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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. what radical changes? joy reid? and who is 'jumping ship'? i agree they haven't learned much. doubling down on the nonsense that made them lose to 'the worst presidential candidate in history' yet again. but i don't see this mass exodus you speak of
  2. several Joe Biden speeches.
  3. oversight like losing billions of dollars or oversight like being trillions in debt or oversight like not being able to pass an audit?
  4. i know old man Knox pretty well. i guess it the comments on here just don't sit well with me. Several on here are making him out to be a jersey douche bag meat head that was looking for trouble and it's simply not the case. there were a bunch of idiots talking out their ass, like they have been for Anthony's whole career and the old man had enough and went to say something about it. he didn't fight. he didn't touch anyone. i'm not advocating for fighting, but i also can't say i wouldn't give someone a piece of my mind if they were doing the same to my family. and - this is mere speculation - but i doubt it crossed Mr. Knox's mind that it would escalate to that and that Anthony would get involved. anyway, again, to each their own. i probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with. but alas, it's a message board, and people talk out of their asses.
  5. why is there outrage of 'personal liberty and free markets' lol
  6. you're making things up in your head again, Trip. they told you why - they didn't get them. that being said, they should have stfu until they had them. both sides have gotten in to the extraordinarily bad habit of trying to stir up as much media noise as possible over everything. just shut up and produce.
  7. if ya wanna be judgmental dorks, have at it. to each their own.
  8. please just make the gd data say he stalls so people can confirm their bias.
  9. lol. why is this difficult? the one that everyone was ripping b/c he had no sleeves, tattoos, and an 'mma background' (even though that's not exactly accurate b/c his true background is bjj)
  10. yes, i'm well aware of that. i'm just saying the nerds doing it on here are wrong.
  11. Mr. Knox did? i specifically said Mr. Knox.
  12. it certainly is a Sh Show. they look disorganized af. what they (Bondi/Patel) are claiming now though is that the FBI Field Office in NY didn't send them anything close to the full files. apparently there is a 8am tomorrow deadline. i won't hold my breath.
  13. oh, cmon.
  14. 'nut bag' is also simply defined. and there's more evidence you're bat *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* crazy than there is anything to suggest jross is a communist lol.
  15. what did he do?
  16. despite the damning evidence that is the lack of sleeves on Mr. Knox and other appearance-related data, is there anything to suggest he harmed a soul? or we just doing that judgement thing?
  17. welp, new replacement just dropped....
  18. fwiw i think this $5m thing is an extreme by Trump and response to the extreme by the left in letting the southern border be completely open. however i've looked at other countries over the years and there's a ton of them that have similar policies and/or ask you to make a significant investment in their country to secure citizenship.
  19. with the way labor laws are currently, is there still a need for unions? they seem like nothing more than bloat and insulation for the least productive.
  20. you don't know what 'communist' means even though what you espouse clearly puts you adjacent to that definition. nothing about jross says 'communist' nut bag lefts like yourself like to throw around 'communist' and 'fascist' and 'nazi' without the slightest clue wtf they're talking about.
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