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I'm sure you are wrong. Every fiber of the schools is infused with leftistisms. Whether they feel the right or not they cannot help it. It is in their bones up to and above their eyes. Their unconscious bias comes out in every single way on every single day. The only balance to the hyper-leftie educators is the school board - IF the community elects a board that represents them AND IF the board will impose its will on the school leadership. Both rarely happen. Bring school of choice vouchers which follow the kids and then the education mafia will be neutered.4 points
My son is 6 and in his second year of wrestling and he insists on wearing a singlet to every practice, the only kid who does4 points
Intermat's new rankings for the week just dropped. There are no real surprises at the top as we had #1 wrestle #2 this past week. The results of that dual meant there would be some separation this week. And there is. In addition to PSU solidifying its hold on the top spot, Iowa and Oklahoma State are looking pretty locked in for second and third. With their upcoming dual at the end of the month we will get a lot more information on that front soon enough. But the more interesting race (as it has been for years) is the race for the fourth and final podium spot. Nebraska, Minnesota, Ohio State, Virginia Tech, and Northern Iowa all have realistic shots. Meanwhile, earlier candidates Cornell and Illinois have faded from the picture. On the AA front, just because a wrestler is ranked in the top 8 does not mean they will finish in the top 8. When it comes to seeds (first cousin of ranks) a 9 seed and an 8 seed have very similar chances of AAing. Of course PSU leads the pack with 8.3 expected AAs. They also improved their chances of 10 AAs to 11.75%, a season (and probably all-time) high.3 points
3 points
Yeah, if you're new to the party, Masoumi is probably the 3rd or 4th best heavy in the world. He just happens to be behind the #1 or #2 in the world.3 points
I have 9 granddaughters (along with thousands of other young ladies) they can now compete against other girls for opportunities for state championships and for College scholarships. They can compete without fear of being injured by a much stronger and much larger male athlete. To be honest this is something President Trump should have never had to address. If only a little common sense had been applied to these matters.3 points
We use both in the kids club I run. 2-piece looks sharper, but they're more expensive and harder to get a good fit. Kids all want the shirt to fit loose but it's not supposed to be.3 points
Yes. Honestly the singlet was never the reason interested kids would avoid wrestling.3 points
FYI, for those who like to participate in gambling legally. DK has NCAA wrestling lines up for the week. Rider +7.5 v. Lock Haven Cleveland State +3.5 v. Edinboro West Virginia -5.5 v. Utah Valley Michigan+38.5 v. PSU Nebraska +6.5 v. Iowa Disappointing they don't have a line on the OSU/Minn dual. Is everyone for PSU going? If they drop 1 match it will be tough to cover that many points, Cardenas could beat Barr as well. It's tough to bet against PSU, but 38 seems like it may be too many.2 points
@Bigbrog’s question at the bottom of @Caveira’s post. “Do "news" organizations normally get federal funding?”2 points
yeah with all three going to different schools cael got the best of the 3...but hes totally losing his touch... just put the fries in the bag2 points
2 points
Ha I think the December right prior to Jan 6 was the highest recruiting period in 12 years too. That probably credit wise goes to that vegetable dude. Forgot his name already. Lol2 points
https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-sign-executive-order-banning-transgender-athletes-womens/story?id=118468478 I thought maybe it was a doctored photo. This is from ABC news. Not fake. Absolutely right. If this is the hill Ds want to die on, go for it. Girls sports is girls sports. For girls. Girls bathrooms are for girls. Girls locker rooms are for girls. Not for boys who say they are girls. Same with women and men. It is biology folks. It is safe spaces folks. Dismiss it at your peril. mspart2 points
... they already renamed the Hodge to the Bo? * if there's already a thread on this i apologize, i only searched the first 5 pages.2 points
Jax wanted OkSt long before Taylor was hired there. Bo went to Iowa for the money, the end. Kid is a wrestling lifer and good on him for getting the money that so many before him never had the opportunity to having lived out of their cars to chase world and olympic level dreams with hopes of maybe landing a College Coaching Gig somewhere. PSU is the best overall setup in our sport. 1. They have, if not the best, one of the best Coaching staffs. The athletes that stay always develop 2. They recruit extremely well 3. Their RTC has evolved into the best, therefore all kids have exposure to multiple looks at top tier excellence and have a natural transition post graduation 4. They have financial backing that supports the changing landscape of NCAA Sports You can look at other programs and find obvious dents in one of the 4.2 points
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2 points
On the PSU question, that is part of what makes these odds difficult to beat the books. You have one match that is probably 50-50 (Cardenas vs. Barr) and the other possibility that Cael could not wrestle a starter like he did at 133 against Iowa, knowing PSU will still easily win the dual. So, if PSU drops one match it is highly unlikely they cover the 38.5. There is a smaller possibility they could win all 10 weights and still not cover the 38.5. Iowa opened -5.5 against Nebraska and that seemed worth a shot. If they can win two of the weights between 125-157, gotta like their chances of covering.2 points
It's all just a smokescreen to lore Hammer into taking a bet so @flyingcement can get his soul back. It's for the greater good2 points
2 points
Haha we were at a highschool dual last night and there were a bunch of toddlers running around in singlets. I think when you are comfortable with them from a young age, the "weirdness" of a singlet doesn't ever take root. It's the kids thinking about starting wrestling after 5th grade that seem to be hesitant.2 points
Missouri still uses them sometimes. I don't see a problem with teams offering both. I agree with the other posters I dont think this is the main issue about kids not wanting to try the sport, but seems like a pretty simple easy thing to give a choice2 points
a lot of mypoic idiots would just lay down for islamic fundamentalists. in addition to being this board's chief dummy, you're also its biggest sissy2 points
Pretty sure he can simultaneously crush a tomato in each hand, something you never saw Hodge do.2 points
"Truzzcat" ~ good point sounds like you know your stuff, I remember Kolat wrestled a 4x MD state champion and tech'd him, I believe Kolat held his own in Midlands while in HS, I wish I knew the exacts for some reason I wanna say he wrestled Chertow while Kolat was still in HS @ Midlands and went toe to toe with him....anywho they all could kick my butt, quite easily too I might add..... "pokemonster" ~ I remember the Roddy match very well finals @ Ironman 2007 (171lbs), Roddy number #1 or #2 in the country, chris also beat the # 3 kid in the country @ Ironman to get to Roddy, actually destroyed him, than destroyed Roddy in 2007 did not even give up a take down to either, crazy talent as a freshmen2 points
2 points
Hmmm, Green and Gold. This sounds like a topic started by an NDSU fan whose team just got beaten soundly last night by this horrible Wyoming team.2 points
since alot of attention is being generated about BB, just thought i would add a fun topic to ponder! Many of us consider to this day Cary Kolat to be the best HS (and top 20 college) wrestler of all time, I too agree with Cary being the top dog ever in HS it was just amazing to see him in HS (although I would say Chris Phillips was a close 2nd, only HS loss was 3-2 his freshman year to Senior Ed Ruth, Chris actually controlled the match completely, Chris was unchallenged, 175-1, BTW~does anyone know whatever happened to him) in your opioin has anyone surpassed Kolat as the greastes HS wrestler of all time? Of course I start this topic for good conversations and potential visits back to memory lane! thoughts of a matchup in their HS days has me curious......... Kolat vs Bassett My take is Kolat is still the best HS wrestler ever.... Cary was than and still is now a different type, an absolute beast among beast!! Thoughts from some old school wrasslers!1 point
I am rebutting the idea that has prevailed in the past and which I see emerging again that it is all about simply landing the best prospects. That Penn State won, of course, simply because they had the best recruits. Iowa has also landed many, many elite recruits. If this idea were true then simply landing the best transfers would also be enough. After that, easy peasy lemon squeezie as my kids would say. Just off the top of my head, and I am no expert on their line up over the years but I think they landed transfers from Austin DeSanto, Pat Lugo, Gavin Teesdale, Real Woods, Jaydin Eierman, Brody Teske, Steven Buchanon, Mikey Caliendo, Kyle Parco, and Jacori Teemer. All elite transfers, many of whom were expected or at least predicted by Iowa fans to produce very high finishes and even titles. PSU seems to win by the sum of all that is required to produce great wrestling. Just as if you remove one small part from a machine it may seize up, it seems to me the same can happen in any great athletic program. Landing recruits is very important, but its just a start.1 point
1 point
Agree with the general direction of what the OP is saying, but I don't really see how committing to Iowa is "refreshing" for the sport. Iowa would be fine with or without him; so would Oklahoma State and a bunch of other schools. It's unfair to expect Bo to go to a struggling program that could really use him, just saying that this commit to Iowa is like calling a player signing with the Yankees instead of the Dodgers "refreshing" for baseball.1 point
1 point
I admit I like most of Trump and gang's moves. Gaza I am not sure of what to think about that. I quoted an article from Daily caller that was not in favor but suggested it might be a feint for some other intent on Trump's part. I would guess that be closer to the truth actually. Getting a handle on USAID - long overdue. Dropping DOJ funding for sanctuary whatevers - long overdue and should apply to other funding as well Getting the southern border secure with Canada and Mexico playing ball - Long overdue. That's just a few. mspart1 point
1 point
I just read that she also set up a task force to investigate weaponization of the DOJ, and to reinstate the death penalty. I have no issue with these. I have no issue with DOJ withholding funds from sanctuary entities. I also don't have an issue with prosecuting those who are obstructing the legal and lawful fulfillment of ICE and DOJ duties. Federal law is the law of the land. State law comes next, county next, and city last. I'm guessing the drug relaxation laws that have been implemented are next or will be changed at the federal level. Half the city of Seattle and Portland will disappear if they start cracking down on heroin and fentanyl. mspart1 point
I still remember when Chris Phillips beat Brian Roddy, who was a phenom in his own right, as a freshman. Mind you, Roddy was benching 315lbs the summer heading into freshman year during football workouts. Absolute monster. Can't comment on Kolat as I was focused on Ohio wrestling back then.1 point
They had the land. They gave it in 2005 to the Gazans and left. And the Gazans thanked them by hiring Hamas and firing rockets ever since. They had it so your statement makes no sense. mspart1 point
I'll join the very large group of people willing to pay $10 per egg to eat popcorn and enjoy "win" after "win" after "win." DOGE is out there delivering a three piece and soda. Super Necessary.1 point
I know neither one of you would ever be able to do this but I wonder what your thoughts would be if you could remove your far-left glasses and think of this from a neutral and positive intent angle. What if by the US rebuilding the area and investing in it, it could provide a safe home for all those Palestinians, provide jobs for them, a way to a better life in which doesn't have to worry about violence and having a terrorist organization in power, etc.?? Maybe this could be a good thing?1 point
1 point
You preferred it when: ”Commonly used terms such as “manpower,” “you guys,” “ladies and gentlemen,” “mother/father,” “son/daughter” and “husband/wife” should be avoided, according to the State Department chief, and replaced with words like, “labor force,” “everyone,” “folks,” “you all,” “parent,” “child,” “spouse” or partner” instead.” https://nypost.com/2024/02/19/us-news/secretary-of-state-antony-blinken-urges-staffers-to-avoid-using-problematic-terms-like-manpower-and-mother-father-report/1 point
1 point
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