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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. Aaron not being there had nothing to do with any of that. it was rainy and it was like a 8hr+ commitment.
  2. GREAT thread topic. great observation. and great response. the only thing i can counter with is.... what makes it different than Biden's presidency? the ultimate puppet.
  3. lol. 'grassroots' literally zero votes. literally chosen. by the DNC based largely on identity politics and bank account. you can argue whatever you want about the issues but this ^^^ is indisputable. and it's utterly anti-democratic.
  4. what primary? that's my biggest issue with this whole thing.
  5. how bout this epic failure.... my first year in Idaho and i didn't go fly fishing once. i gotta get my sh1t together.
  6. loved the shield back in the day, but never finished it. good call.
  7. did you guys watch that super short series that shane gillis did about the tire shop? i'm gonna be honest, i'm the most unaware person when it comes to pop culture and i had no idea who shane gillis was. (i still don't, actually, but i heard there was controversy.) anyway, it was ok
  8. tis the dog days of summer. Hammer's thread got me thinkin - what should i be watching with less wrestling going on? I watched Marco Polo on Netflix recently and thought it was really solid. any other series you guys would recommend rn?
  9. all three assassins on separate sloped roofs (probably)
  10. so patient you immediately started a thread saying it was staged.
  11. wtf is your point? that he was a huge Trump fan? that because he was registered as a REP it's less heinous?
  12. it was me! and i did think of it before hitting send. i just didn't gaf because he posts stupid stuff non stop and that particular take was appalling.
  13. there's only two options 1) it was coordinated and the feds were in on it 2) it was incompetence beyond comprehension (under mayorkis, btw)
  14. care to enlighten me on what widely held 'conspiracy theory' wasn't true?
  15. the only thing with a 'gaping hole' in logic is you. jfc you tribal cuck
  16. i applaud your effort. no one wants the place to be a silo of agreeable ideas. but everyone should ask themselves 'does what i'm about to post further the conversation or rather get into a personal pissing contest'? and by everyone, i mean me too. i have to remind myself of that often.
  17. Rock, can you please start debating topics/points and not calling everyone stupid? the ratio of you debating the subject:: ad hominens is overbearing.
  18. Huffington Post wants Biden to use AI to 'cheap fake' his way through the election. they literally said so out loud https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1808742588649758790
  19. a) it doesn't "require" b) to answer the question: high taxes and pro-unions. both of which are hallmarks of the idiotic left
  20. agree, rasta. one thing i'm consistently left scratching my head about is... why don't the people come together and say 'we'll vote you out unless you...' ?? imo, the smartest thing we, as constituents can do is say 'if this congress doesn't vote for term limits, all of you will be voted out immediately.' i hate to sound like an old curmudgeon, but the power is in the peoples' hands. the people are just too stupid/lazy for them to execute it.
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