State's #19 Luke Surber, and Cornell's #17 Lewis Fernandes, as well as losses to Nino Bonaccorsi and Max Dean. Zac will need to defend Bastida's underhooks, and be ready when he selects neutral. His claw ride isn't that good yet, so Brawny should be able to escape. Can the Cyclone? PREDICTION: Tossup, slight edge to ISU. ... A DAY IN HISTORY It is Saturday, February 3, 1940. Minnesota Vikings quarterback Fran Tarkenton is born. Glenn Miller is high on the charts with his hit In the Mood. You still have to wait seven more days for the first-ever Tom and Jerry cartoon called Puss Gets the Boot. Gone with the Wind is still in theaters, while Pinocchio--Disney's second feature-length film--opens in a week. Russia's war with Finland is heating up; Nazis pilots sink the Norwegian ship Tempo. But in the United States, at least, good triumphs over evil as the Fighting ILLINI beat the Iowa State Cyclones in a wrestling dual by the score of 14.5 to 13.5. This is part of ILLINOIS' all-time 7-3 winning record against that dreadful team. This is what the Washington, D.C. Evening Star reported the next day:
    2 points
  7. Is there any good reason why college weights don't directly match freestyle weights to ease the transition?
    2 points
  8. Interesting symmetry between the far left-hand (low) side of the distribution and the far right. Some posters need to keep this in mind before they complain about high school underclassmen wrestling varsity at 107 -- some of these young wrestlers grow into middle weights and some will be future college 125 pounders. Eliminate the high school opportunity for small guys, or guys who are later developers, and you'll lose some future college wrestlers. But, of course, I am biased. signed, Lightweight
    2 points
  9. One of these is a scientific theory, the other is a theological tenet. Science class is for scientific theories. Comparative religions class is for the rest.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. love to see if there is something like this from other states more recently....
    2 points
  12. Or shot by your teammate... 2014-15 2A Vincent Turk Lombard (Montini)
    2 points
  13. No one receives insightful feedback from Nailbender. I'm not leaving that one just lofted up there for everyone.
    2 points
  14. conservatives are gonna freak out when they learn about satellites.
    2 points
  15. This right here is why I believe what Dake accomplished in college exceeds Cael's career making him the actual folkstyle GOAT
    2 points
  16. This is one of those things where you have to have an idea of a group of wrestlers first rather than data just showing you something. I can pull up the hometowns of every single placewinner in college wrestling (save the NCWA) history, so that can probably get closer. I don't (yet) have a database of state champions and placers to cross reference.
    2 points
  17. I have a bit of a scientific background myself. I won't go into the details because then we'll just be into the usual "leftist insulting my intelligence" thing. When I watch some of these The Way the Universe Works type of shows, I snicker. There are a whole lot of assumptions that go into the conclusions "we" draw about the very, very small and the very, very large, and many other things. I have no doubt that much of what we think will be disproven in 50, 200, 5000 years. That's the way Science works. Heck, I've always said that 500 years ago, the smartest people in the world thought the earth was flat. Of course that statement isn't exactly true, but it only served to prove that we're always learning and to get a laugh. The sad part is that some people still believe the earth is flat. I don't think many of them are scientists, or have ever taken and passed a legitimate science course. Science is far from infallible but I'll definitely take it over a bunch of fairy tales written thousands of years ago, retold, interpreted, and translated countless times, always with an ulterior motive. Don't fool yourself, this is EXACTLY what this bill is about. When you say get the politics out of Science, I would say this bill in Montana is one of the biggest examples of politics trying to take over Science and our educational system. I even remember that great scientific mind, George W Bush (lol), reassuring us there was no such thing as Global Warming. Was that not politically motivated? Oil man Bush and oil man Cheney deciding the validity of Global Warming? No thanks.
    2 points
  18. Twitter is and has always been mostly disgusting. It has little to nothing to do with who runs it.
    2 points
  19. But if they do this, everyone will downgrade the accomplishments of the poor guys who win NCAAs at 61/134, 70/154, 79/174, and 92/202.
    2 points
  20. There's also far more wrestlers at the middleweights (generally specifically in the 141-157 range) than on the ends...for example, the number of Division I wrestlers who have wrestled at least one match against other Division I competition at each weight up to this point in the 2022-23 season... 125: 223 133: 267 141: 300 149: 331 157: 338 165: 299 174: 280 184: 262 197: 234 285: 227
    2 points
  21. I can absolutely agree with that, 100% in agreement - and the 2nd biggest need is maybe to change your profile pic.
    2 points
  22. In the US, I am a rabid extreme left communist bent on the total destruction of the republic itself. In any other member of the G20, I am a boring centrist.
    2 points
  23. Good question. In 1932, 1936 and 1948 the NCAA did use Olympic weights to prepare for the Olympics. I cannot find any statement as to why they abandoned that practice in 1952 and beyond.
    2 points
  24. He may have been yonger longer, but can he grow a better beard than Michael?
    1 point
  25. User experience has gone down the shitter. I use(d) Blue because I don’t want to fat-finger a stat because, you know, phones/autocorrect/etc. and that won’t even work. Locked into a stuck profile because I changed my image - which used to take seconds. They’ve gone and effed it all up.
    1 point
  26. I don't necessarily disagree. As an aside, before social media the cynics and crazies still rambled. Sometimes in the literal public square or at the bar or wrestling tournaments, wherever. I think everyone saw them as just what they were. Why do we need to protect people on social media from seeing them and would you let me decide who they are?
    1 point
  27. Now when a kid hit the leg cradle and started doing push ups, then I understand calling that kid for unsportsman like conduct.
    1 point
  28. I literally don't reacall ANYONE using the term "dominating." Controlling the match. Amos was CONTROLLING the match until the injury. Apparently not much happened. He was dealing with a knee injury(who isn't dealing with one) and when he came to his feet when he was riding in the 2nd, he tweaked it and probably should have shut it down. But again, being as it's not my knee, I think it's a LITTLE funny to say the injury had no impact on a match that was controlled by one guy prior to the injury and then the other guy after the injury...because you were "there." Lots of people were there. I promise most of them don't know how big of an impact this had either. Also...doesn't REALLY matter. You lose, you lose. People don't care why. People don't care that a healthy Mekhi Lewis is the prohibitive favorite if he's healthy in '21 at 165. They know who did win. So...I don't even know why this is a point of emphasis.
    1 point
  29. Yes...after the injury. I literally just broke it down(not in terms of time, but in terms of posts). Came out 1st period, shot several times. 2:18 has a cradle locked up. Allred kicks out of bounds. Cradle...could easily have been 2. Also...probably should have been called for fleeing the mat as Amos went from the cradle, looked up at the ref, no points, then went to the single, tried to pull him back in, but Allred is diving out. 2:00 Amos in on a single, working around behind. Potentially dangerous called. 1:30-Amos takes a shot, comes up, hits Allred with a throw, 2 TD Amos. 30 second ride, Amos cuts Allred :30 seconds left, Amos takes another shot. End of period, Allred takes a nice shot...time runs out. 2nd period ~1:30 Amos riding, this is when he hurts his knee somewhere in here. Allred gets a reversal. Goes from Amos 2-1 and a few seconds short of riding time to Amos on the bottom. 3-2 Allred 3rd period-Neutral Amos goes to take a shot at about 1:50 and comes up again limp. Can't shoot. Still 3-2 Allred. That's...not "controlling the match. That's scoring a couple late TDs when Amos can't shot. 1st period, no problem getting in. Not finishing. 3rd period...can't even finish a basic shot and is later taken down on a shot.
    1 point
  30. I could give a shit if you're triggered. Don't whine to me about using naughty words when the opening post calls the Gov from Michigan a cunt. Your pearl clutching just...doesn't quite land when that goes by without a word said, but the word "shit," or whatever sends you into a little tizzy. And I'm quite sure several people listened to me. I know this because...I got reactions and messages regarding my comments. Best you speak for yourself with regard to who's "listening," eh?
    1 point
  31. Not much discussion here recently of RBY as a Hodge candidate. especially if Lee falters. RBY has no losses this year. Has won something like 50 in a row (can't recall the exact number but it's close to that). If he closes it out, he will be a three time champ. And right now he has an 82 percent bonus rate. Also taking out Fix twice (or perhaps even three times) is no small feat given that Fix is a World Silver medalist Plus RBY should get extra points for his entertaining style. He won't but he is fun to watch.
    1 point
  32. Emphasis on originally
    1 point
  33. Sounds silly to stop a legitimate scoring position because you feel bad for the kid being turned.
    1 point
  34. GOP got beaten hard by Biden. They hooted and grunted right into an obvious trap.
    1 point
  35. To be successful, Trump feels he has to make enemies. He carefully cultivates them in social media, at his rallies, debates, press conferences. Every opportunity he gets. Right now, he is creating one in Ron DeSantis. Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate.
    1 point
  36. I'd like to see a fantasy match between Jim Jordan and Gable Steveson! Then Jordan and Steve Mocco. Then finally Jordan vs Hulk Hogan in his prime!
    1 point
  37. Nolf has 3 losses; 1 medical forfeit. 2 close loses to Isiah Martinez, A two time champ. Nolf pinned him in their first meeting. The devil is in the details. Nolfs career looks an awful lot like Gable Stevenson's, only longer, better, and lacking a Hodge.
    1 point
  38. Dominance is a factor for Hodge. It is not designed to be a career achievement award.
    1 point
  39. Cox wasn't bad either. 3x champ at an upper weight, and it took a world and Olympic champ to keep him from getting 4. Also won an Olympic medal himself while still in college. His bonus rate wasn't as impressive because of his wrestling style, but 136-4 college record (28-0 his senior season) wasn't too shabby.
    1 point
  40. But the finals wins for Yianni over Meredith, McKenna and Lovett are not nearly as impressive impressive as the others.
    1 point
  41. add to that because there'd be one poster on these here boards going bonkers, firing off new threads and post left and right just so he could use the term keggers.
    1 point
  42. I never said he was dominating the match or close to dominating the match. The match changed big time after Amos got injured however.
    1 point
  43. ME: "I'm the biggest homer there ever was. I have an ILLINI WRESTLING lunchbox that I made myself using a 3-D printer." JAJENSEN09: [***** slaps me in the face with this comment]
    1 point
  44. It affected the outcome in a huge way. Amos could hardly move the last half of the match.
    1 point
  45. Injury completely changed the match if we are being honest.
    1 point
  46. I think this is a very reasonable take on the match. Amos was taking it to Allred pretty good before the knee tweak.
    1 point
  47. Is there a reason for the allowance in ranking tournaments? I understand allowances for random tournaments but it seems to me that if you want a seed at worlds you should have to do it at the actual weight you will be wrestling.
    1 point
  48. Outstanding match... without a doubt, one of the best so far this season.
    1 point
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