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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2024 in all areas

  1. Bro, pass the pipe. Jk I don't do drugs but seriously, what has been up with your posts lately? Things so boring at home that you have to stir up bad faith arguments online? It doesn't take much effort at all to find interviews online of some combination of spencer, his dad, teammates, or coaches, to realize that nothing you said is true (of Spencer). That being said, I can definitely envision Bassett being drawn to Iowa precisely because he would be perceived as the top dog - - including the financial incentives that would entail.
    5 points
  2. Finally figured out who Rock Lobster truly is
    3 points
  3. I wish they were competing, don't blame the athletes, but it depends how much moral responsibility you want to put on them. Do they deserve to compete? yes. In my mind is this an acceptable wage for someone who has knowingly been the dramatic beneficiary of a giant crime syndicate? Also yes.
    2 points
  4. Downey leading Carter at the break after likely smoking backwoods, and training in a high school at the age of 31 leads me to believe he could have been just about as good as anyone if he was dedicated from the time he graduated HS until present day.
    2 points
  5. Pat Downey Junior College champ (2015) 1x D1 AA (5th at 197 in 2016) Junior world silver in freestyle (2012) US senior open champ (2019) US World Team Member Freestyle 2019 Wins include Jared Haught, Drew Foster, Kenny Courts, Quentin Wright, Robert Hamlin, Sammy Brooks, Tyrell Todd, Tyler Caldwell, Josh Asper, Gabe Dean, Kyle Crutchmer, Brett Pfarr, Myles Martin, Nick Heflin, Joe Rau, Ethan Ramos, and Aaron Brooks. Most of those came in freestyle as he only wrestled 22 times over two seasons in NCAA competition. I'm pretty sure Downey has a bachelor's degree from ISU and an associates from ICCC. AJ Ferrari 1 x D1 AA (1st at 197 2021) Cadet World Bronze in Freestyle (2018) Ferrari's wins include Younger Bastida, Jake Woodley, Stephen Buchanan, Tanner Sloan, Jacob Warner, Myles Amine, and Nino Bonaccorsi. Those were all in NCAA competition and Ferrari didn't compete much more than Downey with only 30 NCAA matches over 2 seasons. Pretty sure Ferrari doesn't have a college degree. I'd say Downey has the both the better wrestling and academic accomplishments. Some might value Ferrari's NCAA title over Downey's freestyle accomplishments, but I am not among them. Academically Downey is the only one with a degree and he has two of them. He might also have some graduate coursework completed. These factors favor Downey. On the other hand Downey has the more extensive rap sheet. Probably was arrested at least 2x as many times as Ferrari. Whilst Ferrari has been successful in getting his criminal charges dropped and expunged Downey plead guilty to at least one of his assault charges in high school. Financially my impression is that Downey is perpetually broke and Ferrari makes decent money via his social media following. The wealth difference might also partially explain their relative success in defending their criminal charges. Overall these factors favor Ferrari.
    2 points
  6. serious question, did Ferrari's beat your kid or bang one of your relatives? I get it, I think 2 of the 3 are complete fools, but man you go out of your way to post about them. I truly would love to know the back story to why you hate them so much. It has to be personal, I hate a lot of people but I would not give a 1/3 of the energy that you do.
    2 points
  7. why all the hate? And if the hate is necessary just say you hate iowa, you dont have to try and trojan horse it in.
    2 points
  8. Really? Haha! GreatWhite once scolded me for misunderstanding that Biden’s dementia was simply a studder.
    2 points
  9. A few thoughts. First, I feel bad for the AIN athletes for Russia. Earl's article on the front page says that the boycott was a "unanimous vote" and that the invited athletes participated in it. But the time for the individual athletes to make that decision was two weeks ago. Several declined (mostly Belorussian, and one or two Russian), and the other 10 said yes. So basically all 10 of these athletes wanted to go, and now, obviously not wanting to spend the rest of their life in a Siberian labor camp, decided to "reconsider." Second, it isn't surprising. It never happened before because the AIN process had always been a rubber stamp. But now that the IOC actually decided to give a crap, and affirmatively refuse invites to people who are actively cheering on Russia's land-grabbing invasion, it creates a scenario where only athletes who steadfastly refuse to support their own government can participate. And if you're Putin, that's just not tenable. You can't have athletes actively trying to dissociate themselves from you. Better to ban them from going at all, lest it spark dissent against the warmongering regime. Third, all of this tells me the IOC, for once, got it right. Prior "bans" have been a JOKE, with there always being a de facto Russian team there, praising Putin as Putin praises them back. The AIN process was always supposed to be about the rights of the individual athletes, not Russia's rights, but Russia basically got to have a team in every way except in name. But done right, the AIN process can actually do some social good by incentivizing change. So while the boycott sucks for the AIN wrestlers, it tells them: either (a) stay in your country and cheerlead for its bad actions, and lose your right to compete, or (b) stay in your country and don't cheerlead, but realize your country may *still* not let you compete, incentivizing you and your supports to advocate for change in your country's behavior, or (c) find a better country, and compete there. Fourth, the question remains whether AIN selections will remain as rigorous for future UWW events. After all, many of these Russian athletes cleared the AIN hurdle for 2023 Worlds. What changed? Will UWW, when not being glared at by IOC, continue with its prior weak approval process, or will it have teeth? Does Sadulaev make a sudden return in 2025? Only if it has teeth going forward can the new AIN process have any effect. (My own guess is Trump wins in November, immediately cease all support for Ukraine, Ukraine is forced to capitulate and cede land, the war ends, the ban ends.) Fifth, all that said, it sucks we won't get to see the US wrestlers compete with Russia's best.
    2 points
  10. There you go just like Wkn bringing facts in to disrupt a good argument.
    1 point
  11. I'm not sure it's any harder to win as a true freshman than any other weight. There really aren't that many true freshman champs at any weight. Below are the number of true freshman champs at each weight since the weight class change in 1999. 125 - 1 (Lee) 133 - None 141 - 3 (Ware, Dake, Diakomihalis) 149 - 1 (Schlatter) 157 - None 165 - None 174 - 2 (Martin, Hall) 184 - None 197 - 2 (Cox, Ferrari) 285 - None
    1 point
  12. Classic signs of jetlag?
    1 point
  13. The only one I know of is J'den Cox. Kyle Snyder was pretty close too.
    1 point
  14. I'd definitely take Ferrari's NCAA title over anything on Downey's resume.
    1 point
  15. This . Union pension plans have to regularly be bought out sooooooooooo. Why? Corruption
    1 point
  16. I don’t think Putin wants to take over Europe. However nothing I saw in Trumps first term makes me think Trump can gracefully navigate an incredibly complex geopolitical situation like the Ukraine war beyond blustering and taking credit. I do feel for the Russian athletes. They don’t really get a say over their destinies. We’ll see what their Friendship Games have to offer after the Olympics.
    1 point
  17. I don't think Spencer has great odds but to say he has no shot is a bit insane to me. I would have probably said Stevan had no shot after seeing his draw last year, and now the field is weaker without Russia. Abakarov seems like a very bad matchup for Spencer but he could very well beat anyone in the field after all he beat Gillman two in a row.
    1 point
  18. anyone willing to parrot this 34 felonies line is a complete shill. Its the type of person who will talk about how "biden added jobs" as if they didn't know he only did so under protest because he was trying to keep the country locked down forever.
    1 point
  19. Is Tara Reade back in town?
    1 point
  20. every post of yours is a bad decision it's why we all have the advantage over you
    1 point
  21. Read back to my post. I actually commended you on making a post that was a good conversation starter. Then you immediately called me names and attacked me. Seems you have no interest in starting a conversation (which - if you've forgotten - is the reason this place exists.) Be hateful if you must - blame others if you must - bitch and bitch, and then bitch more. That's what most of these clowns do here (both from the US and some paid by other countries.) But think seriously about one thing - and it is an important one: When was the last time you actually made an original point and led a legitimate conversation?
    1 point
  22. Are these the people doing all of the legitimate oppressing? Good decision making should be penalized in order to achieve equity. We could take their money and give it to others. That is a novel idea.
    1 point
  23. "Legitimately oppressed"?!? No there are not. Oppression is never legitimate. Wasn't that the justification for slavery?
    1 point
  24. i agree, omar's people are probably oppressed by her poor leadership
    1 point
  25. There is a lot of ignorance and complete lack of depth in your post.
    1 point
  26. Russia’s invasion was unprovoked. Israel’s was not.
    1 point
  27. "Hey your best guys can't play because they support the evil invasion." "You can't fire me! I quit!" "That's fine. We already said no to the guys that mattered anyways, bro..." "BOYCOOOOOOOTTT!"
    1 point
  28. If that kid had just learned a stand up and gotten off from bottom his dad wouldn't have been arrested! That is why you practice mat wrestling (looking at you, Ohio State).
    1 point
  29. I am always about a good time. I hope you and yours all kept all your digits. That said, if you start out trying to foolishly sling mud, there will be those willing to sling it back. Perhaps consider that the next time you baselessly try to go after someone via the protection of a screen.
    1 point
  30. Go to your kids matches, sit in the top row, and keep your mouth shut. In a perfect world
    1 point
  31. he's a communist makes so much more sense now
    1 point
  32. sense i assume it wasn't in confidence, this is what @three_arrows just sent me privately. "I'd be glad to keep knocking your dick in the dirt. But, unfortunately, I've made it to the end of the amount of posts I have for a single day on this most august site. It seems I may have wasted them on blithering ***I am an idiot and can't use a better adjective***s, unfortunately. I look forward to, literally, smacking the shit out of your mouth in the very near future, pussycake. I don't live on the site, my kids and my spouse love me and I'm living an actual life. So it likely won't be tomorrow, but who knows. It could be in a week, or in 3 weeks, or maybe just next week. Maybe even tomorrow. But rest assured, young lady. I'll be back to blister your capitalist bootlicking ass. Soon. "
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. That's certainly most impressive given all the times the Dems have controlled Congress and the Presidency. Bravo you sneaky GOPers!
    1 point
  35. That America is shifting towards more conservative common-sense values is the one thing that just might save America. To many hardworking, patriotic conservative Americans this is great news. The woke left has been trying to Fundamentally Transform America. Those were President Obama's own words. Well guess what, hardworking Americans are not going to put up with open border, climate change malarky. So, either be part of the solution or continue being the major problem.
    1 point
  36. Wow! Younger Generation (18-29) Grows Wiser Despite Liberal Media Propaganda
    1 point
  37. This guy deserves a new rank in the forum after making the most sense and by providing a quick exit without the lengthy gibberish provided by others.
    1 point
  38. In other news, water is wet.
    1 point
  39. My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board: 1) Its not about wrestling 2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical 3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented). 4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it. I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol
    1 point
  40. As a reformed internet political arguer, I am much happier posting about less divisive things like sports and stuff
    1 point
  41. Sunderland coached PSU for 11 years and had an overall record of 115-90-2. This is the worst record of any PSU coach except for Paul Campbell who coached for 4 years during WWII. Sunderland's best dual season was 2005-2006 when PSU was 13-4 and his worst was 2001-2002 when they were 6-12. Sunderland's best Big Ten tournament finish was 3rd, which he accomplished twice, and his average finish was 5.2. His worst finish was 10th in 2001. He coached 7 individual Big Ten champs. His best NCAA finish was 3rd in 2008, though his highest point total was 78.5 in his first season 1999 when PSU was 4th. Their average placement during his tenure was 14.6. They were in the top 5 2x, top 10 4x, top 25 10x. The only season they finished outside the top 25 was in 2002 (35th). Sunderland coached 27 AAs or about 2.45 per year. His best was 4AAs in 1999, 2003, and 2008. His worst was 0 in 2001. He coached 3 individual national champs (Pritzlaff 1999, Hunter 2001, and Davis 2008). PSU's performance under Sunderland was below their historical averages. His immediate predecessor, John Fritz, was the only PSU coach in the Big Ten era other than Sunderland and Sanderson. Fritz's record was 87-33-2 over 6 seasons with his best season being 22-0-1 in 1993 which was PSU's first season in the Big Ten. His worst was 5-12 in 1995. Under Fritz PSU was 2nd in the Big Ten 3x (1993, 1996, and 1998). His average finish was 3.17 and his worst was 6th in 1995. He coached 12 individual Big Ten champions which is 2/year on average. His team's best performance was 3 in both 1993 and 1994. The closest he came too a Big Ten tournament title was in 1993 when PSU scored 123.5 team points only 4.5 behind Iowa. At NCAAs Fritz's teams finished in the top 10 all 6 seasons and the top 5 all but one. Their best finish was 2nd in 1993. Their worst was 10th in 1995. Their average finish was 3.83. Fritz coached 21 AAs or 3.5/season. He had 5 AAs in both 1993 and 1998. The fewest AAs PSU had under Fritz was 1 in 1997. Three wrestlers won individual NCAA titles under Fritz - McCoy 2x, Hughes, and Abe.
    1 point
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