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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. There aren't ANY elections that are lost solely because of the influence of a single lobby group. But they make a difference though. A big difference.
  2. You're 100% off point. He has given money to specific groups that support specific efforts that you don't like but A) there are literally dozens of not hundreds of causes that he supports and B) very few of those direct U.S. taxpayer $ away from U.S. citizens. You're so far out in left field that I'm not even sure you're on Earth. AIPAC's sole purpose is to direct U.S. taxpayer dollars to another country, AND away from any causes that would directly benefit U.S. citizens. If you can't see how much worse this is than the multitude of causes that Soros supports (the vast majority of which DO at least help some U.S. citizens), you are hopeless.
  3. You should look at the causes that Soros supports. There's absolutely zero parallel to AIPAC
  4. So you're saying that that is Soros' sole mission? I'll call your B.S. on that one
  5. Is Soros' sole mission to funnel U.S. taxpayer dollars out of the U.S., toward a particular country or ethnic group, and away from domestic purposes? If so, then yes, I am completely opposed to him.
  6. Here's another representative getting destroyed by AIPAC https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/politics/national-politics/which-billionaires-are-backing-wesley-bell-cori-bush-in-their-rival-bids-for-congress/63-ed2a9ca4-28d6-4f88-a93f-91de657af8a7
  7. Pulling a fire alarm is 99.999999% inconsequential to U.S. citizens. But that's really a red herring. Bowman vs Latimer is a matter of opinion and which one is truly better has absolutely nothing to do with my point. The point is that we have a VERY powerful lobby group who's sole purpose is to funnel your tax dollars to a particular foreign country; money that could otherwise go toward schools, roads, infrastructure, assistance to those in need (e.g. shore up our social security), the national debt, or even our own military or (indirectly) fire or police (throw those in there since that's where wingers want to direct all the $). Furthermore, they will do WHATEVER needs to be done to destroy anybody that wants to keep those dollars home in the U.S. This was example A1. $14M dollars spent on a single U.S. House election.; just to get rid of this guy that didn't want to support Israel's agenda of murdering thousands of innocent women & children. This was a record amount of $ for a U.S. House election. Politicians and others need to be aware of this. Get in line and support mass foreign aid to Israel or YOU will be taken down also.
  8. How can you tell when Trump is lying? When his lips are moving.
  9. 150% wrong. Extreme heating has followed the skyrocketing CO2 levels. Are you smoking crack?
  10. For the lift of me, I don't understand why anybody watches these. These are one of the dumbest types of spectacles that we have in this country. All these politicians do is exaggerate (typical for Biden), outright lie (more typical for Fat Donny) and attack each other. The only thing you can really get out of one of these debates is who has the sharper tongue. I can gladly say that I haven't watched one of these in several years and I don't plan on watching this one either, whenever it is.
  11. Jamaal Bowman from NY became well known for his opposition of U.S. support for Israel, particularly after their brutal and inhumane treatment of Palestinians since last fall. Last night he got destroyed in the Democratic primary by George Latimer. AIPAC, one of the most powerful lobby groups in the U.S., spent huge amounts of money. Total amount spent by AIPAC is unknown because they funnel a lot through dark money groups but total spent on this election was > $14M. This is more than has EVER been spent on a House race in the history of the U.S. Lesson learned is that if you oppose AIPAC's agenda, they WILL do everything in their power to take you down, and take you down hard. Their sole purpose is to funnel U.S. taxpayer money toward a particular foreign country and ethnic group, and away from purposes that would benefit U.S. citizens.
  12. The hypocritical wingers constantly complain about the debt when there is a Democrat as President; then suddenly go silent when their guy becomes President. They also want to constantly cut taxes, while increasing spending on our fat & bloated military-industrial complex. Example of 'winger hypocrisy #49 billion. Reality is that we will NEVER get the debt under control unless we BOTH increase taxes AND cut spending. Sudden drastic slashes to welfare would be a disaster. You think we have high crime now?
  13. And if it isn't the tip (if you are wrong), then that's only because of corrupt justice department and judges. It's all very simple.
  14. Whoopty doo. Is he going to actually bring in some blue chip talent? Pay the "NIL" money out of his own pocket that is needed to actually get and retain top wrestlers, or improve the facilities? If not, I don't really care.
  15. The name of the actual social media site doesn't really matter. Typical winger comment.
  16. Maybe he should get on Twitter and start cutting down anybody that attacks him.
  17. I'm smoking true objectivity. I don't watch the BS fear mongering by Fox News/talk/paranormal radio or CNN/MSNBC
  18. Almost 100% of abortions are single-family households (unless they are being done for medical reasons) so saying that abortion is being chosen "over" traditional family values is complete nonsense. You're free to have your own traditional family. Nobody is trying to stop you, so maybe the 'wingers should concentrate on their own relationships instead of trying to pick apart alternative ones.
  19. You can see it right on this thread; and also the thread about the Trump verdict. The hypocrisy is truly unbelievable. You can't make this stuff up.
  20. There are some good cops but way too much corruption. It's gotten better but has a long ways to go. EVERY cop needs to be wearing a cam and microphone at all times while on duty. That won't stop their payoffs from drug Lords during off-duty hours but it will help a lot overall.
  21. This is just like the Trump verdict. If Biden were innocent, it was because the jury was corrupt. If he's guilty, justice prevailed. The hypocrisy of the right is 100% predictable.
  22. The crooked cops need to clean up their act. Quit planting evidence, manipulating and bullying suspects during interrogations and making up excuses to commit violence. The pigs created their own problems.
  23. If Trump would have been found "not guilty" the 'wingers would have been saying he was vindicated and justice prevailed. If he was found guilty, the trial was rigged. This was all 100% predictable. The 'winger minions are just like Trump. They spin the pretext based upon the outcome.
  24. Democracy is in peril because half the country is actually willing to vote for a felon.
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