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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Being that U20 is the more reputable one and requires certain criteria to be met (U23s does not, aside for age), I think it would make more sense to go the other way. National Team Member U23 Eligible - They can claim it if they want. U20 Trials Winner - Can request a wrestleoff against the U23s winner for the U23s spot. I know we're playing 'backwards' there, as U23s should have better wrestlers since they have a larger pool to pull from, but those are the apples we are given to play with.
  2. While it might be Wednesday, most people will have been sleeping by the time they have wrestled, so most gents on this forum will wake up to whatever the result was.
  3. How do we get our U20 gents involved in U23? Do we allow them a special wrestleoff? I know if someone makes the Senior team and they are eligible, they are awarded the spot. Do we do something similar?
  4. I think if they both start slow, that is a recipe for disaster for DT. Sadulaev can win a low scoring affair with anybody on the planet at any weight. I keep wanting to envision this being like DT's 2nd match with Yazdani (the one in the 1st round at Worlds) and I am having trouble doing that. I was pretty confident in DT's 2nd match with Yazdani, because he broke Yazdani their first go-round, even if it was a come-from-behind Pinfellery.
  5. Same.
  6. There is a thread that we talk about with this already:
  7. You're missing relevant information with this. If you want to include that he went 0W - 1L at U23s, you must also recognize that he not only won, but dominated the U23 61 KG trials. That bracket included Ayala, Nagao, Phipps, Noto, Serrano, and many other NQ type wrestlers. .
  8. Oh, I would wager that he was at least 5lbs lighter as well. He was considerably less physically developed.
  9. Gonzalez lost to Bassett last year 11-1 as well. He also lost to Ragusin 8-5 and 7-6(TB1).
  10. The back differential between him and Takahashi was comical, though.
  11. I agree on Mess filling out.
  12. It seems to be par for the course for the Wiscy fans, unfortunately.
  13. I am disappointed this wasn't an interview of me. I am more disappointed that it is an interview of a definable Turdbiscuit.
  14. This guy lived on Mesenbrinks legs and Mesenbrink had no answer for it.
  15. What the actual phuk with Amos. I feel as if we have been stolen a chance at watching potential greatness with this kid.
  16. ASU is used to their gents getting this. They have to be with an average age of 47 on the roster.
  17. I don't think any of the gents you mentioned are Tier 2. To me Tier 2 should be able to beat Tier 1. I don't see any of them beating Alirez or Mendez. Bartlett? Sure. 141 Tiers to me: Tier 1 - Mendez(tOSU), Alirez(UNC) Tier 2 - Bartlett(PSU) Tier 3 - Hardy(UN), Happel(UNI) Tier 4 - Lemley(UofM), Koderhandt(Navy), Schwartz(OU), Swiderski(ISU) Tier 5 - Vombaur(Minny), Titus(WVU), Vasquez(ASU), Cornella(Corn), Edmond(Mizzou) Tier 6 - Henson(LHU), Composito(Penn), Hines (Leh), Olivieri(Rut), Need to see more - Cannon(NW), Hughes,(OSU), Orine(NCSt), Latona (VT) All four of the 'see more' gents are coming up from 133. Not everyone can do that, and until we see that with them, they don't get 'Tiered' by me. This is kind of from the hip, and I am sorry if I missed someone. I could see Swiderski being argued in to Tier 5 because he has losses to two guys in that tier, however I could see him beating Hardy and Happel. Tier 5 is a complete shitshow. They could lose or beat anyone from 4-6, so that is a fun go-round. *Keep in mind the way my 'tiers' work is that you can beat an opponent one above you and lose to an opponent one below you, but you shouldn't expect to beat or lose to someone greater than one tier away from you unless injury or pinfellery or something out of the ordinary happens Edit: Keep in mind we have a sample sizing of Swiderski at 141lbs as well. It wasn't nearly as good as last year at 149lbs. Was that due to weight management, youth, or a mixture of both?
  18. Nobody gave him a shot against Mendez the last two times they wrestled, either.
  19. I think one thing that a lot of people haven't really considered (recently), is that 79 KG is the old 74 KG and he (JB) is better suited for 79 KG. A case in point is that when he weighed in at 180 (?) to wrestle David Taylor, who won Worlds that year and for many years after), and lost on criteria 4-4. That, to me, helps prove that dropping below 79 KG is not ideal. We haven't seen him against Dake at 79 KG, either, and Dake could very well be better at 79 KG - they just both want(ed) to be the best 74 KG guy on the planet because that was the Olympic weight.
  20. The 14 B1G schools.
  21. Can't listen right now. Can someone post what he says about the line-up?
  22. I never said there was a question of it. I meant in order for it to be applied it must actually be submitted and while we as the public already retroactively put them in place, they aren't actually taken in to account in an official manner by the NCAA until they use up their four years of eligibility. Also, a school's website is not run by some sort of eligibility tracker. A person put him on their roster as a RS-SO.
  23. "Stater Haters" - A Penn State HATE Podcast - WRESTLING EDITION
  24. I love snow, though. That said, appreciating the physical aspect of having to trudge through it is different that appreciating the beauty of it all.
  25. This is funny as shit.
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