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Everything posted by jross

  1. You have a valid point about the winner sitting on a lead. However, the losing wrestler seems more inclined to attack since they likely will not escape their way to a tie. Will fewer matches go to overtime?
  2. Thank you! Makes sense now. I didn't see Brands or Dresser or know who the guy was in the corner. The announcer was saying that Gaitan was looking up at his corner... but he was looking at... maybe Bobby Telford (I had to look him up). I see Brands off to the side.
  3. Someone send the article or tweet later. Dresser says, "We lost our head in the corner. We didn't do a good job in the corner" and does not elaborate. The play-by-play guy speculates coach thought his guy had the riding time rather than PK. It looks to me like the ISU coach is signaling to release PK in the gif. His hands keep going up, rather than down or in a fist/squeeze or anything that might signal 'hold him.' Speculation on my part.
  4. IMO. Both wrestlers were gassed, and Ech nearly exhausted his on that last move... looked make or break to me. The match was over after the no-call. They were not sputtering like PK but on fumes.
  5. Would you care had the referee called a TD? Art. 12. Reaction Time. The amount of time a wrestler is provided by the referee to react to individual scoring or wrestling situations. Reaction time is provided in all situations except for locked hands calls down on the mat. Reaction time is determined by each individual referee and is described only as a period that is not instantaneous https://www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/WR24.pdf
  6. At the time... does Carr get the tech?
  7. What is the coach signaling with his hands three times and saying?
  8. I missed that... but I believe ya. How is that mistake possible across the head coach, assistant coach, and Gaitan... considering how the match had gone... and the viewable time clock... and Dresser is paid $300K+ annually? ...and Dresser not challenging so many situations...
  9. In live wrestling and with between-period position selection, what is your opinion on the wrestler making their own decision versus following the coach's instruction? Captain of your own ship or fall in line?
  10. 1:39 13-7 (cut) 0:38 13-10 (1 minute to secure take down) 0:35 14-10 (3 seconds to cut) 0:15 14-13 (20 seconds to secure take down) So he must return to his feet and secure a takedown in 15 seconds. As slow as both were moving... there'd be 10 seconds to secure the takedown after the cut. To your point, we'll never know.
  11. Agreed. I'm not really responding to you critically... I just want to point out the accountability of the losing wrestler too.
  12. Yeah, well, the wrestler could have wrestled better in the first two periods. Also, he didn't have the gas left to cut and finish again with short time remaining.
  13. The next time Caliendo wrestles Carr, he isn't going to try so hard to escape back to his feet. Needs to stay out of neutral. He needs to find out if he can do anything from the top.
  14. @Hammerlock3 My screen glitches on replay as that motion continues OOB. I wouldn't say that points there on the first watch... more a 'feeling' that action should be allowed to continue aggressively from IB to OOB... Both in that situation and earlier in Drake's match. The mats should be larger...
  15. Does Chittum scores if the action is allowed OOB? 1:10 on the clock.
  16. Was this no control because of hand-touch or reaction time consideration?
  17. I like the IQ to pick up or neutral rather than the automatic down selection.
  18. K achieved little beyond hopping OOB. Drake earned his lead, and it was entertaining to see K finally attack in the third period.
  19. Drake, with the 3-2 advantage with one takedown against two escapes, was rewarded appropriately for his control going into the third period.
  20. 2024 will not have common ground. This video is 100% what to expect...
  21. Is Oliver Stone the only Democrat who voted for Biden and immediately questioned the election results? Common Ground? November 2020 Although I voted for Biden, I can’t help but note that the Democrats haven’t cried foul over this weird election counting that we’re going through. What happened -- no Russian interference this time? I wish him well, really -- we all should, and hopefully, we’ll see Joe’s gentler side. Even if they stole it, “they stole it fair and square,” as Murray Chotiner tells Nixon in my ’95 film “Nixon,” referring to his 1960 defeat against JFK. https://www.facebook.com/TheOliverStone/posts/although-i-voted-for-biden-i-cant-help-but-note-that-the-democrats-havent-cried-/3783580218332916/ November 2023 17:46 Do you know for a fact that he lost? I am just curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6mMt6-XsGM&t=1028s
  22. Am I the only person who didn't know what Alexandra Pelosi had to say about J6 and her mother? ~ 6:50: “If J6 was an insurrection… you were supposed to have a plan! It was the sorriest insurrection in history” 2:43: “The Shaman did noth(ing)… What did the Shaman do? He stood there.” 41 months for that. 4:24: “After the Democrats lose the house, then they get rid of the committee, people may lose, I think, interest… no one is going to care after the democrats are out of power. And you take Biden out of office- then who cares!?” 4:50: “DC is a lot of people who work for the government. I don’t think they’re sympathetic. If you got it moved (changed trial jurisdiction from DC) you’d totally get off” (laughs while saying this) 8:11: “You’re going to be able to laugh about this one day” 9:36 "So glad I met you because the media makes you into monsters." 14:53: Pelosi talks about her friendship with Gavin McInnes and laughs at the notion that Proud Boys are white supremacists. https://rumble.com/v29uq16-exclusive-nancy-pelosis-daughter-caught-on-tape-admitting-jan.-6-protests-n.html ~ J6 largely being a bunch of normies used by proud boys on a dark day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln4wruy-6NE ~ Nancy Pelosi will cut your head off and you won't even know you are bleeding https://twitter.com/CNNThisMorning/status/1080470121141788674 Alexandra's comments lead me to believe she disagrees with Nancy's political rhetoric and spin that J6 was mob of domestic terrorists. "Two years ago today, our nation watched in horror as a terrorist mob stormed the Capitol grounds in a violent attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power. "The January 6th insurrection shook our Republic to its core – and left behind physical scars and emotional trauma on members of our Congressional community and our Country that endure to this day. What was a day of unimaginable horror was also a moment of extraordinary heroism, as courageous law enforcement officers stared down the insurrectionists to protect the Capitol. We are forever grateful to these heroes, and we continue to pray for the fallen, the afflicted and their families. "Yet the violent assault did not deter us from upholding our oath. On January 6th, we returned to the Chamber and certified the election results to prove to the world that our Democracy stood strong. And with patriotism and persistence, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack worked on a bipartisan basis to uncover the truth of that dark day. https://pelosi.house.gov/news/press-releases/pelosi-statement-on-two-years-since-january-6th-insurrection
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