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Everything posted by jross

  1. The definition of fascism describes democratic behavior well in the first statement. ChatGPT shares the same lies that fascism is a right-only ideology. Now it isn't really a left or right ideology as people on both sides can fit the definition.
  2. Gun violence is bad. But where does it fit in the priority of the underlying cause of death? Across age groups, firearm assault is #49 in the CDC and #50 if CDC included the 1 million elective abortions. (See 2019 data in https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D76). I have no problem talking about gun violence and reducing it. I just want to understand why #50 is a higher priority for discussion. Because of the kids. Which kids? Not the 1 million aborted unborn. No, no, no, not them. They aren't people (sarcasm). How about ages 1-4? Talk about drowning #1 or firearm assault at #12 Ages 5-14. Now we are talking. Ban the ropes so these kids stop hanging themselves. Ban the cars. Firearm assault checks in at #3. We can talk about it now. Ages 15-17. Now we're talking about firearm assault. Let's double-click into firearms. Those pesky 15-year-olds and older are a nuisance. The age group death by firearm stays in the 400s through the 20s, drops to 200s in the 30s, and continues to decrease with age. Across age groups, data shows gun violence is rare outside known street blocks in cities with extreme poverty. School shooting deaths are horrible and rare. The worst school shooting year was in 2018 with 51 deaths. Typically average of 12 a year. Handguns are used 10:1 over rifles, and more than 50% occur outside rather than inside the school. There was a recent school shooting (ghost handgun) local to me by a kid previously busted for a robbery... my HS daughter knows kids at the school... yet my family has zero fear of a school shooting.
  3. Yep plus the data shows increased crime in that same city. And it wasn't just one vehicle crime, but rather vehicle crimes against baseball players on my local men's team, 1 against my buddy in another state, and 1 against my father-in-law within a small period of time. Believe it or not, 1+1 = 2. I don't know a single person in real life that worships Trump or likes his character. Several prefer his policy opinions such as reducing illegal immigration, made in America (bring business back), pride and optimism in the country, ability to say Merry Christmas, strong economy, holding other countries accountable to contribute to NATO, better trade balance, reduce/stop foreign wars, etc. Santos is terrible and he fits right in with the other democrats and republicans. You can fill a page listing lying politicians for each side of the aisle. Biden remained in office for 50 years while repeatedly busted for lying.
  4. After Thanos snaps his fingers and all the large magazine + rapid-fire rifles disappear... the number of gun violence crimes will remain the same. But, while handguns and shotguns increase, the total number of deaths decreases. The Las Vegas shooter is not as efficient at killing when he shoots at the concert crowd with handguns, shotguns, and bolt-action rifles from the high-rise window.
  5. I believe in the right to bear arms to protect myself at home. A semi-automatic rifle is an effective tool for defense. Read the first few pages of this Massachusetts Municipal Police Training Committee firearms instructor course document, and you will learn how effective it is. I own semi-automatic rifles for recreation and hunting. IMO, semi-automatic firearms with large magazines and rapid-fire capabilities are not needed for hunting, and they are unsportsmanlike to use for hunting. I have zero issues with gun restrictions on semi-automatic firearms that also meet magazine size and other specs, so long as the limits are applied equally to citizens and the police. At the end of the day, if a particular gun is inaccessible/criminal, then there is less need to defend from it. Why do I need one if the bad guys don't have rapid-fire guns with large magazines? Whatever firearms the police can own/use, I should be able to own. I would not say the same is true for the military--- e.g., the military can own fully automatics, rocket launchers, grenades, etc., that the police, criminals, and civilians have no business owning. The second amendment implies every citizen is a soldier and should be able to protect themselves at home and from government tyranny. So there is interpretation and judgment on what ordinary people can own, which has to do with a decision on safety. Tighter gun control will save lives. To me, how many lives need saving to warrant tighter gun control? There are ways to reduce guns from reaching the wrong hands and to reduce mass shootings. I won't list them but know they would make Mr. Snow Plow cry for humanity.
  6. I don't like how PV acquires its content, but the end justifies the means. The words coming out of the people's mouths in PV videos continue to shock me. How left-leaning media ignores the content in the PV videos es un espectáculo de mierda.
  7. I am not a fan of the author's writing style, specifically the run-on sentences, filler words, and abstractions. It is hard to maintain my focus to get through it. One of my takeaways is that the government is mistreating people based on their beliefs and opinions, that it is becoming more common, and is not good for the country. 100% agree.
  8. The democrats have higher trust because big tech is a left-wing echo chamber. OpenAI is going into Bing, and Bing might displace the Google search monopoly. Google censors right-wing views so will there be less bias with Bing? No, absolutely not. Microsoft = Bill Gates & West Coast democrats = Censorship + OpenAI bias = 右翼がねじ込まれている
  9. A workaround is to cast one browser tab from the laptop to the TV and watch another browser tab from the laptop. @bnwtwg
  10. Zahid was not prepared for this tournament. That first takedown against him from Japan indicated a lack of focus. He stands tall, touches his face, and puts his hand to his side. Japan shoot at this exact moment.
  11. You could find the vintage collection and buy it for nostalgia.
  12. How did I miss this? Google was exposed in 2019 and it never hit the major news (surprise) and was suppressed on Twitter (surprise). https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1620195663580626945.html
  13. Wasn't there a video of him saying he was done with college and focusing on freestyle?
  14. This is a matter of opinion. I believe there is a common enough understanding to represent guns with fast reloading rapid-fire capabilities that coincidently often look like they belong in a Rambo movie. The definition isn't clear because people use it for any gun thought to be highly lethal and is certainly politicized.
  15. We are all products of our nurture. Some of us can challenge our thoughts, ask questions, and think about them. Bernie does. I have seen less of this assumption with BP than with others, including those with right-leaning takes.
  16. The Supreme Court has held that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that the government may regulate the ownership of dangerous and unusual weapons, such as rocket launchers. If rocket launchers were as common as semi-automatics, would they be used in school shootings and drive-bys? Yes. Is a semi-automatic considered dangerous and unusual enough to have tighter regulation? I believe so, yes, and I own them for recreation. Others disagree on what is considered unusual. Where do you draw the line between my unrestricted right-to-own grenades versus rapid-fire rifles with large ammo capacity? I'd say self-defense, but mine are locked up and unloaded, and I have no concern about self-defense in the suburbs. When my kids graduate, I plan to buy and conceal-carry a handgun for self-defense in parts of the metro. It is the metro where I've encountered numerous crimes against me. I can support more gun restrictions while believing guns are not the problem. The problem is parenting, poverty, and the larger culture. It may seem crazy, but I'd support outright bans on handguns and semi-automatics with large ammo capacity for people under 25. And major consequences for people that are caught in public with illegal guns.
  17. Bernie is smart and does share original thoughts. He listens to what I say and responds directly to my points with critical thinking.
  18. It is always hideous—like the first well-known event on August 1st, 1966 at the University of Texas. What drastic gun control will address this?
  19. The fear in 1945 and subsequent years was founded on data (and emotion), given WW2 killed 85 million alone against a population of 2.3 billion. Famine and disease were also a problem. The average life span in the 40s was 46 years compared to the 70s today; most people did not live long enough to die from cancer. It was logical to prioritize the top cause of death, specifically reducing the risk of weapons that killed hundreds of thousands of people at once.
  20. Joseph Ossai is the new Dee Ford.
  21. It is 50x more data-driven and logical to raise concern over drowning in swimming pools and falling furniture than school shootings. School shootings are awful, yet rare. The news covers it because of the emotional engagement it drives and profits. Unfortunately, the coverage causes more harm than good, including unwarranted anxiety and copycat behavior. Who profits from school shooting news? The gun manufacturer, security firms, news firms, and politicians.
  22. It is silly that the emotions get the best of facts. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/school-shootings-are-extraordinarily-rare-why-is-fear-of-them-driving-policy/2018/03/08/f4ead9f2-2247-11e8-94da-ebf9d112159c_story.html Search it in https://www.removepaywall.com/article/current
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