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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. You heard of this thing the 4-point nearfall? Well this is going to blow that right out of the water, listen to this: 5 POINT NEARFALL Think about it, you walk into a wrestling match, you see 4 point nearfall sitting there. There's 5 point nearfall right beside it, which one you going to pick man? And we guarantee just as good a match as the 4-point nearfall.
  2. The Ivy League has this really pretentious rule based on the notion that their student-athletes should be going to college primarily for their education. Many of the ivy leaguers are arrogant enough to think that taking classes at their fancy university is better than doing so at the local community college. Cornell wrestling is out to disprove this by showing that you can go to community college first, and then seven years later graduate with the same degree.
  3. They will definitely increase, and that's a good thing.
  4. It's closer to the international style because of the 1 pt escape. So the net value of a takedown is 2 points, assuming you can't ride. the 2-1 ratio of takedown to escape was always stupid and overvalued the ability to score near the end of a period.
  5. There is next to no incentive for wrestlers to train in Greco. You're better off being a very good folkstyle wrestler and getting a college scholarship than a world class Greco wrestler from a purely value standpoint. So NCAAs is actively draining anyone who might be talented away from pursuing greco. On top of that, given the option of training folkstyle, free, or Greco, most people will pick the discipline that involves a decreased likelihood of getting thrown on your head. At least for me, getting slammed on my face made me dislike Greco fairly quickly.
  6. This is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the film The never-ending wrestling match. I can't believe they are suing over missing weight at a high school tournament. That is really some next-level "my Dad is a lawyer" bulldozer parenting.
  7. Best: Luke Lilledahl, Finesilver, I'm assuming they couldn't catch him? Best wrestling name to me at the moment is Luke Lilledahl-hoping the nickname Lillehammer sticks. Worst would be any wrestler named Hunter or Gunner. You aren't scaring anybody with those names-nice try.
  8. As far as I remember, he is autistic and has never actually broken the law...these types of threats fit that pattern. I was never a fan of his on the mat, but I think he is a different situation. What got Long kicked out of ISU? Wasn't it underage drinking? If he had a record of assault/sexual assault beforehand, then yeah Cael should have been held accountable for bringing him on campus. Even if Long had no prior history of violence, I agree that bringing him on campus was the worst decision that Cael has made in his tenure.
  9. I remember in 07 worlds team USA being very happy that he did NOT take the money. His win gave USA the team title that year.
  10. Is the ref calling it potentially dangerous or assessing it as a penalty? Plenty of top moves in HS wrestling get called potentially dangerous even if they are within what is technically considered legal. You see it a lot with arm bars, leg riding, scrambling, and power halves. That's just part of what HS wrestling is-the refs side on keeping the athletes healthy. It's just HS wrestling after all-lets save the serious injuries for college.
  11. Did he beat Logan Paul in a Pokemon battle?
  12. The only people who don't recognize this move as completely idiotic are a subset of Iowa fans. I think even most Iowa fans think this is absolutely insane. Maybe Brands will be right and the sixth chance will be the charm for the two older brothers....Seems like quite a risk though.
  13. Recruiting the three Ferrari brothers is easily the dumbest thing I have ever seen in decades of following this sport. The only way this makes any sense is if Angelo is the only one that ends up on campus and he somehow manages to disown the rest of his family. Anthony has already faced misdemeanor charges of battery. A.J. is looking at felony sexual battery/assault. You know what you are getting with 2/3 and with the youngest, the smart thing would be to just avoid him given his family (even if that is unfair to him, that's life). This is such a bad idea-if any of them commits a crime against another U of I student or a member of the local community, Tom Brands needs to be fired. His job should be tied to their behavior. You don't invite people who have faced criminal charges onto your team and into your community (and seemingly show zero remorse for them) without taking personal responsibility for their actions. I'd argue even John Smith holds some accountability for failing to discipline A.J. despite his countless transgressions in the years leading up to the alleged sexual assault incident.
  14. Why go off the rails at the end there? Isn't he Italian? The guy has a criminal record and may not get in anywhere. This post makes the most sense to me for what may have happened:
  15. For a non wrestling reason, but they mention that they were wrestlers in the story. Pretty amazing story. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna86013
  16. Beyond piling on. Absolutely a vile post. It's obvious exactly what that line means and it is a disgraceful thing to say about a specific person. The joke itself in isolation is fine, but it's awful to direct it at somebody in specific.
  17. So what does it come to on a per-session basis? 50-100 dollars?
  18. How many sessions does this get you? If it’s 250 for a single session that is insane. If that gets you everything it’s a very fair price.
  19. It's really not a slippery slope like you're making it out to be. There is one standard of evidence required to lock somebody up. The standard required for the University of Iowa and its wrestling program is what they deem sufficient to know somebody doesn't belong within their community. That latter standard can be significantly lower than the requirement of criminal cases. The evidence will come out during the court proceedings, and regardless of the verdict, people can make their own judgments on the matter. Why does it make sense this way? Well, letting somebody with a history of being accused of sexual battery is opening up your university to lawsuits. The standard for a civil case is lower than a criminal one, so that is the standard that would be applied to any university that brings somebody accused of this crime on campus.
  20. Now do Zalesky over the time he was a coach.
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