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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2024 in all areas

  1. On Saturday night, Steve Banach was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in the "Outstanding American" category. He joins brothers Ed and Lou as the only three brothers in the hall. FROM THE HALL -- Retired United States Army Infantry Colonel Steve Banach began wrestling in the eighth grade and competed alongside his younger twin brothers Ed and Lou Banach for Port Jervis High School in Port Jervis, New York. He continued his career at Clemson University, where he was elected captain of the wrestling team as a freshman and was an Atlantic Coast Conference finalist. Banach then decided to transfer to the University of Iowa, where his twin brothers were wrestling for Dan Gable. Steve ended his wrestling career at the 1984 Final Olympic Trials as a member of the US Army Wrestling Team. He served with distinction in the United States Army from 1983 to 2010. This period of service included deployments to six combat zones. Steve demonstrated impeccable leadership during his service in the U.S. Army. He is a Distinguished Member of the 75th Ranger Regiment and served in that special operations organization for nine years, culminating with command of the 3rd Ranger Battalion from 2001-2003. He led U.S. Army Rangers during a historic night combat parachute assault into Afghanistan on October 19, 2001, as the “spearhead” for the Global War on Terror for the United States of America. He subsequently led U.S. Army Rangers in a second combat parachute assault into Al Anbar Province in western Iraq in 2003. Banach served as the 11th Director of the prestigious School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) and led the development of the U.S. Army’s Design Methodology doctrine. As a Stryker Brigade Commander, he led the development of the Company Intelligence Support Team tactics, techniques, and procedures, for the U.S. Army. He served as the lead Design Officer for the Department of the Army Cyber Information Warfare Design Planning Team. He also served as the Director of the Army Management Staff College and was responsible for the design and implementation of the US Army’s Civilian Education System. He earned the Distinguished Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device, Bronze Star Medal for Service, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge with two awards, and the Master Parachutist Badge with two Bronze Combat Jump Stars. Banach also holds a certificate in Leadership in Crisis: Preparation and Performance, from the JFK School of Government at Harvard University. After leaving the U.S. Army, Banach served as the CEO of the Operational Art & Strategic Initiatives Studies Group (OASIS-G) and is now the Vice-President for Strategic Planning at SOFTwarfare, LLC.
    6 points
  2. O'Toole is already confirmed at 174lbs man.
    4 points
  3. It’s probably taken several years but I think most people now know for certain that the media misrepresents nearly everything to support their agenda. The media never retracts their misleading stories. There is no trust.
    3 points
  4. No. He committed (or caused to be committed) 193 acts of sabotage against his country. Trump was not accused of fraud. No one was defrauded. How does a single legal payment, resulting in not a single person losing money, end up in 34 FELONIES? Malicious prosecution, natch, is the crime here. Just like the South African government officials were the criminals in Mandela's case. Bragg and Merchan are the criminals in this case. My point, genius, is not to denigrate Mandela. It is to point out that when the term "convicted felon" is achieved by the acts of invalid courts and procedures it is more a badge of honor than a term damning the person. P.S. I cannot stand Trump and doubt his wisdom. I equate him to a carney selling snake oil. Yet, snake oil salesmen are merely distasteful and not the rotten to the core criminals of the dem-mafia. Those people are truly dangerous.
    3 points
  5. Every time I seach something on Google, the first articles that show up are MSM bullshit, this is in spite of setting preferences to avoid CNN, NBC, MSNBC. CBS etc. So, I checked to see the MSM take on Trump at the UFC where he received a thunderous applause, the MSM was silent, not one CNN, NBC, MSNBC article showed up. just Fox and nore conservative media and local affiliates, The leftist media has been a clown show for decades, If people still get their news from Morning Joe, Maddow and company we will continue to have the vagina hatters and queers for Palestine, when Trump gets back in office Lord willing, I hope we go scorched earth on the propogandist ***duck**s. Journalistic Integrity used to be a thing and people would get fired for one lie. Today they act as though they are given a script and parrot the same phrases and talking points on each network.
    2 points
  6. Haha, low price weiners makes the feed.
    2 points
  7. What if speeding while using a radar detector while driving to vote in an election. Surely that'd be a felony.
    2 points
  8. where is my opt out for pride days?
    2 points
  9. If only you were smart enough to figure it out. But you’re not. Maybe you can read up on Karl Marx. Is this the 4th or 5th time you’ve responded to me since you claimed you were done responding? Typical libtard
    2 points
  10. Some people might call it over confidence. I coached and wrestled for 25 years. You never underestimate your competition. Never!!!!! But I like that you are overconfident, and I hope Joe and his advisors are overconfident.
    2 points
  11. You live in a bubble. You might want to poke a hole in that thing and get some fresh oxygen my friend.
    2 points
  12. Does anyone believe Joe could have made through 35 days of sitting in an ice-cold courthouse? With a very conservative judge and jury with a gag order on him? I think Hur was right. Joe is way too feeble and old to withstand a serious trial on serious felony charges. What say you.
    1 point
  13. I think a lot of people when they refer to the "stolen election " narrative are referring to the one sided media coverage.
    1 point
  14. My unsubstantiated guess here is Lee Roy has been nominated but he’s declined the nomination since he’s currently the Executive Director of the NWHOF.
    1 point
  15. just that he certified at it I think.
    1 point
  16. what is the evidence Caliendo can make 157? Excuse me if it was previously discussed.
    1 point
  17. Whoa!! Palestinian Proponents (PPs) v Pride (LGBT++) in a rumble?!? Quite the conundrum for the Queers for Palestine to decide whom to back. I would have put my money on the PPs if they were going against only the LGBs. But throw in the manly Ts and the scales are tipped in the favor of the PPs receiving a stone cold kick in the crotch. Then after the kicking the Gs would make sure to put better looking scarves on those fashion challenged PPs making them look fabulous.
    1 point
  18. Studies show that 97% of studies show exactly what they are paid (or expected/asked) to show. Seems like weak hypothesis construction in about 47% of the cases.
    1 point
  19. community notes for the win
    1 point
  20. Steve and Lou in recent photo.
    1 point
  21. Looking like a better 174 option than Gabe Arnold, IMO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. Anyone wrestle more than 13 matches this weekend? Anyone win more than 11 matches this weekend? Voelker went 6W - 0L at 97 KG in his U23 MGR run to make the team there. He then went 5W - 2L (including a victory over OSU's Carroll) en route to a 92 KG Silver in MFS for U23s.
    1 point
  23. And apparently he’s in the 86kg final. So, a guy who can wrestle at 189, and is likely the third string 197 at PSU, beat an AA heavyweight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. they loved him as a conman, fraudster, traitor asshole and rapist when he was a democrat conman, fraudster, traitor asshole and rapist
    1 point
  26. I really believe someone should take a poll of our enemies. Ask them which candidate that they would prefer to be in the White House. I believe it would be unanimous that they want Joe Biden.
    1 point
  27. auto renewals are pretty standard. but putting “$12.50 per month!!!” in huge letters and then actually charging you $150 all at once isn’t.
    1 point
  28. Exactly correct. Bush Derangement Syndrome is when I first heard the term. McCain and Romney were shellshocked when all the sucking up they did their whole careers got them nominated and then got them eviscerated by mostly the same crowd they'd been kowtowing to the whole time.
    1 point
  29. Woody Wilson gets my vote as the big government catalyst without parallel. https://millercenter.org/president/wilson/domestic-affairs
    1 point
  30. Well our U20 MFS, is loaded with talent, I hope that they go out and dominate at the Worlds
    1 point
  31. I think it's unequivocably true. You would never see an adult athlete from another sport pick up tennis and then win Wimbledon a couple years later. Some sports are just more skill based, others require just more in general athleticism and body types.
    1 point
  32. I'd bet Antrell Taylor and Kannon Webster are both 157 next year. It's pretty well known that Taylor went 165 because 4x AA Peyton Robb was at 157 for Nebraska.
    1 point
  33. Jonathon Turley makes the same point that I brought up earlier. Like I said, it’s no disgrace if you can’t explain what he was convicted of. It’s only a disgrace if you support it. “So Trump was convicted in a trial with a Biden donor judge, who has a daughter who is a major Democratic operative, a lead prosecutor previously paid as a DNC political consultant and a jury selected in a district that voted roughly 90% against Trump. The trial itself was a travesty. Even after sitting in the courtroom watching the trial and the verdict, I still have no idea what Trump was convicted of in this case.” https://nypost.com/2024/05/31/opinion/donald-trumps-conviction-is-nothing-more-than-a-thrill-kill/
    1 point
  34. Here is an attempt to pick one at each weight 125- Luke Lilledahl 133 - Cael Hughes 141- Ryder Block 149- Kaleb Larkin 157- Raphael Hipolito (maybe I am missing someone else at this weight...) 165- Beau Mantanona 174- Gabe Arnold 184- Max McEnally 197- Connor Mirasola HWT- Aden Attao
    1 point
  35. Snyder had more international accolades at the age of 20 than Cael has at the age of 44.
    1 point
  36. He'll be charged with assault and depriving this thug of his constitutional rights. Good thing the guy didn't die. It was the right thing to do but as in earlier cases can be misconstrued as white on black crime and racial etc etc. I hope not but in this day and age, I wouldn't doubt it at all. mspart
    1 point
  37. How is it possible for a guy to get worse as he gets fitter? The more fit you are the better your cardio, strength, and agility. Nobody wrestles better when they are fat (although I had a pretty good record at HWT ).
    1 point
  38. Is he the last Pro American Democrat we had in office? Surely not Obama..
    1 point
  39. I didn't call the Heritage Foundationa liberal rag. I know they a conservative think tank, who reported on cases of conservative fraud (very few I may add in comparison.) . I said "Imagine a liberal rag reporting on liberal voter fraud." It just doesn't happen, it is white washed like Hillary's emails. The rest you can figure out for yourself.
    1 point
  40. 0 points
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