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Everything posted by jross

  1. I'm going to see a guy later this month on a fish trip. He's a past retirement gentleman that works in IT security. He mined 1 bitcoin with some young'un and forget about it years ago. Then it hit $60K.
  2. Its a bit more tedious to find NG's matches than I'd hoped. I did watch a couple matches where he wrestled strong until the end. Impressive. I also found some interview comments where he decided to wrestle just a couple weeks before a senior event... which may explain what I've seen in the past.
  3. I've watched a lot of Nahshon wrestling on the senior level because of his incredible speed and technique. His early wrestling story is neat too. I'll see if I can find some examples of early leads and late losses. He has a much better gas tank than Iszmail Muszukajev but he has lost multiple matches in the end on the senor level. NG sometimes is like a jeep wrangler going uphill in the wind for the last mile. Iszmail is sometimes like he crashed a racecar into a building and is bedded up in a coma.
  4. The move to subscription based pricing is the biggest boon to profits and costs us consumers more than the old ways. I'm okay with it for music and movies.
  5. I've been following the stock market and investing for a while now, and I'm curious to hear what others think about the current state of the market and their investment strategies. Will the market tank by 30% or go up by 20%? Are you sitting on cash and waiting for the right time to buy or are you riding out the volatility for the long-term? I was using retirement funds as a set and forget for years. During the 30% drop in March 2020, I took over direct management and became an individual stock picker. It was easy to identify the Covid lockdown drop as a buy opportunity and ride the free money press boon. The inflation fallout was obvious but I didn't expect the war and its consequences. Energy was an obvious sector for 2022 but its priced sorta high now and its going to tank as the market cycles. This year is a harder read. Companies are not as profitable, inflation is high, and the war machine is powered up. There are conflicting signals that indicate sell and buy. I keep thinking to move to cash or bonds for security but there is enough conflicting information to cause FOMO.
  6. This isn't the first time that Nashon dominated to an early lead and lost for reasons unrelated to injury.
  7. Agreed. "There was not clear and convincing evidence" in long form meant that that the evidence did not meet the high bar of evidence required to proceed with a criminal collusion case. This doesn't mean it wasn't done.
  8. How much land and ocean was travelled before reaching this continent? How did it make it to Canada? The USA is the bully/protector/etc. and Canada could have addressed for themselves or as directed by the USA.
  9. The praise for how he handled the social security and health care conversation demonstrated there is some competence there. He thinks a little slower but still has some smarts.
  10. There is better evidence for obstruction than collusion. This is the exact quote from where the report describes no criminal collusion was found.
  11. Yikes is right! This proposal is ludicrous as written. Of course evolution theory should be teachable. But, so should the Intelligent Design theory. Even if its more philosophy than science by definition, it was created by and has some support from scientists. Also, agreed that the "science proves" phasing is increasingly used to sell lies. That is no reason to ban teaching science theory.
  12. Yes Trump was accountable for national security at the time. He was responsible for the inability to detect. Given the US already had stratospheric spy balloons, one would think the US could detect the same from other countries. So that's on Trump and he can own that. Perhaps the presidents before Trump were in the same situation. They should own it to. What's known here is that the current admin knew it was a spy balloon and seemingly managed it poorly. We don't have the information to understand what thought went into the decision. Acknowledge and own.
  13. I had the same thought until he made one positive statement for Trump and one criticism of Biden.
  14. I watched it and didn't think it was the slam it was made out to be. I get the angle on it though.
  15. Which part of the phrase "when there is constant emotion and personal attack" suggests that I care about the use of 'naughty words?" It's natural to become defensive when one's ideas and beliefs are challenged. Unfortunately, this often leads to the use of confrontational and dismissive language. Focusing on the issue at hand, instead of getting caught up in the emotions, takes effort and mindfulness. Despite our differences, I actually align with your perspectives to a certain extent. However, the current communication style is making it difficult for me to hear your ideas. There's no room for a calm and productive conversation when opinions diverge. This type of behavior is reminiscent of the negativity on Twitter and it's disheartening. If your intention is to spark meaningful discussions with people of a different viewpoint, this approach fails. Are you receiving insightful feedback from Nailbender, who typically presents a respectful demeanor? Or is he resorting to 'aggressive defensive' language in response?
  16. The result of the two year investigation into criminal collusion is summarized on page 9 and 13 in the report like this: Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. There was not clear and convincing evidence.
  17. Because people are smart? By giving him attention there is a chance that he will run for president again, giving democrats a chance to win. Because people are dumb? Discrediting him will make people think he is a bad man and prevent his opportunity. Reality is that this hardens the republican resistence to vote democrat and causes current democratic supporters to reconsider.
  18. There are reports that Chinese spy balloons flew over the US during the time of the Trump administration. However, Trump was not aware of this[1]. The Biden administration became aware of it after Trump left office and is now considering informing him about it. The recent decision to destroy the balloons is questionable as it was done after they had already traveled across the US and over the ocean, which caused the exploded parts to scatter and be damaged by salt water. This could have been handled differently with attempts to bring the balloons down gently on land for payload analysis. If 'engage and destroy' was the right answer, it should have occurred before reaching the mainland. This raises questions about the leadership's judgement and the information they were acting on. [1] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trump-officials-deny-chinese-spy-balloons-flew-above-us-on-their-watch/ar-AA178Ixz
  19. At my last company we focused on sick prevention through incentives $1000 off insurance by testing / certifying as a non smoker ...BMI below obesity ...blood lab results ...daily exercise ...wellness visits ...flu shots, etc. ...taking health education classes provided by the company, including cooking and nutrition ...dentist twice a year, annual eye exam, health visits to screen from cancer, etc. to catch things early We were self-insured, had a free-to-employee primary physician clinic on site, free chiropractic clinic on-site, and a dirt cheap pharmacy on site. We copied many ideas from "The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care" written by Clayton Christensen with Jason Hwang and Jerome Grossman. I believe we had evidence that promoting health and wellness reduced the need for costly medical interventions and treatments, and lowered the overall burden of disease and illness.
  20. Donald Trump's character is widely criticized and viewed as lacking in ethics and integrity. The constant barrage of sensationalized and emotional reporting by the media, public, and leaders, along with the spread of misinformation and lies, has only contributed to a growing tolerance for his actions and behavior. If the focus were solely on the facts, the public discourse and perception of the former president would likely be different.
  21. I am not offended. But folks frown upon flawed actions that discredit their dignity. I am confused that character Cael consents.
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