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Columbia has now dualed Ohio State, Michigan, and Iowa as well as going to the CKLV. That’s insane for a team like that at this time of year. Props to them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
4 points
I think Hamiti is the current best wrestler and they are trying to win duals that they shouldn't be worries about losing but are worried about losing. I don't know what his weight is, but presuming he makes it up to 174lbs, he has a little under four weeks to make it back to 165lbs. Meaning it would take just under four werks to descend appropriately. Soooo... I say if we see him against Ruth in February than he might be staying up. Long story short: I have no clue.2 points
they really did tame desanto. his conduct basically got better the longer he was at Iowa. you could point at stuff he did at Iowa that was embarassing for sure, but he improved as a person.2 points
So .... they would've wrestled if they could've, but they could've wrestled but they didn't? Out of curiosity, did the coach draw a breath in-between the two statements?2 points
2 points
Last night, Mizzou wrestled Wyoming. At 149, Mizzou back-up wrestler Nate Pulliam beat Gabe Willochell who is ranked #15 by a score of 21-10. Nice upset of a ranked opponent! Missouri 40 Wyoming 6 125 - Noah Surtin (Missouri) dec Jore Volk (Wyoming) 7-4SV 133 - Kade Moore (Missouri) dec Cooper Birdwell (Wyoming) 8-3 141 - Cole Brooks (Wyoming) dec Owen Uhls (Missouri) Fall 2:40 149 - Nate Pulliam (Missouri) maj Gabe Willochell (Wyoming) 21-10 157 - Brock Mauller (Missouri) tech Cooper Voorhees (Wyoming) 19-4 165 - Keegan O’Toole (Missouri) fall Brett McIntosh (Wyoming) :35 174 - Peyton Mocco (Missouri) fall Riley Davis (Wyoming) 5:06 184 - Clayton Whiting (Missouri) maj Quayin Short (Wyoming) 12-4 197 - Rocky Elam (Missouri) dec Joey Novak (Wyoming) 5-3 285 - Zach Elam (Missouri) fall Mason Ding (Wyoming) :402 points
2 points
Man I really think Hunter Biden isn't fit to be president. Nobody with pending federal charges should be, am I right guys?2 points
He’s NOT certified. That’s what the red circle with the X means. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Yes i do. You made an accusation, you should back it up2 points
Same with the insecticide, DDT. Then bedbugs made a comeback...2 points
And does he plan on wrestling? PSU doesn't have another true heavyweight in the room. I know one of the Mirasolas are going to be HW.1 point
1 point
I would like to see that as a test for Hamiti (agsint Ruth). Ruth is physically strong for the weight class, and some of the guys Hamiti used to have some problems with at 165 were the physical types in Marinelli and Cam Amine1 point
Mirasolas are good, but I almost wonder if they will be supplanted by other top recruits (especially at heavy). Penn State is so good and the way things have been going, they've been increasing the gap. Guys at that level are guaranteed starters at some point for most programs. Not so for this Nittany Lion squad (IMHO)1 point
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2020 redshirt 2021 free 2022 year 1 2023 year 2 2024 year 3 2025 year 41 point
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https://babylonbee.com/news/hunter-biden-indicted-for-not-paying-taxes-on-his-bribes1 point
A year and a half ago, the PSU fanboys were talking about how Sealey would contend for high all-American finished after his sophomore year. In fact, they were talking about how James Green said he would be competitive at the senior level at 16. (Remember this LeDuke?) Things have certainly cooled off after two Ferrari losses and some weird, weird transfers.1 point
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if i start a club anytime soon i'm gonna rip off you and angry fish WC by calling it Bad Minnow WC.1 point
Bad Minnow would be a great nickname. It leaves a bit of question: is he bad at being a minnow? A really tough minnow? Or Bad (as in good) Minnow? THAT is a nickname someone could own.1 point
It's international and metric, donchaknow? Centimeters of moral fiber are for sale. Due to inflation they cost the same as an inch.1 point
second try. you're acting as if overarching moral questions are of equal importance to the tactics of thinking you won an argument on X.1 point
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There are no coincidences.1 point
Also what replaced DDT was a lot more toxic and killed more farm workers than DDT ever did because most of them weren't used to handling really toxic chemicals.1 point
he doesn't have anything but recent results and what are you talking about? if he continues the trend of beating the top wrestlers you would say he "probably" will win, but you think vito will? is there a side of this issue you havent taken?1 point
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you're accusing him of trying to injure people and you can't think of a single example?1 point
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I've never been offended by a wrestling podcast or a comment on one of these BBS'. Some of the cats here that I respect the most have said some stupid shite...1 point
He should get credit for recruiting as well. DeSanto was a wild man freshman year lol.1 point
It is an evidence-supported belief that some of the 51 signatories knowingly lied. On July 17, 2023, the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government conducted a transcribed interview of Laura Dehmlow, the Section Chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF). During her transcribed interview, Dehmlow revealed that the same FBI personnel who were warning social media companies about a potential Russian “hack and leak” operation in the run-up to the 2020 election knew that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was not Russian disinformation. https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/testimony-reveals-fbi-employees-who-warned-social-media-companies-about-hack Michael Morell is a former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and one of the 51 signatories of the public statement. He says Secretary Blinken (senior advisor to the Biden campaign) influenced Morell to organize and write the public statement Morell intended to help VP Biden win because he wanted him to win https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/2023-04-20-jdj-mt-to-blinken-re-public-statement-on-hunter-biden-emails_0.pdf The Bureau learned of the laptop in October 2019, the whistleblower, IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley said, and just one month later verified its authenticity. The IRS was notified about the laptop in December 2019 and told that "it likely contained evidence of a tax crime," the whistleblower said. https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/whistleblower-says-fbi-verified-authenticity-of-hunter-biden-laptop-in-november-2019/1 point
And the 51 former intelligence officers can get back to enjoying retirement instead of lying to help rig elections.1 point
@MPhillips said Most folks don't listen. They just wait to talk... So then I said that "listening is a skill".1 point
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He hasn’t progressed and looks huge for 165. Might have a higher ceiling at 174. Not a super deep weight this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I am sorry to say I think you are missing out in the fundamental concept of what it means to be American. Also, people have been finding ways to differentiate themselves for ugly means pretty much forever. We don’t need people running around identifying with the things that differentiate them from their neighbor rather than embracing shared commonality. And to be clear, if you’re going based on Italian ancestry, Bono and Smith are by no means minorities and this conversation can end right here.1 point
Davis did not have the in state recruits like Bono has and is whiffing on, OToole, Mocco, Whiting, Buchanan, Keckeisen, Mesenbreck, Mulvaney, Sinclair, Hopke, Mirasola twins, Scoles and a handful of others that I missed. That is a lot of recruits to miss on dont you know1 point
Brands seems like a tiny man who believes in big conspiracies. Something is always hiding in the cornfield, so to speak, to blame or to provide a simplistic single-cause explanation to a complex, multi-causal situation. I would bet he listens to a lot of reactionary talk radio on his drives through the midwest. This is arguably a larger problem in the wrestling (and athletic) community: the tendency to project the one-on-one struggle on the mat onto a larger social field so that it frequently devolves into something like us vs. them, the good guys vs. the enemy, stark black and white views of complicated affairs, extreme individualism, blind loyalty, etc. Among other things, it's a form of moral and intellectual immaturity.1 point
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Mrs. Brands has had 23 years of this? I think she'll get to skip Purgatory when her day comes and get to go straight to heaven.1 point
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