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Everything posted by jross

  1. With this guy? No way. The guy below might have success influencing a group to prevent the top guy from doing it.
  2. Because he wrestles like a Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport. 1500-hp quad-turbo 8.0-liter W-16 engine, seven-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission, and runs out of gas in minutes.
  3. I'd wager these as top contributors Health care is incented to treat sick people rather than to prevent people from getting sick. And increasing number of citizens have more chronic illness due to obesity and age. Customers (patients) have limited transparency to what the cost of service is until after they receive treatment. Insurance pays the bill rather than the customer. Customers may not care or know what the price is since they are paying a small portion of it.
  4. Plunder. Waste. Corruption. Bureaucracy. Ponzi schemes. Protect our rights and maintain order are some positives.
  5. Can you guess whose kid this accomplishment belongs to? I love it!
  6. Hmm --------------------^ There is no way these are Mr. Snow Plow's words.
  7. The pushout rule, fleeing the mat penalty, and allowing offensive inbound action to continue OOB is the way. Freestyle OOB > College OOB > High School OOB.
  8. If you think college is bad, try watching high school again.
  9. How to remove guns from the good guys. You require mandatory insurance to own them and charge a high price. How do I know? Today, I added my 16-year-old daughter to my vehicle insurance plan for ~$2000. Why did I wait so long to switch her from the learning permit to the regular license? The cost. If I was required to maintain high-cost gun insurance because there are kids in my house, or if I had to pay a young gun owner premium, I wouldn't own many guns. And this seems wrong. But maybe the purpose of this requirement is to reduce the number of guns bought by the good folks such that the market influences fewer guns being made, and then there are fewer guns for criminals to get ahold of. What would happen is the good folks would sell their guns off cheaply to the bad guys. Crime would continue to be high, but there would be less opportunity to defend oneself. There are enough guns in circulation to power criminals for the next century, so police will have to be tougher on crime. The government would bungle buying guns at a premium to get them off the street. In the end, we need a tougher consequences for criminal gun behavior. This brings me back to much greater policing in the worst city blocks, especially since it's already proven effective in studies. But also go overboard on addressing poverty in those extreme poverty and criminal areas. I don't mean to give out $5M to each citizen, but rather overfund educators, public housing, health care, healthy food, city improvement jobs, etc.
  10. Why can’t we bring it down without destroying it?
  11. Bernie is still Bernie even if he has a little money now.
  12. What are the consequences of shooting it down? I'd love to know what is in the balloon, but I would also not like an outcome where this leads to war.
  13. Our high school girls wrestle the boy's style. An ex-world team member has no interest in teaching the man's style or the women's style in Kansas. There isn't enough local interest to be profitable. He says to focus on boy's style to get local success. Focus on neutral. The top man par terre skills will be learned in college.
  14. Yes, and the tomato turned red when it saw the salad dressing. It sounds real, but it's a bit of a fib and is not a widely held belief.
  15. People that shoot guns while committing a crime should be punished harshly through life imprisonment and caning. These 'inhumane' criminals pose a risk to society due to their high likelihood of reoffending after release. While I like a good redemption story, the possibility of such an outcome is not worth taking the risk.
  16. He says many good thoughts but I have to block out the blabs and focus to comprehend.
  17. Attention @scourge165 Below is an example of being concise and with a less emotional charge. I apologize if I misrepresented your case in previous comments. Now I'm thinking here is an intelligent guy that speaks clearly and I might learn something from. Why might he think that way? What are my thoughts on it?
  18. Okay and there is deflection. If there is one thing that triggers me… Nah there is another. You can search my posts and witness me lose my marbles over the thought process that normalizes elective abortion for the 70% selfish scenario. Nobody listens when I get going on that topic. Nobody is listening to you here. You are not alone… but you can be better. I want to listen to your thoughts but you make it hard.
  19. Be brief but comprehensive. You can address all your concerns in half the words and have more clarity. Concise.
  20. I support gun restrictions. I don’t understand why folks get more worked up over it than what the data says is a larger problem.
  21. Cut your words by 70%. Try to stick to one topic per post. Nobody cares what you say when there is constant emotion and personal attack.
  22. I disagree with Yang a lot, but poverty is one of the deeper causes of many problems. The Universal Basic Income idea was a logical idea to me. Studies have shown it works. Now I don't know... implemented wrongly, it will increase inflation. But seems we have to do better for the poorest families so the kids can break the cycle. It goes against my nature to express the above. I prefer a limited government and for people to be self-accountable for their health, savings, and such. Keeping the streets clean and helping the young'uns have decent nurture in their formative years seems right to me. Yang is a business man and I want more of those types in the presidential spot.
  23. Moore wrestled well. Not much activity between Snyder and the U23 WC Azarpira from Iran. 1-0 at the break.
  24. Ron Paul Andrew Yang There are many more. They have zero chance of serious presidential consideration. Independent thought is too big a risk to profits to the 1%ers.
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