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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. I’m not saying he isn’t going to leave. The whole concept behind going to Stanford though was that they were a sleeping giant and basically he could build a better version of Cornell out west with scholarships. UNC has a weaker recruiting base and weaker alumni donation base than both Stanford and Cornell. So I’m not sure what he will actually be able to do there that he hasn’t already.
  2. Rob Koll leaving Stanford for UNC would call into question why he left Cornell. UNC is a very difficult job.
  3. I think you're just a bit confused about the premise in the thread. I'm not saying people stop trying. You're not special that you kept trying throughout the match. What OP said is why is there a lot of nothing happening at the end of the match-at a high level of wrestling-fighting ties and hand fighting is wrestling. No point in taking a stupid shot. Here's the post from OP as a refresher-notice the emphasis on losing by pin/tech. So if you in fact did follow what OP is suggesting and do everything possible at the end to win until you lose by tech/pin, that would be special because no wrestler actually does that.
  4. I just find it hard to believe you've never been overmatched in a match to the point where you really didn't have anything left at the end. The best wrestlers in the world will hit the point in some matches that they realize it isn't happening-and throwing a pointless headlock isn't going to make a difference.. It's a normal part of competing, and I'm just surprised you wrestled through college with a record of wins and only losing by pin-sounds like you have a better attitude than even the greats in the sport.
  5. So you’re saying you never lost a match in a tournament by 6-10 points? And you did this through wrestling in college?
  6. I didn't say comebacks don't happen. Just that it's not like a video game where you hit a button and try for a hail mary pass. Rohn had that cement mixer in him and hit it on multiple people at that tournament. That doesn't mean it's worth it for most people to throw random headlocks. I can only assume that people who are amazed at why some people will lose by 10 and seem not to do much at the end of the match haven't wrestled beyond high school.
  7. There's a reason what you described is so common. These guys are elite wrestlers and can tell when it isn't happening in a match. This isn't youth and high school wrestling. At a certain point if you are down enough points you are wrestling for your pride as well and are just trying to stay in the match.
  8. Losing a match isn't a reason to start wrestling like an idiot.
  9. Maybe Iowa, maybe Oklahoma State, maybe both. His last name is Mocco. I doubt it is that long of a way to go.
  10. I really hope this isn't true-especially the Nelson Brands part. Really a difficult situation if so. But I agree that if they did place bets on Iowa, they should be banned from NCAA competition.
  11. There's objectively much less to do in the areas surrounding Columbus, Ann Arbor, State College, and Iowa City than the Bay Area, LA, and Seattle. The same is true for Utah, Oregon, etc, for those who like hiking/camping/the outdoors. That's just a fact.
  12. Why add wrestling? The money would be better spent on platinum plated golf carts for the football team
  13. I think a big thing for Cal, Stanford, and Washington is that there’s professional football in the Bay Area and Seattle. So nobody cares about college football. There didn’t used to be in LA, but now that there is, I wonder how that impacts USC and UCLA.
  14. There is no chance cal and Stanford get added to the big ten. The fact that they get research grants has nothing to do with how much money their football team generates. Nobody goes to or watches Stanford or Cal games. College athletics are about money and nothing else. I have no clue why they added that line about research partnerships. Maybe to make it seem like it isn’t just about money, which it is.
  15. Did this guy learn nothing from 8 years of college?
  16. Greed killed college athletics.
  17. Because the old place had stupid rules.
  18. Student athletes can influence the outcome of games. They therefore shouldn’t bet on them. Having an athletic scholarship is not a god given right.
  19. Those guidelines say permanent loss of eligibility.
  20. This is interesting. If all the ISU bets were prior to being an ncaa athlete he may be off the hook- unless some were done with inside info through affiliations among the athletes. In that case, ISU still might kick him out.
  21. They just made the rules notably less draconian for gambling. An exception is gambling on your own school, which is still a permanent ban. There’s zero excuse to do it.
  22. The victim is the counter party to the trade/bet.
  23. I don’t on the NCAA level. He bet 25 times on Iowa state events. I’d see an argument for reinstatement if all his bets were other schools, but he should be done. The rules on gambling are made very clear from day one of compliance meetings. He also knew it was wrong, which is why he concealed his identity.
  24. wrestler. Wow you're right. Looks like pinfall doesn't get edited though.
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