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Everything posted by jross

  1. Speaker Mike Johnson releases a document with instances of the Biden Administration undermining border security policy and encouraging illegal immigration. It is easier to load the image and zoom through the brower URL at https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFOO8zfX0AEcnyS?format=jpg&name=large
  2. Shrinkflation. Less product for the same or higher prices.
  3. Anything beyond stopping illegal immigration and fast-tracked return-home paths for those illegals who entered the USA is dead on arrival. Now, how many years of entry before 2023 do we want to deport illegals? 5 years? 8 years? At what cutoff will we grandfather birthright citizenship and end the misinterpreted policy? 2020?
  4. I could tell you what stocks I like, but you'd miss out when I no longer favored them and be angry when I missed them. AT&T, Verizon, and Western Union were good buys recently at lower prices. The share price has recovered nicely, and the dividends are very good. I will not hold those three beyond 2024. SOFI is a rapidly growing bank that recently became profitable. I am bullish on SOFI through 2026. The stock price is being manipulated, so it will cause a new person to freak out, like the recent 20% gain and sell-off with earnings. For the longer-term holder, I like buying SOFI for under $8 and holding through 2026-2027 for $20. I've been tracking COTY since 2020, listening to the quarterly earning calls, etc. The company made many mistakes, changed leadership, and has returned to its profitable ways. This goes from $12 to $15 and returns dividends in 2025 in my analysis. SOFI and COTY are underpriced, though I'm not buying more COTY unless it drops to $ 10.50. I like high insider buys on profitable companies on the low end of their 52-week price range as prospective companies to perform due diligence on for my buys. I also look into companies like Roblox because my kids play the game, but it's a no currently as they do not seem to have a path to profit. SPX and NDX index funds remain safer hands-off investments with great returns since 2020. See below for reference and note that the 'current' rows compare the beg of 2020 to a price check in the past week. I think S&P will be down in the first half of 2024 and be better in 2025... especially if we get a pro capital Trump as president. As for me, I'm a maniac that swing trades and holds individual stocks... putting in larger amounts across a small number of companies. A recent stupid decision was thinking there was a runway for DISH to return on a mid-term holding investment, and instead, it merged with Echostar and keeps losing value. Frick. edit: redid image
  5. Those that doubt election fraud will not watch this.
  6. Because the representatives and influencers of Democrats went off the edge in 2015 and are still there in 2024. And there is nothing we can safely do about it.
  7. Apparently Tom Cotton didn't hear the answer the first or second time.
  8. You won't understand.
  9. My (Democrat politician) teammate almost picked a fight on Sunday. I had to stop him when he said, "Before X screwed up Twitter"... I like him better as a baseball player.
  10. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. You live in a fantasy world with fantasy beliefs about what I and others think.
  11. There is a time for all things. 30 trillion in debt while having struggling domestic citizens is an emergency that must be fixed before considering global help priorities. Go away with your global empathy narrative until it's time for the adults to revise priorities.
  12. It’s flicking terrifying and we keep in line to maintain our slice of life.
  13. ... ... That SBC link is self-defeating to your statement. It was not meant to address the Depression in a systematic way... success I guess because it didn't. The SBC link mentions security by putting people to work. Note that unemployment was higher after 8 years than before the New Deal was started. Oops. It's foolish to say nothing good came from the New Deal...which nobody is saying... while it's ignorant to claim the New Deal saved the country from the Great Depression.
  14. I don't know what to believe... If Trump is somehow successfully killing deals that would allow 5000 illegal entrants daily... Bless him. Enforce the existing law or GTFO.
  15. How were his facts wrong? Here is another source. New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America WW2 lifted the USA out of the depression, not the New Deal.
  16. The next gen ACDC band deserves more recognition in the US.
  17. Check out FDR's folly On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong...somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises....I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started....And an enormous debt to boot!"
  18. What an embarrassment to my state and other laggards in their support.
  19. What others are there? BullTrained - https://bulltrained.com/bulltrained-dirt30-day-summer-camp/ Ken Chertow (16 days) - https://kenchertow.sportngin.com/register/form/820149856 Purler - https://campscui.active.com/orgs/PurlerWrestlingInc?orglink=camps-registration University of Dubuque Wrestling - https://register.ryzer.com/camp.cfm?sport=9&id=257328 Young Guns - https://www.younggunswrestlingcamps.com/30daycamp
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