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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. What the actual phuk was that 79 KG match? Ryder's opponent did lwss than nothing the entire match. What a cunt.
  2. Loyalty should go hand-in-hand with honesty. The Brands bros have been dishonest through this whole process, blatantly lying to families and former wrestlers (who transferred out due to the lying).
  3. There are differences between what Iowa is doing and what Michigan, Penn State, Oklahoma State, and Iowa State did. From everything that is said from these four compared to Iowa, Iowa is the only one where the coaches are playing the "I don't know what's happening" game. Michigan, Penn State, and Iowa State were transparent. Oklahoma State has a new coaching staff and turnover should be expected.
  4. Of course eight of them were room guys. They have transfers that are likely to earn the nod at 125, 141, 149, 157, 165 and 197. None of them were going to start at their weights because of that. All ten may start this year for the respective schools. That does say something for the depth that was at Iowa, but also for the loyalty that the coaching staff has towards the product they were trying to build before NIL/Portal days. It is admitting that they essentially suck at development.
  5. Let's adopt the MFS weights and the MFS rules!
  6. This makes me wonder if he is on the Trumble sort of path. 197lbs is too much of a cut, but there is a HWT in the room already.
  7. To you.
  8. He isn't actually banned. It is a choice thing. What is funny, is once you get to know him, which I have also noticed this with the 95%+ of you other gents that come off as abrasive turdbiscuits, he is actually about as swell as they come with morals and ethics that are above reproach. For all accounts that should matter, he is top notch.
  9. I get actual physical hate mail.
  10. It strikes me as odd that he hasn't improved his deadlift since high school.
  11. This x2. FREE LJB!
  12. Got this one for you.
  13. Please see my above post, that I will also quote for you.
  14. Ah, fair. Yeah it would have been way off if comparing to Folkstyle, for sure.
  15. For Northern Iowa, they have coaches and coaches who have kids who focus on MGR around that weight. NC State was perplexing for me. I would have said tOSU before them.
  16. I mean... sure. I understand the 'legal' logistics to it. It works, though.
  17. We can only hope.
  18. Iowa is a good room to make the right improvements. As much as they get shit on they are 2nd only to Penn State the last 15 years.
  19. The video itself was actually okay. Short enough to suggest folks watch it as well. It says 'Episode 1' so I hope they do more.
  20. Ugh. I watched. He didn't say what weight at all.
  21. I didn't watch, tbh. Is it 174 or 184?
  22. Well I hope DT goes now. PD3 just entered today at 92 KG.
  23. As a FYI, I did download Brave Beta just to test it out and I have had zero issues with it. I don't want to advocate using it, because I understand the need for advertisements. That said, I have used it for less than 48 hours (I logged in at 7:25 PM two days ago, so ~43 hours). These numbers do startle me, however I am unsure how 'bad' they actually are. For clarification: I have only visited these forums with this browser, so the numbers are exclusive to this site.
  24. Brave Beta is the AOS version.
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