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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2025 in all areas

  1. “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I'll show you a crook.” We know there are crooks. Pork. Limited transparency. Rushed omnibus bills. Insider trading. Kickbacks. Non accountable spending. Signals of fraud. Gaslighting. Lies. Spending that even idiots know is wasteful. There may not be arrests for fraud, but it’s there.
    4 points
  2. Stalling! Stalling, One! Stalling, One! Stalling, Two! Stalling, <Tweet>!
    3 points
  3. Paniro Johnson gives up 4 stalling points in the third to send the match to OT against Realbuto.. gets taken down for the loss. The 2 point stall call was pretty questionable, he was defending back to back shots and got hit with 3 seconds left..
    2 points
  4. I absolutely hate the general way that bottom stalling is called. Any ref should know the difference between actually stalling (balling up) on bottom and not being able to build up. The talk going into the season was to emphasize attempting to turn on top by calling stalling on the top wrestler, but here we are giving stall points for riding without being able to turn. Mesenbrink was active on top but never really remotely close to executing a turn and Scoles was hit three times in one period for stalling.
    2 points
  5. Oh, he was gassed. I don't really have a problem with the call. Teemer and Paniro wrestle basically the same style and should be more heavily punished for consistently ceding ground and stepping back on their own volition. The whole "they want to wrestle from space" isn't an excuse. Plenty of guys like to wrestle from space but don't wrestle like them.
    2 points
  6. If I have to hear this shoe story one more time.
    2 points
  7. That Lilledahl loss by cradle probably does him more good than harm.
    2 points
  8. Looking at wrestlestat, I gotta agree. Northern Colorado had most of their starters at both the Cougar Clash (won by Vombaur) and Southern Scuffle and Alirez went to neither. He also sat out the UNI dual (Happel) among others.
    2 points
  9. I'm not disagreeing that Alirez gets the #1 seed.. I'm just saying it seems like a crime to reward someone who doesn't have a top 10 win for wrestling a limited and weak schedule. He should have to go through both. Mendez and Bartlett shouldn't have to wrestle-off in the semis to see who gets the chance to wrestle Alirez who hasn't tested himself all season.
    2 points
  10. What I saw in Sealey was a guy with Room Ragdoll Syndrome. Big-shot freshman comes in, and he gets torn apart every day in practice by the more experienced guys who are using him as their takedown dummy. Can you imagine what rolling with Mesenbrink every day must do to your confidence? Probably also Kasak, Haines, Van Ness, maybe Dake. He shoots a single, he gets scored on. Shoots a hi-C, gets scored on. Shoots a double, gets scored on. Ties up, gets scored on. Keeps space, gets scored on. All this stuff that used to work in high school, just doesn't work anymore, and the self-doubt creeps in. His stuff would work on 99% of the wrestling population, but he's wrestling the other 1%. You could see it in his wrestling. I wasn't that he didn't want to be there, it's that he didn't believe in himself. He'd start to shoot a shot, then sort of quit halfway, almost expecting it won't work. Tentative, low confidence, expecting to lose, looking sort of resigned to his fate. Some guys eventually figure it out, find the stuff that works against the other 1%, persevere through the tough times, until they get to a place where they can hold their own. That's Barr, Kasak, Haines, all with massive level-jumps from high school. Other guys... never figure it out. It's too early to say for Sealey. As of now, though, I don't think he's figured it out yet. I'd bet a lot of money that he's getting ragdolled every day in practice. Hope he sticks it out and finds his way to the other side.
    2 points
  11. Wouldn't worry about it ... he'll surely say something more outrageous tomorrow ... wait for it.
    2 points
  12. Much to @Wrestleknownothing's dismay, I am in favor of seeding only the top 16. I completely understand the argument for seeding all entries. But to create the best product, seeding 16 makes more sense. What are the most exciting results at NCAAs? Upsets, fairytale runs, the unpredictable. With 33 seeds, the tournament is essentially "wake me up for the quarters" because there are such few matches where you could see an upset happening. As WKN's data shows, the difference in how much the top 8 seeds are effected is pretty negligible, so essentially you have more exciting matchups where you think an upset could happen, without them occurring much more frequently. In a sentence, seeding 16 creates more interesting early round match-ups without actually really changing the results.
    2 points
  13. the annoucners said "healing up"....if you have to give him credit its for not bothering to make something up.
    1 point
  14. Lilledahl is the most credentialed age level competitor we have ever had aside from maybe daton but some of datons success came in college. He is a 2x world champ and 2x world silver and he has one more year of u20 eligibility. changing your opinion on luke after the Mccrone loss vs after the peterson loss makes absolutely zero sense to me. Ramos and Vrob have been 1 and 2 for me since the peterson loss and I understand using that to detract from Luke. Getting cradled by Mccrone in a match he was handling does not change my perception of him in the slightest. He is a guy who showed weaknesses on bottom in high school and is utterly dominant on his feet. Mccrone is probably the only guy at the weight that's actually a threat to turn him but their is a huge disparity in their neutral ability so unless he gets cradled again I do not really see it being an issue.
    1 point
  15. Thats a very apt comparison. His value is anchored in his goofball status not how awesome he is at wrestling. He cares about nothing but his cultural relevance (which only exist in wrestling obviously), but he is hamstringing that in order to protect his already destroyed reputation. The end result is a clown who takes himself really seriously which is both useless and beneath contempt.
    1 point
  16. For the delusion? Yes. The blue psu pills for the delusion. You’re comparing spencer lee’s dominance vs Lilledhall. He has a 9-3 decision against the 139th ranked guy in the nation with 3 point take downs and 4 point near falls.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I've been praying to the porcelain god from top to bottom all weekend from food poisoning why would you call me out like this in my time of suffering?
    1 point
  19. Good point. Sometimes I forget that you're barely human...
    1 point
  20. i try to pretend i'm communicating with a human being for as long as possible
    1 point
  21. a lot of your posts are what the stupidest guy in the room would rush to say....
    1 point
  22. Excellent point. pK parents should write a formal letter to the AD and request justice for this. There is no chance that Tom and Terry wanted the senior to get one last home match after being injured most of the year..
    1 point
  23. Unless they found him to have instances of ‘memory loss’? Maybe then they wouldn’t bring charges. don’t forget pardoning the whole family and all the totally not criminal unelected staff around you. There is that move.
    1 point
  24. These bombs and equipment were designated by legislation passed by Congress and signed by the President, but denied by Biden. https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2025/02/16/heavy-bombs-withheld-by-biden-arrive-in-israel-thanks-to-trump/
    1 point
  25. We have a right to waste as much of the American tax payers as we can!!!! Viva la corruption.
    1 point
  26. Still going with the “it’s against the law to not waste money” theme, huh?
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. People are using Chris Phillips lack of a Collegiate career now to paint his HS success in a different light. He Wrestled the toughest schedules you can Wrestle. He went through the Ironman and the Beast all at 171 or above. And again, I hate the "why is this Wrestler WORSE" than him argument. Phillips accomplishments stand on their own. No need to knock anyone else down. I don't know if it's just people who forgot what Phillips was doing or they're going back and reading his accomplishments off a sheet missing the context from the time. There are some sites that can be great references to remind us of how incredible a FRESHMEN dominating the Nation at 171(or the best in the Nation) is. Phillips was the best Wrestler on that HS team...
    1 point
  29. Pretty decent dual. I doubt we see McCrone catch Lilledahl in a cradle like that again. Davis needs to hit the weight room, and I can't believe PSU's backup 157 pounder was so soft.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Mirasola might want to drop to 197 to have a shot at starting. That has to be the first time all season Feldman outweighed his opponent.
    1 point
  32. Should have been one more stalling call on Davis at the end too
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Bouzakis robbed of those 2 nearfall cost him the match. Davis with another lucky break
    1 point
  35. And the missing backs were the difference. Idk how that wasn't called.
    1 point
  36. Davis bailed out by the refs 2 years in a row in this dual
    1 point
  37. Huh. No near fall? He was clearly holding two near fall.
    1 point
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