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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. I have no experience with that whatsoever, but I can tell you that here's NO age when it's appropriate talk about how "hot" your daughter is.
  2. Some of the idiots here will donate to him.
  3. Pro: He's not a psychopath like Fat Donny
  4. You need to brush up on your history. The Israeli brutality and unfair treatment toward Palestinians has been ongoing since 1948. What happened in October was in reaction to much worse things that have been ongoing for decades. Also, as usual, Israel's reaction was over the top and disproportionately brutal.
  5. Onus is on you. The wingers constantly say that climate change is a hoax, all to profit green energy companies. The stupidity makes mw want to puke.
  6. Trying to help you Jimmy. To understand why so many ( and growing) people in that part of the world hate Israel so much. It generally isn't because of anti semitism or because their religion tells them to.
  7. Same thing, but Israel has killed an order of magnitude more and the mass butchery/genocide continues.
  8. They also didn't butcher nearly as many as Israel. Not remotely close.
  9. To be honest, I'm not in favor of ANY student debt cancellation. However, if they are going to help anybody out, it should be those that are in public SERVICE!
  10. They "make" zero. The money gets distributed. Mostly to services with smaller amounts to the workers (at relatively low wages). .
  11. I don't care what their % profit is. Their total profit is fat & bloated and the renewable energy sector can't come close.
  12. They deserve it. Public sector is underpaid, in general
  13. No way. They are mass murderers committing genocide. So is Hamas but Israel butchered many, many more.
  14. Go ahead and kill my innocent family members and see what happens. I'll get my revenge one way or the other. So yah, I can empathize w them.
  15. Yes. Butchering civilians has ALWAYS backfired and will backfire this time too. We'd be best off having nothing to do with these genocidal maniacs. Well eventually get nuked for it.
  16. For every innocent civilian (many are kids too) they butcher, they fill dozen family members full of new hatred.
  17. Wow what ignorance and bigotry on full display. Not even close to true.
  18. Most men in the middle east are not terrorists, but were doing our best to increase that number.
  19. Johnson will eventually just stick to football. Not a great class. It's just average, again.
  20. We're creating more terrorists with every innocent civilian that we butcher. That's what happens in the real world. Real men don't just roll over and let you pee on them.
  21. He's helping the battle against inflation.
  22. Some of the charges are a witchhunt but some are very legitimate.
  23. There are many, many more people that stand to profit or otherwise directly benefit off of fossil fuels than green energy, including politicians. The fossil fuel industry is a fat, bloated pig.
  24. Last time I checked, Al Gore wasn't a climatologist so this is a horrible example. Try again. Politicians also exaggerate or lie pretty much every sentence they make (even though some like Fat Donny lie a lot more) so what any of them say is pretty much worthless, no matter what.
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