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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. You'd have to make it taxpayer-funded, but that won't fly either because there are proven side effects and somebody can always say "well, I'm deciding to get pregnant" in order to get off the pills.
  2. Will Hunter Biden's case get thrown out now? I believe that was a special counsel too. Nah. That corrupt judge was careful to make sure her particular reasoning (not being confirmed by the Senate) didn't apply to Biden's special counsel.
  3. Not as dedicated to winning as the Republicans. Republicans will do WHATEVER it takes. Democrats will only go so far. I actually wish they could match the aggressiveness, political savvy and cut-throat style of the Republicans.
  4. I don't see much evidence for that personally, but I wouldn't put it past the GOP, in general, to do whatever it takes to win. I have to give your party credit. You are incredibly resourceful, organized and are willing to any level to win. Shows a lot of determination and drive.
  5. The guy held on to classified documents at his home, 1.5 years after he was out of office, and despite repeated requests for him to return the documents. FBI raided his palace and found them. Doesn't get much more of a slam dunk than that. However, we live in a Banana Republic where the elite don't get held accountable for their crimes.
  6. The evidence is extremely strong. If this is decided based upon the facts presented thus far (and not how the prosecutor was appointed) and the decider (judge or jury) was even somewhat objective, he gets more felony counts stacked on his already impressive felony record.
  7. No need to kill the fetus. She has the right to remove it from her body, or have it removed. Do you understand the difference? Somebody needs to drive her to the clinic. Nice try, but this is all VERY simple. The water gets muddy for the wingers because they are on the moral low ground.
  8. DOJ has been operating under the same guidelines and laws for 25 years now re: special counsels. How interesting that a Trump-appointed judge now says it is illegal on the day of Trump's nomination. Great timing. This was a slam dunk case and Trump's only hope was to get it thrown out on a technicality. The merits of the case were slam-dunk and everybody in this country should be disappointed in how this has gone. Anybody responsible for a crime should be held accountable. Nothing to see here....move along.
  9. The moral issue is control over the body. You don't have to kill the fetus to remove it. It is NOT the woman's problem if the hospital can't keep the fetus alive. And YES, this should extend to girls under the age of 18 also.
  10. The woman should ALWAYS have the right to remove the fetus. That's my crystal clear position. Now if the hospital can potentially keep the fetus alive then it should be kept alive. I also feel strongly about that. Now, what happens if the fetus is, say 15 weeks old so it can'be kept alive? I don't have a strong opinion. Probably better to just abort it rarther than let it have a slower death.
  11. abortion is a God-given right, protected by God and the Constitution. At least to have the baby removed from the body. There is no debate here. I'd say the same thing about being able to consume a plant that grows naturally on God's earth. Country is going off the deep end to the right as we continue to lose individual freedoms and as wealth disparities continue to grow also.
  12. Yah; I plotted the whole thing with him (my buddy) and was giving him instructions on Saturday.
  13. Yah thanks. Bigbrog made the request about me so I turned the table on another person.
  14. Well, he is threatening to take drastic actions to significantly increase his power. Potentially allow him to control the interest rates and make every federal worker a lapdog for him.
  15. Let's get rid of the liberal posters on here and just create another echo chamber for Republican propaganda. Just like Fox News.
  16. These people are completely nuts. The right-wing propaganda and divisiveness have created a nationwide mob of whackos and they'll shoot Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between. There's no limit to where these people will go and I think we've just seen the beginning. Even though he was shot by a right-winger, there WILL DEFINITELY be retaliation and shooting of minorities and Democrats.
  17. The right-wing whacko conspiracy theories are never-ending. It's a true vortex of stupidity.
  18. I watched 10 minutes of the RNC yesterday before I had to go to the bathroom and vomit. I heard people talking about how strong he is and one delegate even called him "Braveheart." First of all, the guy got grazed in the ear and I'm sure he was pumped full of adrenaline. Being able to shake your fist after getting grazed in the ear doesn't make you a tough guy. The guy also cowered from combat every chance he got and has hidden behind lawyers his entire life. He's a complete wuss bag.
  19. This is the epitome of a conflict of interest. What we have here is a corrupt, right-wing judge that was appointed by Trump and is now making a ruling on his criminal activities. It doesn't get any worse than that. It also had nothing to do with the merits of the case, so this will either be appealed successfully or re-filed. Trump is a criminal and will eventually go down.
  20. If it can legally be appealed, and is, and you have an objective judge(s), then whatever you want.
  21. You can't make this stuff up. His case is "thrown out" by a judge that he appointed. It will certainly get appealed & reversed by any even somewhat neutral/objective judges.
  22. Going from 35 to 40% top marginal tax rate is a COMPLETELY different situation than raising a tax rate that is already 95%. You may want to take a class in optimization. There's a curve (upside down "U") that provides the most tax revenue and it's always somewhere much higher than 0% but much lower than 100%. It's actually very complicated because we have different marginal tax rates, there are other taxes, and other factors at play, but to compare raising a tax rate that is already at 35% to one that is already at 95% shows a gross ignorance of the optimization concept.
  23. A 99% is a gross extrapolation and therefore a completely different situation. Total strawman. 100%.
  24. FDR raised taxes AND revenue. Your facts are so wrong it isn't even funny.
  25. 99% is WAY too high so that's a nice straw man argument. We would easily raise revenue by raising taxes on the rich.
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