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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Not really but OSU has like five other 149's... and Gonzales at 141.
  2. McCrone 25, Davino 33, Mendez 41, Brown 49, Cannon 57...
  3. Hmmm? First I've heard that. Word is he goes 25(which is impossible imo) if he wants a spot or he joins his brother in PITT.
  4. Looked like a guy took top knowing that was his opportunity and he cradled and pinned the other guy. What part was flukey? For the dummies in the back...
  5. Missed. Beast and I have a loving relationship...
  6. WTF does that have to do with anything Beast?
  7. Watch that limb you're out on doesn't break...
  8. Most people's prediction...
  9. Fried oftentimes credited, West Shore Wrestling Club...
  10. From FLO.... Agreed.
  11. "Brandon Cannon won one of the two 157-pound brackets, while Paddy Gallagher made the finals at 165 before forfeiting, which would hint that Cannon and Gallagher will wrestle in the postseason at 157 and 165 for the Buckeyes, which would also mean that Sammy Sasso's college career could already be over."
  12. I believe you are correct...
  13. From this... To this...
  14. It's been a rough season. Give him some time...
  15. Agreed. Until it happens again...
  16. Seems like a bit of a rhetorical question but I'll give it a shot. The f'ing question mark at the end of my sentence?
  17. Getting hurt isn't nearly as important as recognizing it. You're fine...
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