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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. Have you taken note of all the crazy statements he's made during interviews? He would get exposed SO bad each time he made a dumb statement like that. t would be like taking candy from a kid.
  2. Which planet are you talking about? EVERYBODY knew that Biden is in cognitive decline and would have trouble debating a 4th grader. It was even worse than they thought but we all knew he wasn't sharp at all. Somebody with normal cognitive abilities will crush him. I don't normally watch debates (including the last one) because the candidates just lie about everything anyway but I would seriously watch Harris vs. Trump merely for entertainment value because he'll get crushed.
  3. LOL. He's an easy target with all the ridiculous statements he's made. Harris would bury him. He's seriously going off the deep end. Seems like he makes a blatant lie or otherwise dumb statement (e.g. I selected Vance because he values family) every single day.
  4. I agree, but sort of a trivial thing to complain about with all the bigger problems going on in the world.
  5. He probably will, but only after his lead evaporates, which is already occurring. If he kept his big lead, he would take the cowardly route.
  6. Not only is he a coward, but a horrible liar. He said he won't debate Harris because "everybody already knows about her" or something like that. Seriously - you can't come up with a better lie than that? You think people are going to believe that you think people DONT know about the person that has been in the White House for 12 years and President as 4 but they DO know about Harris. Meanwhile, he said that he selected JD Vance because he values family. That's his reason for picking his VP. You can't make this stufff up. I'm thinking more and more that I'm living in a simulation that is just here for the amusement of some higher power. Harris calls him out though: "Say it to my face." Gotta love it. He's still gonna be a coward though, like he always has been.
  7. Democrats don't want a nanny state though, or at least very few do. There is an appropriate balance between holding people accountable but also taking care of them when/if they need it.
  8. Oh yah. So I guess the statements that are the subject of this threat came after.
  9. Funny how EVERY Democrat is an "extremist." All the more "moderate" Democrats must be running in the "other elections."
  10. Meanwhile, you are looking at only one type of news source. If you go to talk radio, social media and other internet sites (that aren't official "news" stations), they are dominated by the whacky right.
  11. Was this before or after he said that anybody that burns the U.S. flag should get a year in jail and police officers should be exempt from prosecution, no matter what kind of atrocities they commit.
  12. How about proposing a 1 year jail sentence for anybody that burns the American flag? Clearly violates the 1st amendment but right-wingers continue to ignore the Constitution. How about making ALL police officers immune from prosecution? In Trump's crazy fantasy world, a cop would be off the hook criminally for shooting and killing whoever he feels like but somebody that burns their own American flag in their own house would go to jail for a year. SCARY!!!!
  13. Conspiracy is that Google, along with everybody else, has a leftist/communist agenda, including all the media outlets that are proclaiming this left-wing media bias. Makes me laugh by rear off.
  14. It's where right wingers have no idea what they're talking about and just fill in all their knowledge gaps with the craziest idea possible that also fits their righte-wing agenda.
  15. Right-wingers are prone to say pretty much anything and are all over the place with random ill-informed thoughts and conspiracy theories. Yah, that's because they "think for themselves." Or maybe there really isn't much thought there at all.
  16. We should have nothing to do with this country. Netanyahoo is a psychopath with no regard for the lives of innocent civilians. The barbarism would be much, much worse if he wasn't under international pressure to keep his eye on military targets. We should tell Israel that they are on their own. If their people want to move to the U.S., go ahead. but we will not support their genocide and barbarism any longer. We made a mistake by designating this land to a specific religion/ethnicity in 1948 in the first place. It was a kneejerk over-reaction to the Holocaust. We made a mistake and should cut our losses ASAP. This region will NEVER have peace now (particularly since Israel has taken even more land by force than was originally given to them in 1948) without a two state solution (that is proportional to the original populations in that area in 1948) or a complete elimination of the Jews or Arabs (that would be the most horrible) in that region.
  17. Attacks are justified. He's going completely off the rails. His remarks are getting crazier and crazier. Has a much sharper tongue than Biden but his statements are unbelievably bizarre, along with his judgment.
  18. What a joke. At first I wasn't even going to look at this thread because I don't care too much but I clicked on it out of curiosity and, sure enough, it's another right-wing conspiracy theory. Everybody is ganging up on the conservatives and everybody has a bias against the conservatives. Blah, blah, blah. Same 'old wussy victim mentality gets recycled over and over but in different contexts.
  19. Let's start over. What was your point in bringing that up in the first place?
  20. There is so much that is mind boggling that I don't know where to begin. It could be the lack of understanding that the VP is actually part of the ticket, that you don't realize that it's your own problem if you vote for somebody you don't like, or that people vote for people (including those at the top of the ticket) they don't like all the time. (lesser of 2 evils concept or other factors) and it still counts as a vote.
  21. Pretty basic concept. Shouldn't be difficult to understand. The stuff I see on this forum boggles my mind quite often.
  22. Yah; most of what you see from the wingers is made up. Particularly media outlets like Faux Neews.
  23. Where did Harris say we should take guns away from everybody?
  24. Yah, maybe. I don't think Lipdrag was.
  25. You need to learn basic economics. We would go into a depression with 0% inflation or deflation.
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