i know old man Knox pretty well. i guess it the comments on here just don't sit well with me. Several on here are making him out to be a jersey douche bag meat head that was looking for trouble and it's simply not the case.
there were a bunch of idiots talking out their ass, like they have been for Anthony's whole career and the old man had enough and went to say something about it.
he didn't fight. he didn't touch anyone.
i'm not advocating for fighting, but i also can't say i wouldn't give someone a piece of my mind if they were doing the same to my family.
and - this is mere speculation - but i doubt it crossed Mr. Knox's mind that it would escalate to that and that Anthony would get involved.
anyway, again, to each their own. i probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with. but alas, it's a message board, and people talk out of their asses.