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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2024 in all areas
5 points
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very stupid post. The whole CNN PANEL launched into insinuating biden should step down, if those shills were swayed so dramatically regular people changed their minds.3 points
I heard after debate that all Trump did was lie. But they say this and never were specific in what he lied about, just assuming that everyone listening to them believes as they do. Being specific, please state the lies that were said in the debate. mpart3 points
3 points
I have not read this whole thread but I thought the moderators actually did a good job. They asked tough questions of both and followed up essentially saying you did not answer the question. Please do. Media never does that and it was refreshing to see that. I thought the questions were fair and I thought they kept the candidates to their time limits. Overall good job by CNN and their moderators. Biden looked like what we all expected except those that drank the "he so energetic I can't keep up with him" kool aid. Trump was not especially great either. I agree with Jonathon Turley that Robert Hur was the winner last night. He was totally exonerated after the Ds went after him with knives in his back. Again, the lies were brought into the light and proved lies. mspart2 points
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honestly i think the best thing that could be implemented is a mandatory minimum of 3 parties on the ballot for Presidential and congressional races.2 points
I think this couldn't be farther from the truth. Davis was brought in to replace Evans (who left and, to my understanding, wanted out of the coaching world altogether), and Eustice was brought in to replace Neff (who left for a job at Bucknell). As Scubb said, 3-1 vs Army goes along ways. Additionally, they just had an All-American (first one since 2016), had another reach the bloodround (who returns), three more reach the round of 16 (one of which returns), and a T26 team finish (tied with Pitt, Indiana, and Lock Haven). They also had dual meet wins over Illinois & Pitt. I'd say for a service academy, this is a very successful season. Combine this with the athletes that transferred out/decommitted (Santaniello, Tallmadge, Rogotzke), I'd say the man is doing a pretty damn good job.2 points
You seriously are a troll and post some really stupid stuff.2 points
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I did (dipshit). You don't read good, do you? If you don't want comments from halfwit's, then I suggest you quit adding your own commentary. To be clear, because it is clear that you don't understand a damn thing and are trying way to hard to sound smart, I am saying that your comments are halfwit - at best. Hell, calling them halfwit would be complementary to you.2 points
So, Sadulaev essentially lost his spot to a Ukrainian for supporting the war against Ukraine. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
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So I guess they didn't allow any substitutions, since it was recently reported that Bey was now eligible. Chamizo is now in too. This was the right call by the IOC. I assume that's also why some Russian/Belarusians athletes refuses the invite? Some sort of protest? Mostly Belarusian it looks like. As it is, the present status is that only 10 of the 26 AINs put forth will be competing. That's remarkable. And it could be very harmful if not devastating to the Russian wrestling program, which has been struggling to keep their best athletes from defecting. The loyalists will stick around, but they're also the ones most apt to be spotted in some pro-Putin parade and lose their AIN status. My guess is a most of the AIN athletes will appeal their exclusion and some will win, so we'll see a few of these folks back in. But personally I think the AIN has been a rubber-stamp for far too long, and I'm glad to see the IOC putting some teeth in their review. Gratz to Bey. Most exciting Greco wrestler left after Hancock bailed, and good to have him in the Games.2 points
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Scroll up thru your comments in this thread and look at all the name calling coming out of your TWUNT. Not just with me. Seems you’re the common denominator there sparky.2 points
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Maybe so. Hopefully that will spur better news. But I doubt it. Never has it been so clear that the media in general is the enemy of the people. Last night was proof of that. mspart1 point
i think they hit a wall in the form of realizing their monopoly on the truth had officially failed.1 point
They are all liars. It is in their DNA. CNN pundits after the debate looked shell shocked. They obviously believed the drivel and lies handed out by the Biden Admin folks that he was perfectly healthy and able to outwork any of them he is so energetic. The only one not to look like that was the token R person. He essentially said, this is what we have been saying forever. Why is this a revelation to you? Do your eyes not see anymore? mspart1 point
Nickal could win the UFC title in multiple weight classes and I still don't think he reaches the level of wealth that big donors have.1 point
1 point
Not too sure where child care lies on the list of most important issues. Chinese spy balloons, land acquisition, our energy production, military readiness, and such would be more important to me.1 point
Yep. No one is terrified of getting pinched for weed any more. Almost every professional friend I know eats gummies….. and smokes. I do live in Illinois though where it’s legal. On top of this. I travel for work a lot. One recent year (1 year pre COVID) I averaged 14 airline segments (7 round trip) per month sustained. The same everyone I know travels through TSA with said gummies and vape pens …. With virtual impunity. None of them ever had it taken away and the comment I always get is ….. “if they find it they may make you throw it out …. That’s worst case scenario”.1 point
on the same note, the CNN poll says 68% of people gave trump the win, thats from a pool of people for whom at least half have TDS.1 point
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I personally find myself rooting for wrestlers, despite what school they attended. Whether Nickal does great or poorly in UFC will have little affect monetary-wise, may help bring in blue chip recruits (Like they need more help) due to his reputation/wrestlers aspiring to get into UFC after college.1 point
Without a party distinction letter next to their name and or the incumbent listed first on the ballot. Make the people voting educate themselves.1 point
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Kind of a weird premise. Money isn't an issue for PSU. Nor is having their alumns find success. So it's weird to think people should root against Bo Nickal for those reasons. I'll root against him because he's turned into a self pandering pot stirring edgelord. But I also don't really care enough to root against him.1 point
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We dug this mess, our ways of blind following has led us down a path where the choice is dementia or criminal. We have no one to blame but ourselves.1 point
The whole thing has a LeBron-taking-his-talents-to-Miami feel to it. Just rubbing salt in the wound of every school he's saying no to, and doing a de facto ranking of D1 schools from worst-to-best while he's at it. I know it isn't his intent and I like Bo, but someone needs to talk to this kid and help him understand how disrespectful this comes off. That said, the Gardner-Webb coach is one of my new favorite humans. Aces.1 point
Trump was on point and nobody has ever been able to rally the base like him, in spite of what he has had to go through, which is unprecedented, he's a rockstar.1 point
I don't have a very good idea of what kind of school it is honestly. I can see that they have Justin Phillips who transferred in from Virginia which is another top school academically I think on par with Duke1 point
Chance Marsteller is the largest little person/dwarf that I have ever come into contact with.1 point
PSU should do this too - each week come out with a list of all the HS kids they're not going to recruit. Week 1 can be everyone who is 2nd or 3rd string on their HS team or went winless last season.1 point
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I am of the opinion that money from outside a jurisdiction should not be able to be used for an election within that jurisdiction. Whether we are talking about local dog catcher or president. The money for an election should come only from within that jurisdiction. I don't know how to square this idea with the first amendment but if the supreme court can figure out how no American has standing when White House tells Twitter what can and can't be posted there then I am sure some supreme court (in)justice can figure out how to make the first amendment work in our favor to keep the foreign influencing PACs and Soros PACs out of our elections.1 point
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