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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. Harvard hasn't been competitive in football with Stanford, Northwestern, Berkeley, UCLA, and Duke since 1920.
  2. Terrible. I agree with the sentiment that other programs will follow in the new landscape.
  3. 1. Of course the ads make the site impossible to use. There's a popup video on every page. Nobody can deal with that. 2. Some people still are using the site. How can 1 and 2 both be possible?
  4. If you ever watched the show, "are you smarter than a fifth grader," you would know that the answer is almost always that people are not smarter than a fifth grader. Speaking at a fourth grade level is a pretty good idea.
  5. Next, please run 1000 simulations of the NCAA tournament to tell us that PSU has a 98.3% chance of winning it.
  6. This is an overlooked point. We have all been viewing AJ as a criminal with the shooting of guns into the dark, reckless driving, sexual assault allegation (s?), etc. But he keeps facing zero legal repercussion, so what if he is really just a brilliant practitioner of the law and has been simply testing the bounds of the legal system as a means to demonstrate his legal chops. In this instance, he has demonstrated the value of the 4th amendment.
  7. You're right about Cincy not having an indoor arena suitable for NCAAs. I overlooked that, so it wouldn't be an option. Great city though if you've never been. But I don't follow the logic of purposefully having the event in places where fewer people want to attend. The tickets being difficult to get isn't just good for resellers-it shows that the sport itself is popular and it allows the NCAA to get more revenue for the event by charging more for the tickets. I'm not saying hold it in the northeast every year (I like cleveland, and it should still be in the midwest sometimes), but I do think it is currently in Missouri way too often. Minnesota isn't a great location, but I understand the idea of using it as a testbed to have it in a football stadium like NCAA basketball does. The highest density of NCAA wrestling fans is now located on the east coast, so I think the event should be on the east coast more than it currently is (although not every year). NJ would be great, so would having it in NY again. There are many options for both. Boston or Washington could be good as well to try and see the interest. The single best location is probably Philadelphia though. Hopefully it's back there in 2029 and remains a mainstay. If this year is anything close to last time in terms of popularity, it should probably be there more than every 4 years. With all that said, it's possible the east coast stadiums are too expensive to rent and Missouri just offers a great price so the event is more profitable even with the decreased attendance and lower prices. I think something like this would be great assuming they don't want to repeat in the four year cycle: Rotate between 1. Philadelphia, 2. Cleveland, 3. New York/NJ, 4. St. Louis or test out new locations like the Minnesota football stadium or maybe a west coast/south option.
  8. If the coaches cared about the health of the sport, there would be a national dual championship. They care about winning, that's it.
  9. The hottest tickets recently have been Philadelphia, Cleveland, and NYC. I get that a return to The Garden might not be feasible, but it would be great if they were to have another NYC or even NJ event. Cincy could be a great location as well. I think because of the dominance of PSU, the fanbase has become more based in the Ohio/PA/NY area than Missouri/Iowa/Minnesota. To channel Kinison and The Little Mermaid-GO WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE.
  10. Once again, I'm going to point out that the entire purpose behind why he's doing his version of "the decision" is to engagement farm using rage bait. The people getting mad at his tweets are only doing exactly what he wants, which is to get attention. So you posting that it would be best for people to not say anything if they don't like it is doing exactly the opposite of the purpose of his post, because unfortunately, today's society values attention more than anything else.
  11. The first question is about admission standards. How much leeway does the coach have with that. If the answer is very little, there isn't much scholarships will do or that anyone can do. If the answer is that admissions are similar to Duke Lacrosse, Cornell wrestling, Princeton/Penn wresting, etc, then it is on the coach needing to sell the program better. Trying to fund scholarships comes next (and would likely go together with negotiating admission standards).
  12. Yes-Russia's decision to invade has been a boon for weapons manufacturers. Unfortunately, the only options are to either purchase weapons and send them to Ukraine to stop the Russian advance or allow Russia to conquer Ukraine followed by Poland, Estonia, and Moldova.
  13. Even without scholarships, why can't Duke compete with Cornell and Princeton for recruits? They have similar levels of financial aid. There is an argument to be made that Duke should be much better than it is. And the way these programs work is that it is on the alumni to fund the program. That's what Princeton does with Novo and Cornell with Friedman and others.
  14. The progress is that Russia failed to carry out the full takeover of Ukraine and is now entrenched in a situation even worse than what the U.S. faced in Vietnam. Ukrainians get to defend their land so that they don't become subjects of Russian tyranny. And the support has essentially prevented the invasion of Poland, Estonia, and Moldova, which are other countries with territory that Putin claims is actually part of Russia. On top of that, the defense of Ukraine has been a deterrent to China who would like to invade Taiwan. Lastly, it has further isolated Iran from the entire world because they have been supplying weapons to Russia. I think we are mostly sending weapons, not money, and my guess it they are being fired at the invading Russian army.
  15. I don't know if you're being facetious, but those are awful names for a movie. Now that is a good name for a movie and very fitting.
  16. When is Glengarry Glen Ross a stupid name? What would a better name have been? Death of a Salesman was already taken when David Mamet wrote the play.
  17. How is what the U.S. is doing in Ukraine any different than what the USSR did in Vietnam to fund and arm North Vietnam? How is it any closer to WW3 than when the U.S. provided arms to Afghanistan when the USSR invaded Afghanistan? We were much closer to war with the Soviet Union then than we are with Russia now. There is a long history of proxy warfare not leading to direct war between countries, and the war in Ukraine is just another example of proxy warfare. Russia is trying to fulfill its own imperialistic goals of conquest, and the Western countries are arming Ukraine to prevent that conquest because they recognize that Poland, Moldova, and Estonia would be the next countries to be invaded. Some in this country unfortunately believe that Russia, Iran, and China are just in this conflict, and the U.S. is a force for bad in the world and should withdraw its support. It's analogous to how many in the U.S. took the side of the USSR throughout the cold war.
  18. I don't dispute that Trump denounced the KKK and Neo nazis. However, that does not make up for him claiming that fine people attended and marched in a KKK/neo nazi rally that was filled with nazi flags and anti semitic chants and ended up in the murder of a counter-protestor. I don't think a single person there marching with nazis was a good person, and the fact that he has never walked back the claim that fine people attended that rally makes voting for him a non starter for many people.
  19. That is only true when taxes are extremely high. They aren't high historically, and more tax cuts are going to screw up the debt even more. So will more spending. I would like a political candidate to run for office that was honest with the public and actually cared about the debt, and unfortunately we don't have that. The sad thing is historically that would be the candidate for a conservative party, but Reagan, Bush2, and Trump all ballooned the debt. Obama and Biden did as well.
  20. They do the opposite. Tax cuts decrease revenue so would undo any gains you make from decreasing spending. What we need to address the defecit is to either raise taxes or decrease spending. People who want the opposite of those things don't actually care about the debt/defecit and fit in the category of wanting free stuff. And I think both political parties refuse to address the debt because it's easier to get elected by promising people free stuff.
  21. What good person would march with those people in a rally organized by people who are known to be neo nazis/members of the KKK? Nobody in that crowd is a "fine person." The Charlottesville protest was a KKK/Neo nazi rally.
  22. You're thinking like somebody from the year 2010. Today, what matters for being the face of a program is how many followers you have on social media. The classes can be online now for D1 athletes anyway.
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