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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. Just wondering who's crazier-the person who won 83 million or the person who lost 83 million because he couldn't stop lying about her>
  2. I mean she did win 83 million from a jury so if she's crazy this isn't an example of it.
  3. He's being accused of sex trafficking. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/wwe-founder-vince-mcmahon-resigns-ex-employee-accuses-lawsuit-sexual-a-rcna135981 Lesnar is involved as well in this but it's not clear whether he knowingly did anything wrong (she was allegedly coerced into sending him sexual content). I wonder if this will turn into another Harvey Weinstein/Jeffrey Epstein/Bill Cosby situation where he ends up in prison. A minor note to this is that it can't be good news for Gable Steveson in WWE given how they haven't used him at all in a year in anyhting remotely important (maybe more now) and the prior accusations that he faced.
  4. This guy bet on LSU football games while on the LSU football team. That is about as dumb as it gets and he should be arrested for that. And the sportsbook needs to be fined for booking the action.
  5. Brands and Dresser need to take responsibility for their failure to inform their wrestlers that they can't gamble on college sports rather than blame the people who caught them. Or how about taking responsibility for creating a culture where those actions were widely acceptable? The first thing you are told by the compliance office freshman year in a giant meeting with every student-athlete is that you can't gamble on sports.
  6. 1000% yes he should for the sake of all wrestling fans and the female students at the University of Iowa. But for his own sake, the last thing he needs is even more brain damage.
  7. This guy is one of the most impressive freshman I’ve ever seen. Period. The dominance reminds me of Taylor.
  8. If he loses or gets hurt, possibly. If he wins, he could go down as the greatest U.S. wrestler ever if he keeps competing.
  9. Why not just let these athletes compete indefinitely? They're being paid, so at this point it's professional athletics. Barely any of the best athletes are taking legitimate classes, so the 4-year concept is arbitrary. Tebow could have had a longer career!
  10. I voted for Poulin, but the vote was based entirely on the youtube video from 15 years ago.
  11. Tesla is kind of a shitshow isn't it. The cars seem nice, and everyone who has one is obsessed with it, but damn they seem like a huge headache. But then again, it took decades for gasoline cars to improve reliability, so I'm sure that eventually these issues will be figured out.
  12. There's something to the concept that New Hampshire is not representative of the democratic party-it's not just a DEI thing or payback. Clyburn may not even be around in four years when there's the next competitive democratic primary. Most of the nominees have lost NH. Biden lost it very convincingly four years ago despite leading in national polls and winning the nomination convincingly. Hillary lost it to overwhelmingly to Bernie in 2016 despite the primary not really being that close overall. Obama lost it to Hillary. Bill Clinton even lost it. Compare that to SC-where the winner of SC pretty much always wins the nomination. SC is just more indicative of where the democratic party is than NH. The problem with NH first is it isn't indicative of the party overall, so people like Bernie who are on the fringe appear to be more popular than he actually is. I think that's partly why the primaries are always such a shitshow-where it's a fight for the socialist vote in the early states.
  13. Obama killed a terrorist, which pissed off ISIS. ISIS wants to sue Obama now.
  14. Why did Trump increase military spending and sell weapons to Ukraine?
  15. This is good Supreme court already ruled this is free speech. Not sure what you expect anyone to do about this. That's the definition of a military alliance, and we are bound to do this by treaty obligation regardless of who the president is. Trump did this many times. Good You don't think killing Bin Laden was good? What's wrong with India? This is in the constitution-nothing a president can do about this. This is already happening de facto and benefits republicans There's nothing wrong with this a priori-some mergers are anti-competitive, but corporations often need to do this to increase efficiency.
  16. Ok, but why was there an entire page of posts acting like it had already passed and wondering how California would deal with collecting from people who had moved away? Nobody bothered to even see if the original post was true when it was obviously misinformation. The title of the thread is literally that the wealth tax starts now.
  17. How is there an entire thread on this, but nobody bothered to even google it to see that this hasn't passed and the Governor is against it?
  18. He's gone a long way from selling mail-order steaks.
  19. Their season ended a month earlier.
  20. This match is giving me Mike Evans Robert Kokesh flashbacks.
  21. Anyone else think it's odd that Shane Sparks keeps referring to the mat as "Resilite?"
  22. He could win a rematch, but he almost got majored. Not a close match.
  23. Orthopedic surgeons watching Hardy wrestle.
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