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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. bernard, you know that literally, today, most muslim countries/sects want to annihilate all Jews and the state of Israel, right? but go off about christians.
  2. you guys really can't differentiate between Musk, the person, and a company's policies and algorithms?
  3. why do lefties have a fascination with Russia? what exactly has russia done to us (in the last 30 years) to make them some boogeyman? to the extent that hillary paid for a fake dossier (which many of you deepthroated). Trump talks to Putin and... and what? what great ills became of it? Russia didn't do sh1t when he was in office. Trump also signed peace agreements in the middle east which, right on cue, disintegrated the moment the left got in office. so which of the two should we really be fearful of? you're peddling bs.
  4. any of our resident history buffs care to comment on this? is it accurate?
  5. well, two of them tried to shoot the republican candidate. to which an uncountable number of them lamented that they missed. so, there's that.
  6. Bernard: "This is Israel's fault"
  7. it's truly amazing how tribal you are.
  8. this entire thing is because a building passed a code check?
  9. where is this happening? i have zero issues on either mobile or desktop. and i have no ad blockers or anything. i truly do not see where this is occurring.
  10. Ukraine is corrupt as the day is long. this war is a massive money laundering scheme.
  11. interstellar rocked. as did Contact. anyone see the new Reagan movie. started out a tad wonky but i thought it was very good.
  12. what did he (Adams) actually do? i saw something about odd campaign contributions from Turkey. but i haven't looked into it very much.
  13. it's in Johnstown PA this year. great collection of talent as always. though i don't think the matches were really made with the rankings in mind, which is kinda the point. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/12843192-2024-whos-number-one-bout-order
  14. well played WKN
  15. i think i smell desperation.
  16. on mobile i get 2 ads 1 banner ad on bottom. 1 video bottom right (which you can x out of) anyone have a different experience right now?
  17. we'll continue to look at mobile. that's too intrusive, i agree.
  18. We'll look in to mobile situation. If you could continue to give feedback on that experience, it would be appreciated.
  19. thanks guys. We'll look into it. i don't use anything other than desktop, so feedback from other devices is helpful. desktop seems fine to me.
  20. still the brain. i can just hear better now.
  21. UPDATE: (on desktop) there's one video ad bottom right. you can click it and it goes away (for as long as you're on that page). there's also a bottom banner ad that's permanent. THAT's IT. and that's the way it's staying. if anyone is experiencing something different i'm all ears.
  22. (on desktop) there's one video ad bottom right. you can click it and it goes away (for as long as you're on that page). there's also a bottom banner ad that's permanent. THAT's IT. and that's the way it's staying. if anyone is experiencing something different i'm all ears.
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