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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Well, RVs analysis is not wrong. I don't think Trump started inflation, it was in check for a year after he left and after Biden's hyper inflation packages were signed. Then it took off. But less cash in and more cash out is not a good premise to work with. But Trump did spend more with his last Covid thing, but that was kind of necessary if you are going to shut down the economy. So that probably didn't help. But I blame Biden for his additional Covid spending and his ridiculous inflation reduction act which let the cobra out of the basket. He should reduce taxes, and reduce spending. Spending could be reduced by 10% and not many would miss out on anything. RVs problem is that he equates reducing tax rates with a reduction in revenue. This is not true. As I showed in another conversation, revenue pretty much has gone up since 1962 even with tax rates being lowered or highered. For the economy, it is better that the money stay with the people that produce rather than go to the government which does not produce. Tax rates incentivize risk taking. Lower taxes - higher risk taking by businesses. Higher taxes - less risk taking by businesses. Taking risk has the effect of increasing the economy if the risk works out. Most businesses know the risks but feel that circumstances lower those risks and so they take them. And that adds to the economy short term and if successful, long term. There is no downside to that. There is downside to higher tax rates on the economy. That's just the plain facts. mspart
  2. I haven't seen a picture of the damage to his ear that was clear. I would expect some tissue be missing. Does anyone have a non AI or otherwise altered pic of his ear? mspart
  3. Hopefully Schumer does the right thing here and cancels him. mspart
  4. He doesn't watch that. He's not a liberal left leaning whack job. He's just a little bit left of center as he has told us numerous times. mspart
  5. These are basic facts? How did you establish these as facts? They sound more like opinion in the smell test. mspart
  6. Hey Vak, when you are trying to minimize the number of people who said it is not a thing for courts to deal with, you should also list how many justices said it was for courts to deal with. I think SCOTUS was correct lately. It is not for them to say anything about abortion. That is for the people and their representatives either in Congress or in individual states. Ds had ample opportunity to legislate this but didn't. They didn't because it was a fundraising coup detat for them they figured. Anyway, it is now out of the court system and in the hands of the people and their representatives on state or federal level where it should be. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/02/us/politics/02cong.html mspart
  7. This ^ The protection of a President or candidate for President rests solely on the Secret Service, period. They should have had all roof tops within sight of the stage protected period. mspart
  8. This is really an important issue. No smoking of meats there? HaHa! I'm not going. mspart
  9. You might look at Biden and Hillary. Are they rotting in prison. There is a two tiered justice system. And it has nothing to do with who appointed who. mspart
  10. Biden doesn't fire people. There will be no firings for this fiasco of a protection detail. You have an outdoor event. You scan the area for elevated places where someone could shoot from and you nail those down so no one gets there. The shooter was on a rooftop in plain sight of the stage. No one will get fired for this lack of security. mspart
  11. That's sick. Definitely sick. LGBT folks have higher arrests for sex crimes. Hmmmm, no wonder they don't like this bill. Sick, just sick. mspart
  12. Hi RV, you could have just posted this rather than link to it but it helps make my point. Tax rates went down from 1962 to today generally. But look at the revenues since 1962: Please note that 2023 is at the left and 1962 is at the right. I got this data from https://www.thebalancemoney.com/current-u-s-federal-government-tax-revenue-3305762 Revenues went up as tax rates went down. Funny how that works. mspart
  13. What are the American people most concerned with. According to polls, illegal immigration is near the top of the list. That sounds like something to key in on. Not my pet project. It is most people's pet project. My thoughts on the Senate's border bill is that it was a joke. Allow up to 5000 illegals entry per day before "maybe" something happens to shut that down. Because it is left up to the executive's whim to do something about it. It was not statutory to do something. It was essentially what is happening now anyway. It would have been no different than current situation. The people being harmed are the US citizens having to pay for housing for these illegals. The people being harmed are those coming over from all over the world with the cartels running the show and exacting money and blood and sex. There is no reason to accept this at all. mspart
  14. Not with your Tax and spend philosophy. Not with your war on the rich. Not with your tax way more and don't hold down spending. You have no answer to increasing spending other than tax more. You are no conservative by any decade's standard. Good luck trying to convince us. mspart
  15. RV you don't lean left. You are way to the left of center. You have for years tried to maintain that you are just left of center. Not based on what you have been posting. mspart
  16. So Biden says no action is needed because there are already laws in effect. Well Sr. Biden, there are already laws in effect that do not allow illegal entry into the US. You have ignored those laws. What makes anyone think you won't ignore the voting laws as well? mspart
  17. Oh yes, I meant to say that!! ha ha. Businesses are not going under because crime is down. mspart
  18. It would do good if it were to be enforced vigorously. Current Admin won't do that. Incoming, if different, may work more on that. What good does it do not to make this absolutely clear? mspart
  19. My daughter works at Walgreens. They cannot stop shoplifters even when they see them. The most they can do is call the Sheriff or Police and have a no trespassing citation against the perp. If they see them in the store again, they call the police again and the guys gets escorted out if he/she hasn't left already. Otherwise, they do not report any shoplifting crimes. They cannot stop shoplifting crimes as that is against company policy. The perps know where they stand. Shoplift and go. No problem. It is the way it is in countless communities. mspart
  20. He was having an argument with himself. mspart
  21. I'm sure Boundary Waters is amazing. I went on a 50 mile hike at Mt Rainier. We were told to wear long sleeves and have a bug hat because the skeeters are unrelenting. And they were. Most of the time didn't need the bug nets. But we did need them some of the time. We left a campground because of too many mosquitos. They won the day. mspart
  22. Cannibals. I hate slugs. They will actually lock up mouth to mouth and see which one can suck the other one's guts out. Really disgusting, there is nothing lovable about them. My dad thought there might be a cancer cure in their slime but I don't think anything good can come from a slug. mspart
  23. Banana Slug. Yuck!! mspart
  24. Typical Brown Slug. mspart
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