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Republican Oversight Committee rejects Hunter Biden's request to give his testimony in public


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56 minutes ago, Offthemat said:

Bloomberg reported Sunday, citing a senior administration official, that the U.S. didn’t learn about the prior balloon flights until after Trump had left the White House.”


If your article is referring to the multiple Chinese ballons that flew over the US during the previous administration......then yes, that's what I was referring to.  

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4 hours ago, Husker_Du said:

well, we definitively know now what the 10% for the big guy was.

not only was that phrase in an email, but the money (400k in hunter's and 40k in Joe's) were in their bank accounts.

chalk up another conspiracy theory come true. 

That is, of course, not true.  Extensive reporting on this matter to show these were loan repayments from monies Joe lent to Jim on a short term basis, once in July of 2017 and once in January of 2018 (and that even elides past the part it's alleged to have occurred when Joe Biden was a private citizen).






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BTW, here's Comer saying, out loud, that "we can bring these people in for depositions or Committee hearings, whichever they choose."  And then, when ol' Hunter took him up on it, that changed.  WEIRD!


The man is just seemingly constantly searching for rakes to step on.


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On 11/30/2023 at 1:23 PM, Bigbrog said:

What is the privilege?

And by the way both side are hypocrites...

No what-about-ism please? Address the issue or don't. 

The person of privilege is HB. The kind of boogie man the GOP loves to attack and paint as the cause for all the issues that the lower and middle class are up against. They're reluctant to have the hearing in public because, I'm guessing, they have nothing and don't want to be caught showing their @$s on tv. Behind closed doors they can say whatever they want with people like you saying, 'both sides do it' rather then holding your side(whichever it happens to be) accountable for doing it in the first place. I sure do. When those that I support and believe in, do something unethical, I say so. This situation is questionable at best borderline harassment at worst. 


Edited by ThreePointTakedown
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16 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

No what-about-ism please? Address the issue or don't. 

The person of privilege is HB. The kind of boogie man the GOP loves to attack and paint as the cause for all the issues that the lower and middle class are up against. They're reluctant to have the hearing in public because, I'm guessing, they have nothing and don't want to be caught showing their @$s on tv. Behind closed doors they can say whatever they want with people like you saying, 'both sides do it' rather then holding your side(whichever it happens to be) accountable for doing it in the first place. I sure do. When those that I support and believe in, do something unethical, I say so. This situation is questionable at best borderline harassment at worst. 


Your use of the term privilege cracks me up...such a trendy thing to say...anyway, you are essentially wrong for claiming what-about-ism as I have not done that...nice try.  But you are right about the point of saying both sides do it and that both sides need to be held accountable.  I don't get caught up in if it's an R or a D that is in trouble, the truth and justice is the most important thing...no matter who it is, if they did something wrong they should be held accountable...period....but what people do, is pick sides, not based on what is right or wrong, but rather what letter is after their name from a political perspective.  The HB things is s#$# show just like all the other special committee hearings that have happened, whether it was a D, or and R being the one taking the questions.  Both sides play the stupid f'ing games and accuse the other of doing the exact same thing they do when it's their turn.  

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On 12/1/2023 at 9:50 AM, VakAttack said:

That is, of course, not true.  Extensive reporting on this matter to show these were loan repayments from monies Joe lent to Jim on a short term basis, once in July of 2017 and once in January of 2018 (and that even elides past the part it's alleged to have occurred when Joe Biden was a private citizen).






400k from the Chinese company in question to Hunter

exactly 40k from Hunter to Joe

that's not '10% for the Big Guy' ? 

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19 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

They're reluctant to have the hearing in public because, I'm guessing, they have nothing...



Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.

This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation  that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world.

At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes.

And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden....

It appears the committee has quite a lot on this topic. 


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On 11/30/2023 at 7:27 PM, Offthemat said:

The private depositions have one hour turns at questioning instead of the five minute intervals of the public hearings.  Depositions can run for days, however long it takes.  Transcripts can be released as long as sensitive or otherwise legally protected information is excluded. 

They also have control as to whether the transcript is released and when. Of course they'll release it, but no until they've had time to say about things happening in the hearing that DIDN'T. Until the evidence finally comes out, the lie has already been rooted. Then their on to the next distraction. Rinse and repeat.  Does that sound familiar? Then the 'but both sides' crowd starts yelling so they don't have to hold their side accountable because as much as they rail against it, they want the dopamine rush of a dunk as much or more then helping people. The leaders they've elected know it. So they pay no price for being incompetent or mean. As long as they are sticking it to the same people their constituents have been told are responsible for their lot in life; immigrants, Liberal Ivy Elites, HB, and welfare/drag queens. Stop me when I get close. 

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On 11/30/2023 at 9:51 PM, jross said:

I have been wondering why Joe would run for president again.  Does he love his son enough to retire?  Does he love his son enough to stay in office and pardon him?  

The GOP may be slow playing… drip… drip… as political strategy.  Wait to act closer to the election… ensure Biden is running again to assure victory.

Maybe for the same reason all the people who stayed on at the end of 45. When they knew things were headed in the wrong direction. 'If I quit now, they'll find someone to do their bidding and who knows what could happen to the Republic.'

Keeping in mind Pence almost didn't show up for work on J6. If he hadn't, I imagine whoever replaced him would've had no qualms with creating a constitutional crisis. Luckily he made it in and did the only noteworthy thing in his time as VP. 

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14 minutes ago, mspart said:


Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.

This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation  that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world.

At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes.

And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden....

It appears the committee has quite a lot on this topic. 


Nah.  They don't.




The White House did not immediately comment on the release, but it’s possible the funds were meant to repay Joe Biden for car payments

Earlier that year, a January 2019 email from assistant Katie Dodge to Hunter Biden annotated various expenses including “Ford Raptor — Reimbursement to JRB — $1380.”

Basically, there were a total of three payments made to Joe Biden from his son which, again, appears to be Hunter repaying his father, this time for car payments.  But they used the word "monthly" as if this amount was being sent to him every month since 2018.  Hilarious.


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21 minutes ago, Bigbrog said:

Your use of the term privilege cracks me up...such a trendy thing to say...anyway, you are essentially wrong for claiming what-about-ism as I have not done that...nice try.  But you are right about the point of saying both sides do it and that both sides need to be held accountable.  I don't get caught up in if it's an R or a D that is in trouble, the truth and justice is the most important thing...no matter who it is, if they did something wrong they should be held accountable...period....but what people do, is pick sides, not based on what is right or wrong, but rather what letter is after their name from a political perspective.  The HB things is s#$# show just like all the other special committee hearings that have happened, whether it was a D, or and R being the one taking the questions.  Both sides play the stupid f'ing games and accuse the other of doing the exact same thing they do when it's their turn.  

I get the exhaustion with having to parse out the nuance in each situation. But it doesn't seem quite so equal to bothsides-ing it as you have done.

The last 25ish years Fox (not)News has been the mouth piece of the right and has cultivated a narrative that anyone not with them is against them and you(convenient, right?). Which means all other stations that reports their obvious bias(and it is obvious if you take just the smallest step back) are, themselves, bias because they don't want to report the truth. Keep in mind Fox has been sued many times and their defense is 'we don't report the Truth such as it is, it is our interpretation or opinion of the truth! So you can't hold us accountable for our lies.' 

So the bothsides-ing argument or 'whataboutism' is a large arrow in their quiver that they pull out in the hopes that you are too exhausted to really look into what their saying. They hope that the laziness we have to change and the strength we have to cling to our beliefs is so much that we refuse to even consider that they could be hoodwinking us for their financial benefit. When GOP wins, they get tax breaks. That's a might fine incentive to carry their water. Other networks would have similar benefits. Why don't they fall in line?  

To sum up: you did what-about. 

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47 minutes ago, mspart said:


Today, the House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden.

This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation  that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world.

At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes.

And based on whistleblower testimony, we know the Justice Department made a concerted effort to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden....

It appears the committee has quite a lot on this topic. 


So something looks like it could be something, but we don't know for sure yet. But we're happy to let everyone know we have something rather than nothing because that could be really embarrassing. My comments: And if it turns out HB was corrupt and JB wasn't. Ok. If HB is corrupt and JB was too. Ok. Punish those that did punishable things. 

and now for something completely different:

There's a guy who lost a civil rape case, a civil fraud case, had to repay $25M to people from a fake university, will likely have to pay $250M+ for fraud in NYC, has had his business licenses revoked, can't stop endangering the lives of the employees of the many courthouses he has visited in the last 6 months, has told the world that his mission will be to turn the justice department on his enemies if elected, essentially ending the 'Rule of Law' in this country. With all that being said, can you tell me why it is more important to concern ourselves with HB?

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1 hour ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

So something looks like it could be something, but we don't know for sure yet. But we're happy to let everyone know we have something rather than nothing because that could be really embarrassing. My comments: And if it turns out HB was corrupt and JB wasn't. Ok. If HB is corrupt and JB was too. Ok. Punish those that did punishable things. 

and now for something completely different:

There's a guy who lost a civil rape case, a civil fraud case, had to repay $25M to people from a fake university, will likely have to pay $250M+ for fraud in NYC, has had his business licenses revoked, can't stop endangering the lives of the employees of the many courthouses he has visited in the last 6 months, has told the world that his mission will be to turn the justice department on his enemies if elected, essentially ending the 'Rule of Law' in this country. With all that being said, can you tell me why it is more important to concern ourselves with HB?

First, obviously you need what I put out because you are spoon fed left wing media (NYT, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, PBS etc) news that this seems like it must be out of this world crazy.   Keep thinking that.

Second, if you think Trump is going to ruin the Rule of Law, think again because it is happening.   Why concern with HB?  Because he obviously broke the law.  DOJ allowed the statue of limitations to close some of those "investigations" and HB has implicated JB in all of this by paying him off.   Remember, JB stated in the campaign when the HB laptop became a thing and Trump linked JB to HB to Burisma, that he, JB, knew nothing of any business dealings HB had.   That was part of the basis for why JB was elected, because everyone trusted him and the news about the laptop was squelched and not discussed by major news.  


Take this for what it is worth, but it was found 1 in 6 Biden voters would have or may have changed their mind.   That would have resulted in a Trump win.   To say the Rule of Law will be challenged is moot.  It already is.   HB implicates JB and we can't have that, hence the original plea deal he got that the judge rightfully refused.   If that isn't challenging the rule of law, I don't know what is. 



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3 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

They also have control as to whether the transcript is released and when. Of course they'll release it, but no until they've had time to say about things happening in the hearing that DIDN'T. Until the evidence finally comes out, the lie has already been rooted. Then their on to the next distraction. Rinse and repeat.  Does that sound familiar? Then the 'but both sides' crowd starts yelling so they don't have to hold their side accountable because as much as they rail against it, they want the dopamine rush of a dunk as much or more then helping people. The leaders they've elected know it. So they pay no price for being incompetent or mean. As long as they are sticking it to the same people their constituents have been told are responsible for their lot in life; immigrants, Liberal Ivy Elites, HB, and welfare/drag queens. Stop me when I get close. 

I’ll wait to see who wants to release the transcripts, knowing that there will be spin if you rely on someone else to tell you what they say.  

3 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

Wow. Racist much?

Honestly?  No, not at all.  Obtuse much?  

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1 hour ago, mspart said:

 Why concern with HB?  Because he obviously broke the law. 

But I think the point is why are so many just extremely hung up and obsessed with Hunter’s breaking of the law, but willing to turn a blind eye or excuse aside or somehow wither away at congressmen and women and government officials breaking the law? 

Answer: because that’s what FOX, just like the other media outlets you have such a problem with do but failed to include in your list of manipulative media, tell us that’s what we should be obsessed with. 

I wonder why they (both a FOX as much as a CBS) do that?  Maybe because they want to hide what’s really going on, and as long as we are willing to pick a side and stick to it no matter what, they know truth and lie doesn’t matter. 

Feel like we’ve seen this movie before…

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17 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

I wonder why they (both a FOX as much as a CBS) do that?  Maybe because they want to hide what’s really going on, and as long as we are willing to pick a side and stick to it no matter what, they know truth and lie doesn’t matter. 

Feel like we’ve seen this movie before…

This might be a good point.   Interesting for sure.


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4 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

But I think the point is why are so many just extremely hung up and obsessed with Hunter’s breaking of the law, but willing to turn a blind eye or excuse aside or somehow wither away at congressmen and women and government officials breaking the law? 

Answer: because that’s what FOX, just like the other media outlets you have such a problem with do but failed to include in your list of manipulative media, tell us that’s what we should be obsessed with. 

I wonder why they (both a FOX as much as a CBS) do that?  Maybe because they want to hide what’s really going on, and as long as we are willing to pick a side and stick to it no matter what, they know truth and lie doesn’t matter. 

Feel like we’ve seen this movie before…

Robert Kennedy told us why.  Clicks and money.

We the people eat it up because ‘81M votes.’

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