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How many rounds of voting will it take to elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House?

How many rounds of voting will it take to elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. How many rounds of voting will it take to elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House?

    • 1
    • More than 1, but less than McCarthy
    • McCarthy
    • More than McCarthy
    • Jordan will not be elected Speaker of the House

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1 hour ago, mspart said:

Jordan is now backing McHenry as permanent temporary speaker. 


I am not seeing that. What I have read is that when Jordan proposed temporarily expanding until some date (opinions differ), the role of the Speaker pro tempore's powers, to allow for re-opening the House and introducing legislation that he did not have the support for that either from fellow Republicans. As a result he will call his opponents to discuss how to move forward (such a non-statement).

It sounds like they would need Democratic support for any proposal as there is nowhere near enough Republican support. And the idea of crossing the aisle is the third rail of the Freedom Caucus.

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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20 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:


And Jordan ran into a lot of friction for this proposal and backed off of it. He is going to ask for a third vote instead.

Can't be seen to look "weak".  Which with the controlling part of the modern Republican party means "compromise anything at all."

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Looks like 433 present (though still finishing up call to quorum aka roll call). So 217 is the number today. With 221 Republicans present cannot lose more than 4 of them. Unless he can reach across the aisle to convert some De....Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN

Edited by Wrestleknownothing

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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