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Everything posted by jross

  1. Is anybody respectable who liked Andrew Tate before the latest news?
  2. So I was looking at https://caknowledge.com/jim-jordan-net-worth and it said $21M, but the prices for cars do not match reality, about page indicates India, and it doesn't match the formal financial disclosure forms at https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/PublicDisclosure/FinancialDisclosure. This looks like a decent representation. https://www.opensecrets.org/personal-finances/top-net-worth
  3. I want a simple-to-access, centralized list, published on a government agency website, with annual updates.
  4. I want to know the net worth of every house member and how it has grown since their time in office. We can't have another Pelosi type. I liked what Jim Jordan said yesterday but his net worth is an unnatural $20+ million.
  5. Which civics correspondence class teaches ballot harvesting?
  6. Has the wrestling season started or is it duck season?
  7. Why is a quorum not required for the presidential election? Why are voters allowed to vote by mail for the presidency but not for the speaker? What is the reasoning behind the difference in policies?
  8. Why is a quorum required, and why must they vote in person to elect the speaker?
  9. Once the CDC data indicated the difference in human risk statistics, medical experts should have been allowed to discuss the data, risks, and treatment options.
  10. You blab blabs who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect blab your blab blab. You made quite a blab blab to blab the blab from blab blab tweets. Sir, this is not a church.
  11. Very soon it may become impossible. Technology is rapidly improving such that one can manufacture video evidence of an alibi, and manufacture video evidence of a crime.
  12. Yes indeed. Some opinions are more well-informed or well-reasoned than others based on a thorough understanding of the facts and evidence. Some opinions may be considered more appropriate or relevant than others on certain topics. I don't value Trump's opinion on many topics, however, I value Trump's opinion on trade policy over Fauci.
  13. "Misdirection?" Yes, I followed your misdirection with my own about how Covid occurred. Why did you bring up Covid to being with? "You seem to be a little too invested in murdering others." Is your own emotion coming into this? "Murder" is not the legal definition of CP. I have contempt for those who freed the MoD more than the resistance against CP. However, had CP been implemented for the MoD, this deranged decision to release him would not have been possible.
  14. It is appreciated that regardless of one's opinion, one does not step into the trap of binary thinking. "I could be wrong, you could be wrong, we could both be wrong..." this open thinking is the way.
  15. Supporting capital punishment in a narrow set of circumstances does not mean "I want" to kill people or "I'm fired up." CP is a sad situation for very rare circumstances, filled with guilt, and not a job that I would perform. What's sketchy is that hundreds of people sign up for open jobs as executioners. It is confusing that "I value human life" US adults morally tolerate the "I'm not ready to be a parent" reason to dispatch millions of innocent unborn babies. At the same time, some of these people claim capital punishment is intolerable in all circumstances. I was surprised that 40% of people surveyed in this study would save their pet over a stranger if both were in front of a bus and only one could be saved. I'm one of the 60% that would save the random stranger over my Golden Retriever. However, I would save my Golden if the stranger was that murderous lady. Is there a price on human life? According to the 4000-year-old Code of Hammurabi, the unborn life was worth ten shekels, and adult life was an eye for an eye. Nowadays, the US government values a statistical life at $10 Million. The cost of incarcerating a criminal for 40 years is ~$1 Million. Add CP, and it's triple that cost. CP is not cost-effective, nor should it be for most situations. To an earlier practical point, for a narrow set of situations with simply unquestionable guilt convictions, the CP process could be streamlined and cost-effective. After exploring this and that, by all calculations for morality and the price of human life, the MoD for Briner trade was an objectively bad deal.
  16. The number of votes for and against Trump in the 2020 election imply more people care about politics than ever before. Government, corporations, and statesmen corruption have more discussions than I can recall in my lifetime. Trump is his worst enemy; a tyrant with his words. He had his time; he made his point. How many Trump elections are required for 'we the people' to demand better government? A return to the status quo before Trump is still a 'L.'
  17. When was the last time an honest candidate was the presidential nominee for the two-party system? I stopped writing in candidates after 2016 because they had no chance of winning. Given Bill1 and Bill2 are corrupt statesmen far beyond my character acceptance for president, the Bill that best aligns below wins my vote. Bonus points for having a well-informed plan and a record of delivering results fast. corruption in the government poor leadership, media psych-ops, big tech collusion, big brother behavior, blind spending, election security, insider trading, lobbying, term limits in the legislative branch, inability to disagree and commit, lack of transparency affordability of quality education through college increasing high cost of living/inflation in relation to my net worth affordability of healthcare meaningful reduction of illegal immigration accountability for life's choices
  18. Covid? may have criminal acts beyond the MoD. What is the source of Covid? How did it spread? Did any players in the event 201 risk-mitigation tabletops in October 2019 have involvement in Covid funding or its release? Was there any mal-intent? Who, what, when, where, why, and how were the Covid mitigation decisions made?
  19. What would society do if this woman was a big dog acting similarly? She acted unpredictably and committed severe violence on multiple occasions (she stabbed a workman and pushed a 3-year-old girl on train tracks). She said she wanted to die. Do you isolate her for life? Her behavior is on video, and her proven guilt is absolute. How much will it cost to house and medicate this lady for the rest of her life?
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