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Everything posted by mspart

  1. This should not be done. However, that said, this is classic web protection practice. Never give any info to anyone you do not know. Are you saying the D's have never resorted to this? mspart
  2. Like the normal and united we have under Biden? Perhaps we need something else. Regarding Trump, I agree, and said, Trump initiates the chaos. But the media and the Ds fan those flames into wildfires. They take much out of context and proportion and fan those flames. But the fact that the policies during Trump were way better for the country than Biden's policies is evident to anyone looking at it objectively. This seems to elude you. mspart
  3. Nice self portrait there RL. mspart
  4. I just needed to add that. It was not part of the quote but would have made it hilarious if she had said that. mspart.
  5. Another stellar day of Bidenomics due to crappy employment. From Yahoo Finance. Everyone is in agreement!!!! mspart
  6. Lee is the bad draw. Period. mspart
  7. I would suggest that the chaos was from media and the Ds pouring fuel on the fires Trump admittedly started. But all the chaos had nothing to do with the policies he implemented that were good for the country. mspart
  8. I said I like his policies. You provided behaviors instead of policies. I called you on it and then you say, well, you are right. But his policies were not good. Yet, you don't list which of his policies were not good. It makes you feel better just to say it. Nice try but you failed again. mspart
  9. I addressed this in the first post: Just saying. mspart
  10. Sex is not assigned at birth as if it were an arbitrary thing. It is based on the observable genitalia that defines one or the other. mspart
  11. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-today-stocks-tumble-after-weak-economic-data-10-year-yield-falls-below-4-161456652.html The latest ISM data out on Thursday showed the US manufacturing sector sank further into contraction territory during July. Other releases showed jobless claims rose to an 11-month high last week and construction spending unexpectedly declined in June. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jobless-claims-data-show-warning-sign-for-the-us-labor-market-155410636.html mspart
  12. Condalezza Rice would be better than Kamala, Hillary, or Michelle. And no one could accuse her of being a DEI hire. She's as smart and capable as they come. And she proves that by staying out of the public debate. I would not say Kamala is a DEI hire. But she was chosen because she is a WOMAN of COLOR. That is why she was chosen. Her campaign failed miserably in 2020 so you cannot say she was chosen on her merits. Biden wanted a woman of color and he chose a woman of color as inept as she is. mspart
  13. She should be shamed and removed from civilization if we play by the D playbook. mspart
  14. Trivial in a universe sense maybe, but not to those competing. If equity is the goal, that should at least start with being fair in sports. mspart
  15. You didn't list any policies, only behaviors. Try again. mspart
  16. Why isn't there a local liberal voice in Madison? mspart
  17. True, and when it gets too burdensome, those people are voted out and a correction takes place. That is the way it works. I assume you have no problem with that since that is democracy. We are facing that today with the Presidential race. Remove current regime (Kamala represents the current regime) or try something that worked better before. That is the choice we have. That is democracy. mspart
  18. I think arresting criminals and putting them in the pokey would increases public safety. When you have less police that happens less. When you have prosecutors that do not press charges after an arrest, that happens less. When you have judges that let dangerous criminals go without bail or very low bail (has kamala famously has supported with money), public safety suffers. Everything about this causes public safety to suffer. mspart
  19. Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place. The above is the quote. It was not a metaphor. It is very straightforward. It defies logic why you are twisting in knots to say it doesn't mean what it says. mspart
  20. When you think police does not add to public safety, then lessening their budget should have no effect on public safety. That is her position. All you have to do is look at those jurisdictions that have reduced police budgets to see how their public safety has suffered. mspart
  21. Excellent example of why equity does not work in practice. mspart
  22. I'm not hiding or running from anything. I'm just pointing out where you excoriated everyone for hurtful posts and then you do it with apparent impunity. You posted it. Why try to change the subject? mspart
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