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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2024 in all areas

  1. If Starocci can't beat Arnold, what chance does Kennedy have?
    3 points
  2. maybe you should actually be worried about the precedents set.. instead of your little 'study'
    3 points
  3. On Saturday night, Steve Banach was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in the "Outstanding American" category. He joins brothers Ed and Lou as the only three brothers in the hall. FROM THE HALL -- Retired United States Army Infantry Colonel Steve Banach began wrestling in the eighth grade and competed alongside his younger twin brothers Ed and Lou Banach for Port Jervis High School in Port Jervis, New York. He continued his career at Clemson University, where he was elected captain of the wrestling team as a freshman and was an Atlantic Coast Conference finalist. Banach then decided to transfer to the University of Iowa, where his twin brothers were wrestling for Dan Gable. Steve ended his wrestling career at the 1984 Final Olympic Trials as a member of the US Army Wrestling Team. He served with distinction in the United States Army from 1983 to 2010. This period of service included deployments to six combat zones. Steve demonstrated impeccable leadership during his service in the U.S. Army. He is a Distinguished Member of the 75th Ranger Regiment and served in that special operations organization for nine years, culminating with command of the 3rd Ranger Battalion from 2001-2003. He led U.S. Army Rangers during a historic night combat parachute assault into Afghanistan on October 19, 2001, as the “spearhead” for the Global War on Terror for the United States of America. He subsequently led U.S. Army Rangers in a second combat parachute assault into Al Anbar Province in western Iraq in 2003. Banach served as the 11th Director of the prestigious School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) and led the development of the U.S. Army’s Design Methodology doctrine. As a Stryker Brigade Commander, he led the development of the Company Intelligence Support Team tactics, techniques, and procedures, for the U.S. Army. He served as the lead Design Officer for the Department of the Army Cyber Information Warfare Design Planning Team. He also served as the Director of the Army Management Staff College and was responsible for the design and implementation of the US Army’s Civilian Education System. He earned the Distinguished Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device, Bronze Star Medal for Service, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge with two awards, and the Master Parachutist Badge with two Bronze Combat Jump Stars. Banach also holds a certificate in Leadership in Crisis: Preparation and Performance, from the JFK School of Government at Harvard University. After leaving the U.S. Army, Banach served as the CEO of the Operational Art & Strategic Initiatives Studies Group (OASIS-G) and is now the Vice-President for Strategic Planning at SOFTwarfare, LLC.
    2 points
  4. Aside from Radamacher I think we knew the caliber of everyone that made the u20 team. I will say I think Marcus Blaze is the best high school wrestler I have ever seen. Take that with a grain of salt because I was really young for the Stieber Dt era. Both Mantanona brothers thoroughly impressed me, and I am super excited to see them on the next level. If you have not gotten to watch the Lilledahl Forrest final, I would check it out that's some super high-level wrestling. Zack Ryder is really really good, and Gabe Arnold takes a step back from top 3 contention for me. The biggest surprises were at u23's for me. I think after the LCQ we were all aware of Gunerson but man did he just run through this tournament again. Wyatt Voelker had some really nice wins in both styles. Josh Saunders continues to be a much better freestyle guy. PK killed Ramirez they need to get him in the lineup. Endene looks like he was a great pickup for Wisconsin and appears to be able to go with D1 competition albeit it was probably the weakest weight. I was not familiar with Lucas stoddard but he teched nate taylor twice, so I am excited to watch him next year. I think Paniro will be fine at 157.
    2 points
  5. That won them 74 out of 132 seats. So they figured out how to get enough people to vote for them, or it is dumb luck that they won a majority of seats with a 44.45% (you got it wrong) of the vote. That's 56.1% of the seats (a majority) with 44.45% of the vote. You should go there and tell them they are illegitimate since you are so against Hamas. See how that goes for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election mspart
    2 points
  6. Keep in mind many (not all) of the PSU faithful are some of the thinnest skinned members of the forum. This level of success seems to have built some sensitivity. We are simply stating facts.
    2 points
  7. I think the plan right now is for 157- Caliendo 165- Kennedy 174- Arnold 184- Brands All will be contingent on how the cut goes for Caliendo.
    2 points
  8. I wonder if a mini-series will come out starring Hunter Biden. It will be called no one is above the law and pay your fair share.
    2 points
  9. Yeah, judges in NY are not allowed to make political donations. Yet Merchan did. Also, he presided over other Trump allies' trials. The assigning of a judge is supposed to be random. Obviously not. They found the judge that they needed who illegally donated to Biden and democrats. And the assignment was not random. Even from that standpoint, this trial was a farce. Not to mention that no one still knows what was actually alleged and what the jurors came up with to convict on all counts. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-legal-guru-says-new-york-trump-prosecutors-contorted-law-case-unjustified-mess Even CNN legal analyst Elie Honig did not agree with the premise of the trial. I'll leave it to you to read the article. It is not universally accepted that the trial was proper or fair. mspart
    2 points
  10. The actual website has it on water Coast to almost coast.... I'm fine with that and glad that you can move on with life now. We can only hope that @ionel can also move on with life with that phrase. I will be better with those who are more geographically sensitive.
    2 points
  11. Cracks me up...sit down and diplomatically work with terrorists...SMH
    2 points
  12. Google shows Favre 223 Young 215
    2 points
  13. Baltimore Beach? Where is that and is it even on the coast or on a bay?
    2 points
  14. My unsubstantiated guess here is Lee Roy has been nominated but he’s declined the nomination since he’s currently the Executive Director of the NWHOF.
    2 points
  15. How in the world does this make the Olympics worse? Getting more qualities competitors in does not make it worse. Whose to blame someone wanting to be an Olympian? I don't find anything wrong with it. If I was good enough to have a shot, but through other means than not making it for the US, I see nothing wrong with that.
    2 points
  16. Let’s work this through a little bit…. If one were looking to purchase some steak, where might one look??
    1 point
  17. selfishly I want PK to go up so we get him vs carter anyhow So im hoping we see gunderson,PK,Voelker. heavy is also their weakest weight by a decent margin.
    1 point
  18. I don't really disagree... I watched the match yesterday, and didn't think it was too predictive for folk. Pinto was doing a lot of summer-wrestling Pinto things, e.g. lots of upper-body stuff, which Cochran effectively countered. But I don't think that should take away from Cochran's performance either. Fishback, Brayden Thompson and Reece Heller were also in the bracket and he finished ahead of all of them, including beating Heller in the semis who took 3rd. Fold in his win over Slavikouski this past season up at HWT, and Cochran looks legit.
    1 point
  19. Gunderson is huge at 86kg. I would be very surprised if he could suck down to 174. They also have CJ Walrath who had a nice redshirt season with a win over Gavin Kane. I wonder if we see PK and Voelker go up a weight class and Gunderson/Walrath battle for the 184 spot? I believe that the cut for PK is significant.
    1 point
  20. This isn't just as simple as getting an AirBNB for a few days and calling it done. I live near a hub (MSP) and my direct flight to Paris is approximately $800 on Delta/Air France. That's pretty decent. Since he's been in the news lately (and I talked to him about this at the HOF) Coleman Scott had over 75 people in London watching. That's a large family and may be on the high end. So let's be conservative here, say it's 20 people that's part of the family who wants to go - it's the Olympics, I doubt he's just talking about just his immediate family - Just 20 people MINIMUM is like $16,000 in airfare alone. If you're going hotels, the Olympics typically have minimums for lodging. You aren't just going to go in for one day, get a room for two days and peace out. We've got thousands and thousands of people trying to do the same thing. So even if RBY had a big NIL payout and has a decent check coming in, I don't know how many people can just drop 50K down at the drop of a hat, especially wrestlers fresh off their college career.
    1 point
  21. They do this for Mother's Day as well. It can be a painful reminder for any number of reasons.
    1 point
  22. I think Facundo is still going to be better than ryder for the time being, both are great options but facundo looked like that dude at trials.
    1 point
  23. Has it really been abysmal? Hamiti, Hendrickson, Parco, Amine, Cardenas are all multi AA’s. Throw in guys like Cooper Flynn, McGonagle, Fish, Whiting, Askey, Endene and probably 20 other guys in forgetting and it’s been a pretty fruitful transfer portal season.
    1 point
  24. Patrick Kennedy is a Big Ten Champ and U23 World Team Member, but will not start at Iowa. I was expecting him to hit the portal, but it feels like that is not happening this year. We act like it is a forgone conclusion that Gabe Arnold is the starter - maybe we should reconsider that assumption.
    1 point
  25. Wow...like I said...pathetic @uncle bernard What's just as pathetic as the crap you post is that you try and lecture others on reading comprehension...classic projection. Isn't there a new and trending "issue" you should get back to protesting??
    1 point
  26. Why would The Make America Great Again (conservative, hardworking, patriotic) voters be crying. Thats just stupid. President Trump has raised 200 million see the conviction. His polling in the swing state is going up. I would think any democrat with half a brain would be crying. I'm sure Joe's reelection campaign is having a meltdown right about now.
    1 point
  27. when he was asked about football he seemed that he was still doing it but maybe not as all in. He mentioned they were returning 3 linebackers and that he hoped he would get some special teams time.
    1 point
  28. According to me when you support a terrorist organization like most Palestinians do you have to take what you get. Pretty simple.
    1 point
  29. Uncle protester has this on his sign while covering his face with his Hamas mask.
    1 point
  30. you can't read. he DOES see the things he would like to avoid... even though he wants to block them they are being PUSHED into his feed
    1 point
  31. Bahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. YOU wrote it and now you’re backpedaling your ass off. You 100% compared Hamas to the American government. Face it. You’re an Anti American Hamas supporting wokester that that “thinks” he on the right side of history. Supporting terrorists won’t put you there no matter how much you pretend it will.
    1 point
  32. There’s no talking it back (especially by doubling down and equating the United States government with Hamas). One of the most pathetic comments I ever written on this board.
    1 point
  33. I’d look for Schriever at 133. Peterson had offseason surgery
    1 point
  34. I don't really recall personally, just a number I remember from that article. I know he was similar to Favre in that he was the biggest earlier in his career. Favre was ~245 at one point, but...Young may have been 225. The article was no doubt hyperbole, but he was also a great athlete. Take the weight, the exact 40...I'm not sure either were accurate.
    1 point
  35. Umm, jurors. Here is the crime in the Manhattan court: "Judge Merchan contributed to the Biden campaign and other anti-Trump causes . . . Extremely small amounts, which makes it more striking that he would so clearly violate rules of judicial conduct"
    1 point
  36. Studies show that 97% of studies show exactly what they are paid (or expected/asked) to show. Seems like weak hypothesis construction in about 47% of the cases.
    1 point
  37. Coast to Almost Coast.
    1 point
  38. Fun to imagine Gable shoestring tackling Tua and leg lacing him down the field
    1 point
  39. And slept with all our moms/garandmas
    1 point
  40. shocking and awesome for him. its good for wrestling too. it would be impossible for someone to go into baseball, golf or basketball without ever doing it before. same with d back or qb. it proves that being an o lineman or d lineman is a low skill undertaking.
    1 point
  41. Jacobe Smith? He was an AA not too long ago.
    1 point
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