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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. that its Elon is a secondary topic. 1) They are starting a Department of efficiency and 2) You don't like who is leading that department many of you nitwits are suggesting the department is unnecessary at all despite obvious incompetence, waste, and corruption for years, even self reported like in the above link on point 2 there are infinite avenues of inquiry into government waste. being utterly concerned with the 5 instances where Elon may have a conflict of interest is either sheer stupidity or simple stubbornness
  2. you're not a serious person if you don't think outlandish gov't spending/waste of taxpayer dollars is not of high priority. that this thread exists is evidence you're tribal. it's second in stupidity (this week) to the multitude of leftist morons who are tweeting as if the dissolution of the Dept of Education means there is no funding for schools.
  3. where did i suggest 'i discovered it,' bird brain? the point is, the responses on here suggest many people don't know how bad it is. it's been known, and yet never, ever remedied. and don't give 'scale' bs. a bolt is a bolt. but the gov't pays $25 per bolt b/c it's corrupt af. you're trying too hard. you admitted there's inefficiency, they set up an efficiency department, and you're crying like a B.
  4. the left just aren't serious about anything. you got a million people including Vak, here, and liz cheney on twitter say 'how can it be efficient if there are two people for one role' i mean, you can't be serious. you guys are aware that DEPARTMENTS have more than one person, right? and that Elon and Vivek don't need the money. just say you're tribal, and move on. b/c you make yourself look silly. the American people pay in obscene amounts of money and politicians spend it with the indiscretion of a child. again, no one that pushes back on this has a serious argument. it's insanity. leftist tears and nothing else.
  5. gimme a break. do you have any idea how much gov't waste there is? we literally get defrauded over half a trillion. that's just in fraud cases. that doesn't count things like $2m for studying yoga on goats or $1m for the effects of tequila on blowfish (these are real line items) it doesn't count the $50 we spend on each bolt via defense contracts (again, a real thing) and you're suggesting foul play b/c Elon has govt contracts? they exist. they have existed. and if they aren't legitimate they can cease to exist in 4 years. lame excuse.
  6. yeah. even i don't like this one lol
  7. absolutely disgusting. and the lady that was fired doubled down and said it wasn't a one-off thing. she said it was 'the policy'
  8. if you're losing your ***ducking** mind over an attempt to identify and curtail massive amounts of taxpayer money that gets wasted by bureaucracy you've been indoctrinated. frankly it's one of the more important things that need to be done in DC and frankly, i won't take anyone who says differently as a serious person going forward. you're a joke and a clown and in denial b/c you're married to your party.
  9. it's a mental health issue. the end.
  10. you don't live on the same planet as the rest of us. good lord, you're a moron. when you figure out what 'mainstream media' is, get back to us, confucius.
  11. i think some wires are crossed in this thread. there are two types of payment being discussed: A) money + compensation to athletes from the school B) NIL there are two different things. especially for part B no one 'deserves' anything. they are independent endorsement deals.
  12. dear lord baby jesus, Vak.
  13. that's not an answer to the question, you twit.
  14. well then what the hell did your comment mean?
  15. i cannot argue with anything you said. all are very fine points and rationale. part of Blaze behind Duke and Dee is position scarcity. another is offense. he's in a ton of low scoring matches (in folk). that being said, it's clearly possible that he becomes the most credentialed of the group.
  16. that was decided in his first term. you think there's more restrictions coming? what violence did he promise? fair. alternatively, i think some of these (expected) measures are necessary long-term.
  17. oh neat. the identity politics that no serious person believes and that just lost you the election. i can't believe how doomed women and POC are.
  18. well done UB. these are valid concerns even if we disagree. at the very least, someone on here answered w/ substance.
  19. all the parallels to the nazi movement are w/ the current left. unless you're a moron that swallows what msm feeds you. the current left has employed, or attempted to employ their plan as if if were a checklist. but go off about 'nazi' and 'fascism'
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