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Everything posted by jross

  1. Trump is the party of populism and anti-establishment. Ordinary people were sure the system was not working for them. Trump acknowledged himself as elite and pinpointed how the hypocritical Rs and Ds enabled it. Trump promised to 'drain the swamp' of the politically elite and their mates. Millions cheered. Despite the elite resistance, the people's choice presided over cheap gas, local jobs, investment returns, purchase power, and peace. The 'deep state' said "never again" and still hunts to secure it. The ordinary people gamble, but the house always wins. Ordinary people will gamble again. They must hurry and fight harder. ----- People want leaders who prioritize the needs and desires of ordinary people and have a track record of achieving results. Find a better leader, and he will have support regardless of party lines. The establishment isn't it.
  2. There once was a smart Democrat without TDS who spoke respectfully about why folks would vote for Trump again. A good read. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4242013-trumps-supporters-are-right-in-front-of-you-quietly-living-among-us/
  3. On topic... This is a decent look at Mitt Romney's conservatism. On him... I like that he tries to separate his personal religious beliefs from his public policy positions, and he doesn't always vote down party lines... conservative on some issues... I also wonder about how Romney thinks. While I recognize that everyone has their beliefs, it perplexes me how an educated man can adhere to a relatively new religion founded by someone with questionable morality, and historical references and events that lack basic evidence.
  4. I’m surprised a teacher didn’t fix it in 23 minutes just based on his see a snake, kill a snake attitude… Would be sued of course…
  5. I criticize republicans in the post you respond to. You make no acknowledgement of Democratic authoritarianism in your response and resort to TDS. You can make it about Trump as you want. He does bad things… acknowledged. But can you acknowledge the good things. There are good things coming from what is also bad things in your post. (legal, news) We should start a post where we argue the opposite our views… just to see how cognitively blind we all are.
  6. Eye of the beholder. I see what you see, acknowledge it, and call out what your brain can’t process.
  7. Surprisingly, I found myself at the state level during my first two years, even though I lost 65% of my matches – there's even amusing video evidence featuring rat tails and tears. Despite the rocky start, I managed to go undefeated and clinch the 8U title. I medaled in even-aged years moving forward. I considered myself a technical wrestler, understanding many moves but struggling with the sheer strength required for high school competition, especially at 135lbs (14 years old) and 145lbs (15 years old). Puberty and weight changes brought some success at 160lbs and 171lbs, which led to the humbling experience of getting pinned in the state finals. My claim to fame is beating a guy in high school who beat a guy in high school who beat Ben Askren in college. I opted for college baseball closer to home, choosing a path near my sweetheart. I later transferred to a D1 school and represented my fraternity in intramural wrestling. I dabbled in local high school and club coaching. I've had my fair share of humbling moments, whether facing college wrestlers at Old Timer tournaments, participating in alumni events, or last Tuesday at club practice. My son quit wrestling after two seasons and three competitions... I thought, 'This is life'... then my gymnast daughter started wrestling as a sophomore and loves it. The opposite of me, she wins from strength rather than technique.
  8. Better for those without, yes. I support universal healthcare so long as I can still elect to pay for private care, and UBC is paid by existing tax revenue. The gov doesn’t deserve another cent from me until it passes a balanced budget for its core services.
  9. The Taliban is bad, and that's good. The Taliban will never be good, and that's not bad? /s
  10. ^^^ Willful Ignorance. ^^^ Yes! Republicans are authoritarian on some issues... despite the lumber in the Democrat's eye. authoritarian: favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. Rs: abortion, drugs, immigration, law/order, patriot act... Ds: covid, guns, speech, economy, business, obamacare, big tech oversight... For COVID alone, stop talking about authoritarianism... Authoritarianism is in the eye of the beholder... both parties have authoritarian views. If we want to talk generically, the party of "limited government" and "leave me alone" has to try hard to be as authoritarian as the party that wants a 'strong government' so big that checks/balances and a bill of rights are required to protect personal freedom.
  11. My mother also talked about changing church after 22 years... and she brought up abortion in the context of Christians who excessively live a life of sin without guilt and change because of the new age of Jesus. She said whenever she speaks about abortion being wrong... the women around her attack her view. We had a conversation that she couldn't speak her mind on that topic (my opinion). Stereotypically every woman has had or knows someone who has had an abortion. You are calling them a murderer, and they can't handle that judgment. So it's best not to speak your judgment on it and support compromised regulations. Yes, abortion is bad in your mind (and mine), but this topic spans political parties, and conservatives are going to keep losing to progressives in elections... something Mike Johnson, etc, better recognize.
  12. I spoke with my mother last night... some interesting points to share. JR: Why did Dad risk his life by joining the military? He didn't risk his life; he joined the Air Force. Well, technically, he 'risked' his life, but that wasn't a concern. We had a one-year-old child, jobs, a small home, and managed okay... but his dad influenced him to take advantage of the GI Bill while he still could. JR: When did Dad complete his college? After the Air Force, and I helped him complete his written essays, etc. JR: Why and when did you go to college? When you were in pre-school in Texas... I had more free time and was thinking of going back to work. Dad asked me what I wanted to do, and I didn't know... but we had met the 'Snows' and Carrie was a nurse. She said a nurse could get into whatever field they wanted, and she enjoyed it. I completed my GED and then took an Anatomy course while you were in pre-school. I got an A! I always thought I was stupid because my dad called me that. When you started kindergarten, I took more day classes... then we moved to Kansas, and I had to get accepted to school again. I started college at 26 years old and it took me 5 years to complete the 2 year registered nurse program because of parenting duties. Your dad's dad never liked me. He thought I honey-trapped his son and later told me he was surprised I graduated. But I loved your dad's mom. She was my role model for what a good mother is. You know what, I am smart. I got a 3.83 GPA. I am quick on my feet and solve many problems at work. I didn't know I was smart until I was 30. You went to night labs with me because nobody could watch you. JR: Can people raise themself out of poverty? Some can, but it's hard. People are not motivated, and the government services don't always help. I've volunteered at the True Light Family Resource Center for over a decade. TLFRC continues to evolve programs to meet the needs of at-risk individuals in the urban community who are multi-ethnic, homeless, hungry, or without hope. We've (parents) taught skills, led bible studies, bought/rehabbed/furnished homes, arranged government assistance, fed, you name it. With this setup, these ladies lose their children and house within three months of relocation. They refuse to work, and the government pays them just enough to satisfy this dependence. This story plays itself out over and over again. JR: Unlike your brother and sister, how did you raise yourself out of poverty? Was it luck? God's plan. He put trials in front of me that I've overcome. JR interjection Is it God's plan or just people exercising their free will and decisions/actions crashing together? Like dad impregnating you, marrying you, joining the military, helping while you went to college, etc.? (Mom: I guess it is a clash of free wills, and you choose to take advantage of the opportunities provided) JR: How did my sister get out of poverty post-divorce? Was it luck? Motivation. She took out school loans, graduated, and got a degree. JR interjection Did you know she was on food stamps for a time? (Mom: nope) Did she get grants in addition to loans (Mom: I don't know) How did she manage school while having young children? (Mom: prioritized school and sacrafice) Mom Context Mom was trailer poor Mom had dentures at 18 Mom was pregnant in high school and didn't graduate Mom's father and brother in and out of jail and prison Mom's brother dropped out of school in the third grade
  13. The entire quote was made up to make a point like Zuby here.
  14. Republicans need to favor pragmatism over principles. Take the loss on abortion to win these elections.
  15. Embarrassing. I tagged the wrong Bernie. It gets worse. I didn't recognize there was more than one Bernie account. I've been confused as to why 'Bernie' was posting differently than 'Bernie.' I was an idiot, and I apologize for being an idiot.
  16. It isn't stalling by bottom when overpowered by top. But what about when bottom stops attempting aggressive action to score (perhaps because they lack the skill to score) or they are in turtle mode to avoid top action? Still boots in situation...
  17. What if 'looking busy' by playing with wrists is part of securing the riding time point?
  18. Can the losing wrestler be called for stalling?
  19. Is securing and controlling an ankle considered aggressive wrestling before the riding point is secure, but is the same action considered stalling when additional riding points are not possible?
  20. When bottom lets top get in the double boots, and bottom lets top extend them on their belly, and top is working powerhalfs while bottom is squirming, grunting, and hoping for a stalemate... who is stalling?
  21. My goddaughter took second place at state last year after losing to the same girl for the third time by a single point. She said that the top girl was stalling because she just sat on an ankle while on top. Last night, we talked about why you let her hook the ankle to begin with. Then we drilled two ways to get your ankle free... Thanks for the right mindset, Pat!
  22. I don't know that Nick Lee beats Vazgen Tevanyan.
  23. Who can really know how a person treats their family in the privacy of their own home? The 'perfect' outward-facing family with matching clothes that go to Christian church each week, with the Mensa 10-year-old, had an accidental butt dial with me one day before school. I hear multiple children cussing and calling their siblings names. I hear Dad say, "Drown that bitch." They don't have any pets, but they did have a young daughter. My wife stumbled on Mom scolding the children about how stupid they were with cuss words when she thought nobody was around. This family was with a baseball team I coached... So no, I can't tell you how my colleague treats people in privacy. I know how he treats women in public, including a retirement age Morman and younger ladies in their 20s. I know he treated his wife well when I had dinner at their home. His young kid's faces light up around him, and the kids attend public school. I have worked with and managed Muslims (and Hindus) for years in the US and India... the colleague is one I hired and got to know a little better. I know he and other people with brown skin fear for their safety in rural America. We wouldn't last long in Gaza, just as we wouldn't last long around the regions where the 'Christian' Lord's Resistance Army operates. Did you know that 18% of Israeli citizens are Muslim? https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/israel/ https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel Religions Jewish 73.5%, Muslim 18.1%, Christian 1.9%, Druze 1.6%, other 4.9% (2022 est.)
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